StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for April 6, 2019

AfreecaTV World Invitational #35 Ro4 hide (2)
2390 SpeCial MX T 2–3 P KR Creator 2355 LotV online
1867 Brat_OK RU T 0–3 Z KR Solar 2905 LotV online
AfreecaTV World Invitational #35 Final hide (1)
2455 Creator KR P 1–4 Z KR Solar 2670 LotV online
Alpha X Champions Cup #1 Group Stage 1 Group B hide (5)
1730 Uzikoti FR T 1–2 Z FR hinO 1492 LotV online
1664 Bioice CA Z 2–0 P CA KingSlayer 1134 LotV online
1553 hinO FR Z 1–2 Z CA Bioice 1643 LotV online
1625 Uzikoti FR T 1–2 P CA KingSlayer 1133 LotV online
1386 hinO FR Z 2–1 P CA KingSlayer 1134 LotV online
Bulgarian StarCraft League 2019 Season 2 Group Stage 2 Group A hide (5)
1596 Nitix BG Z 2–0 Z BG Manny LotV online
969 Lilbeary BG P 2–0 T BG Jotokurti LotV online
1539 Nitix BG Z 2–0 P BG Lilbeary 877 LotV online
Jotokurti BG T 0–2 Z BG Manny LotV online
877 Lilbeary BG P 2–1 Z BG Manny LotV online
GSL 2019 Season 1 Code S Ro4 hide (2)
2788 Maru KR T 4–0 P KR Trap 2630 LotV offline
Liga Guatemalteca de StarCraft 2 2019 Season 1 Playoffs Third place match hide (1)
979 chivugt GT P 3–1 T GT DooM 1044 LotV offline
Liga Guatemalteca de StarCraft 2 2019 Season 1 Playoffs Final hide (1)
1068 Ryoku GT Z 3–4 T GT LuisJr 1021 LotV offline
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 WB Ro32 hide (14)
879 Pure FR T 2–0 P FR NeWHoriZonS 708 LotV online
862 maGe CZ P 2–0 P MA TheKyoJin 872 LotV online
837 GumGumRuFFy DE T 2–1 Z EE kiyj 889 LotV online
941 HaPe PL P 2–0 T DE mintcrystal 766 LotV online
1071 Milantes DE T 2–0 T PE NeO 934 LotV online
988 imData FR P 2–0 T DE ShooN 1000 LotV online
553 LastSurprise US T 2–1 P FR arrogfire 988 LotV online
Jumy DE P 2–0 Z CZ robotikov 694 LotV online
1102 NukeLar UA P 2–0 R FR ArtyK 739 LotV online
1057 Senryakku FR T 2–0 T FR Takesh 966 LotV online
997 KraxXx FR Z 2–0 T BA Merchant 189 LotV online
967 Seigifried US P 2–0 Z FR Oxwaa 983 LotV online
869 Lycid DE P 2–1 P DE eagle 1026 LotV online
1276 DasDuelon DE Z 2–1 P DE hallo 988 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 WB Ro16 hide (7)
893 Pure FR T 3–0 T DE Pulsar 723 LotV online
861 maGe CZ P 3–0 T DE GumGumRuFFy 763 LotV online
1066 Milantes DE T 3–1 P PL HaPe 941 LotV online
988 imData FR P 3–0 T US LastSurprise 553 LotV online
Jumy DE P 3–2 P UA NukeLar 1024 LotV online
997 KraxXx FR Z 2–0 T FR Senryakku 1068 LotV online
1086 Seigifried US P 3–2 P DE Lycid 869 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 LB Round 1 hide (3)
826 kiyj EE Z 2–0 P MA TheKyoJin 863 LotV online
934 NeO PE T 2–0 T DE mintcrystal 773 LotV online
710 ArtyK FR R 2–0 Z CZ robotikov 707 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 LB Round 2 hide (5)
869 Lycid DE P 2–0 P FR NeWHoriZonS 803 LotV online
889 kiyj EE Z 2–0 T FR Senryakku 1068 LotV online
1160 NukeLar UA P 2–1 T PE NeO 982 LotV online
978 HaPe PL P 2–1 R FR ArtyK 739 LotV online
553 LastSurprise US T 2–1 P DE hallo 961 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 LB Round 3 hide (3)
1160 NukeLar UA P 3–0 T DE ShooN 1000 LotV online
941 HaPe PL P 3–1 T US LastSurprise 553 LotV online
763 GumGumRuFFy DE T 3–1 P DE eagle 1105 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 WB Ro16 hide (3)
1418 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 T BR Pereira 737 LotV online
1154 Shakti BR P 2–0 T PE furion LotV online
Duepe BR T 0–2 Z CO Lanzarot 824 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 WB Ro8 hide (4)
2094 Erik BR Z 2–0 P BR MimeronVex 831 LotV online
