StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Luneth's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

38.12% (178/467)
770 ± 160
42.71% (41/96)
842 ± 226
35.04% (41/117)
785 ± 226
37.02% (87/235)
682 ± 226
770 ± 160
842 ± 226
785 ± 226
682 ± 226
All 988 ± 160 on Jan. 9, 2013
vP 1070 ± 173 (#None) on Oct. 30, 2013
vT 988 ± 226 on Jan. 9, 2013
vZ 988 ± 226 on Jan. 9, 2013
Race Protoss
Country Australia
Full name Max Wachtel
AKA MLuneth
Team Downfall Gaming
First match July 16, 2012
Last match May 1, 2021
Total earnings $126
Matches played 217 (7.37% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 7405

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/01/2021 794 Luneth AU P 0–2 T AU HuT 1654 LotV online
06/15/2020 610 Luneth AU P 0–2 Z VN Uply 1182 LotV online
06/15/2020 610 Luneth AU P 2–0 Z SG Nameless 786 LotV online
06/15/2020 823 Luneth AU P 1–2 P VN ThuocLao 1481 LotV online
06/14/2020 610 Luneth AU P 0–2 Z AU Chappy 941 LotV online
06/14/2020 610 Luneth AU P 2–0 Z AU Phoenix 667 LotV online
06/14/2020 610 Luneth AU P 2–0 Z NZ FLuX 828 LotV online
06/14/2020 823 Luneth AU P 0–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1184 LotV online
06/14/2020 823 Luneth AU P 2–0 P MY TheMoeHawk 224 LotV online
06/13/2020 610 Luneth AU P 1–2 Z VN Uply 1182 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Downfall Gaming Oct. 5, 2017 yes
All-Inspiration Feb. 7, 2017 Oct. 5, 2017 no