1544 eGGz CO Z 2–1 Z BR TheZergLord 1284 LotV online
1268 TerraN BR T 2–0 P BR Shakti 1154 LotV online
1566 Ryu PE Z 2–1 Z CO Lanzarot 744 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 WB Ro4 hide (2)
2195 Erik BR Z 1–2 Z CO eGGz 1544 LotV online
1322 TerraN BR T 1–2 Z PE Ryu 1711 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 WB Final hide (1)
1544 eGGz CO Z 2–0 Z PE Ryu 1566 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 LB Round 2 hide (3)
1154 Shakti BR P 1–0 T BR Pereira 723 LotV online
1418 TheZergLord BR Z 1–0 T PE furion LotV online
1121 MimeronVex BR P 1–0 T BR Duepe LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 LB Round 3 hide (2)
864 Lanzarot CO Z 0–1 P BR Shakti 1256 LotV online
1463 TheZergLord BR Z 1–0 P BR MimeronVex 831 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 LB Round 4 hide (2)
1322 TerraN BR T 1–0 Z BR TheZergLord 1418 LotV online
2094 Erik BR Z 0–1 P BR Shakti 1256 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 LB Round 5 hide (1)
1154 Shakti BR P 1–2 T BR TerraN 1268 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #49 LB Round 6 hide (1)
1711 Ryu PE Z 2–0 T BR TerraN 1322 LotV online
StarLine League Junior #1 Group Stage 2 Group A hide (5)
1020 DeeDan RU T 1–2 P RU FroZy 1010 LotV online
937 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 P RU GrinFomiN LotV online
1010 FroZy RU P 1–2 T RU MilkiCow 937 LotV online
1020 DeeDan RU T 2–0 P RU GrinFomiN LotV online
1010 FroZy RU P 2–1 T RU DeeDan 1020 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group A hide (6)
1284 Rhizer US P 2–0 T US Kozan 1265 LotV online
828 Wilo CA Z 0–2 T US Future 2056 LotV online
1953 Future US T 2–1 P US Rhizer 1284 LotV online
1341 Kozan US T 1–2 Z CA Wilo 828 LotV online
859 Wilo CA Z 2–1 P US Rhizer 1377 LotV online
1170 Kozan US T 0–2 T US Future 2015 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group B hide (5)
1475 starkiller US Z 2–1 T US FoxeR 1360 LotV online
1894 Vindicta US T 2–1 Z US starkiller 1475 LotV online
980 Raz US Z 0–2 Z US starkiller 1584 LotV online
1254 FoxeR US T 0–2 T US Vindicta 1762 LotV online
975 Raz US Z 0–2 T US Vindicta 1894 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group C hide (4)
1425 Sinner MX T 0–2 P US Bonkers 1219 LotV online
1197 Bonkers US P 0–2 Z US Nistic 1138 LotV online
990 Nistic US Z 2–0 T MX Sinner 1179 LotV online
1197 Bonkers US P 0–2 Z CA Bioice 1664 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group D hide (6)
1072 FireZerg CA Z 2–0 P US ReSpOnSe 1395 LotV online
1052 WildGame US T 0–2 T CA DisK 1643 LotV online
1722 DisK CA T 2–0 Z CA FireZerg 1319 LotV online
1313 ReSpOnSe US P 2–1 T US WildGame 944 LotV online
972 WildGame US T 0–2 Z CA FireZerg 1319 LotV online
1313 ReSpOnSe US P 2–0 T CA DisK 1575 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group E hide (3)
1216 Hunta US Z 2–0 P US Nycro 1118 LotV online
1119 Nycro US P 2–0 P US Seigifried 1086 LotV online
967 Seigifried US P 0–2 Z US Hunta 1216 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group F hide (6)
1406 Creature US P 2–0 Z CR EON 1209 LotV online
1124 Bowman US P 0–2 T US Cuddlebear 1630 LotV online
1630 Cuddlebear US T 1–2 P US Creature 1254 LotV online
1209 EON CR Z 1–2 P US Bowman 1035 LotV online
955 Bowman US P 0–2 P US Creature 1198 LotV online
1246 EON CR Z 0–2 T US Cuddlebear 1700 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group G hide (5)
1133 Flood CA Z 2–1 Z US CalebAracous 1255 LotV online
1256 CalebAracous US Z 0–2 P US Ninja 1232 LotV online
1090 Jamileon US P 2–1 Z CA Flood 1056 LotV online
1056 Flood CA Z 0–2 P US Ninja 1232 LotV online
1090 Jamileon US P 1–2 Z US CalebAracous 1256 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 3 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group H hide (6)
1641 Asuna CN P 2–1 Z CH PengWin 1170 LotV online
1093 Early US P 2–0 Z US WarreN 1541 LotV online
1541 WarreN US Z 2–1 P CN Asuna 1641 LotV online
1170 PengWin CH Z 0–2 P US Early 1093 LotV online
1141 Early US P 0–2 P CN Asuna 1314 LotV online
1114 PengWin CH Z 0–2 Z US WarreN 1676 LotV online
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament Playoffs Match 1 hide (1)
2205 Cham MX Z 3–1 P US Astrea 2100 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament Playoffs Match 2 hide (1)
2252 MaSa CA T 3–1 Z MX Cham 2315 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament Playoffs Match 3 hide (1)
2246 Oliveira CN T 2–3 T CA MaSa 2102 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament Playoffs Match 4 hide (1)
2596 Neeb US P 3–1 T CA MaSa 2229 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Americas Main Tournament Playoffs Final hide (1)
2664 Scarlett CA Z 2–4 P US Neeb 2902 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan First Stage LB Round 2 hide (4)
1109 NaXin TW T 1–2 Z SE Winter 1898 LotV online
1519 Bistork HK P 0–2 T TW ExpecT 1566 LotV online
1121 MysteryMan TW Z 2–1 T JP PSiArc 1478 LotV online
1211 Cell TW Z 2–0 P TW Shang 952 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan First Stage LB Round 3 hide (2)
1257 Cell TW Z 0–2 Z SE Winter 1708 LotV online
1642 ExpecT TW T 2–0 Z TW MysteryMan 1121 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Ro64 hide (14)
995 PhyNixSonski PH T 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack -69 LotV online
1042 Ranger MY P 2–1 T MY Nefarious 962 LotV online
742 JusticeSimon VN P 0–2 P SG Saiko LotV online
450 ShayneRarma AU T 2–0 T VN EmBánGiày 705 LotV online
944 Vivid AU Z 2–0 R CubeDione LotV online
920 Jaquelton ID Z 2–1 P AU Saxy 814 LotV online
818 Luneth AU P 2–0 Z VN DemonhunterP 995 LotV online
974 Quantel ID T 2–1 T AU GooseJuice 1126 LotV online
987 Uply VN Z 2–0 T PH BLaZeR 669 LotV online
993 Chappy AU Z 2–0 Z AU Soundwave 591 LotV online
1185 ThuocLao VN P 2–0 T PH Specs 955 LotV online
1707 Lobo SG P 2–0 T MY Animal 902 LotV online
844 GnuGnu AU P 2–0 T BruceLeroy LotV online
982 ryze AU T 2–0 Z MY Neutrals 937 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Ro32 hide (16)
1856 Seither AU T 2–0 T PH PhyNixSonski 980 LotV online
1189 RunaMoK AU T 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1682 LotV online
1449 Frustration AU P 2–0 P MY Ranger 1020 LotV online
1385 piglet AU T 2–0 P SG Saiko LotV online
1704 MeomaikA VN Z 2–0 T AU ShayneRarma 399 LotV online
1345 Blysk SG P 2–0 Z AU Vivid 977 LotV online
1322 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 Z ID Jaquelton 920 LotV online
1462 Pezz AU P 2–0 P AU Luneth 933 LotV online
1318 Yours AU Z 2–0 T ID Quantel 974 LotV online
1007 aconcises AU T 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1719 LotV online
1447 Azure AU T 2–0 Z VN Uply 987 LotV online
1445 Peppy AU Z 2–0 Z AU Chappy 993 LotV online
1361 NXZ AU Z 2–1 P VN ThuocLao 1075 LotV online
1131 Rize AU Z 2–0 P SG Lobo 1342 LotV online
1443 Demi IN Z 2–0 P AU GnuGnu 708 LotV online
2136 RiSky UK Z 2–0 T AU ryze 982 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Ro16 hide (8)
1901 Seither AU T 2–1 Z NZ Petraeus 1682 LotV online
1541 Frustration AU P 1–2 T AU piglet 1385 LotV online
1665 MeomaikA VN Z 2–1 P SG Blysk 1345 LotV online
1248 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 P AU Pezz 1395 LotV online
1369 Yours AU Z 0–2 Z PH EnDerr 1770 LotV online
1447 Azure AU T 0–2 Z AU Peppy 1282 LotV online
1492 NXZ AU Z 2–0 Z AU Rize 933 LotV online
1580 Demi IN Z 0–2 Z UK RiSky 1811 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Ro8 hide (4)
1856 Seither AU T 2–1 T AU piglet 1500 LotV online
1810 MeomaikA VN Z 0–2 Z NZ Crimson 1322 LotV online
1770 EnDerr PH Z 0–2 Z AU Peppy 1445 LotV online
1492 NXZ AU Z 1–2 Z UK RiSky 1811 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Ro4 hide (2)
1901 Seither AU T 2–1 Z NZ Crimson 1255 LotV online
1445 Peppy AU Z 0–2 Z UK RiSky 1811 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier WB Final hide (1)
1901 Seither AU T 1–2 Z UK RiSky 2136 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 1 hide (13)
982 ryze AU T 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack -69 LotV online
1200 ThuocLao VN P 2–1 P VN JusticeSimon 742 LotV online
1014 Chappy AU Z 2–0 T VN EmBánGiày 593 LotV online
934 Uply VN Z 2–0 R CubeDione LotV online
892 aconcises AU T 2–0 P AU Saxy 880 LotV online
974 Quantel ID T 2–1 Z VN DemonhunterP 988 LotV online
841 Luneth AU P 1–2 T AU GooseJuice 1099 LotV online
1058 Vivid AU Z 2–0 T PH BLaZeR 669 LotV online
399 ShayneRarma AU T 0–1 Z AU Soundwave 626 LotV online
Saiko SG P 2–0 T PH Specs 955 LotV online
1042 Ranger MY P 2–0 T MY Animal 902 LotV online
1110 RunaMoK AU T 1–2 T BruceLeroy LotV online
995 PhyNixSonski PH T 1–2 Z MY Neutrals 937 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 2 hide (7)
844 GnuGnu AU P 0–2 T AU ryze 1015 LotV online
993 Chappy AU Z 0–2 Z VN Uply 867 LotV online
1045 aconcises AU T 2–0 T ID Quantel 974 LotV online
920 Jaquelton ID Z 0–2 T AU GooseJuice 1219 LotV online
797 Vivid AU Z 2–0 Z AU Soundwave 591 LotV online
Saiko SG P 1–2 P MY Ranger 1020 LotV online
BruceLeroy T 1–2 Z MY Neutrals 937 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 3 hide (6)
1444 Pezz AU P 2–0 T AU ryze 1015 LotV online
1301 Blysk SG P 1–2 P VN ThuocLao 1200 LotV online
1291 Frustration AU P 2–1 Z VN Uply 949 LotV online
1682 Petraeus NZ Z 2–1 T AU aconcises 1007 LotV online
1518 Demi IN Z 2–0 T AU GooseJuice 1219 LotV online
1369 Yours AU Z 2–0 Z MY Neutrals 933 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 4 hide (4)
1462 Pezz AU P 2–0 P VN ThuocLao 1200 LotV online
1291 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z NZ Petraeus 1844 LotV online
1580 Demi IN Z 2–0 Z AU Vivid 797 LotV online
1029 Ranger MY P 0–2 Z AU Yours 1279 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 5 hide (4)
1534 EnDerr PH Z 1–2 P AU Pezz 1395 LotV online
1361 NXZ AU Z 1–2 P AU Frustration 1291 LotV online
1472 piglet AU T 0–2 Z IN Demi 1518 LotV online
1810 MeomaikA VN Z 2–1 Z AU Yours 1369 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 6 hide (2)
1462 Pezz AU P 2–0 P AU Frustration 1449 LotV online
1580 Demi IN Z 2–0 Z VN MeomaikA 1810 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 7 hide (2)
1248 Crimson NZ Z 2–0 P AU Pezz 1395 LotV online
1445 Peppy AU Z 2–1 Z IN Demi 1580 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier LB Round 8 hide (1)
1322 Crimson NZ Z 1–2 Z AU Peppy 1445 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Open Qualifier Final hide (1)
1811 RiSky UK Z 2–0 Z AU Peppy 1445 LotV online

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