StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for April 7, 2019

Alpha X Pro Series soO vs INnoVation hide (1)
2786 soO KR Z 4–5 T KR INnoVation 2916 LotV online
BaseTradeTV Rifkin's Back Tournament Qualifier Ro16 hide (4)
2017 Spirit PL T 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH 841 LotV online
2126 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–0 T US Groovyman 921 LotV online
1812 Shino FR Z 1–2 T BR TerraN 1322 LotV online
2111 Clem FR T 2–0 T RU MilkiCow 990 LotV online
BaseTradeTV Rifkin's Back Tournament Qualifier Ro8 hide (4)
2127 Denver FR Z 0–2 P PL Krystianer 1802 LotV online
2117 Spirit PL T 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2126 LotV online
2178 DnS FR P 2–0 T BR TerraN 1268 LotV online
2338 Clem FR T 2–0 Z BR Erik 2054 LotV online
BaseTradeTV Rifkin's Back Tournament Qualifier Ro4 hide (2)
1682 Krystianer PL P 0–3 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2186 LotV online
2178 DnS FR P 2–3 T FR Clem 2157 LotV online
BaseTradeTV Rifkin's Back Tournament Qualifier Final hide (1)
2126 GunGFuBanDa DE P 1–2 T FR Clem 2157 LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #19 Ro16 hide (2)
189 Merchant BA T 2–0 Z BG Scorpion LotV online
1475 starkiller US Z 2–0 T DE Terxel 920 LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #19 Ro8 hide (1)
1246 SenSei DE Z 0–2 Z RU Wayne 1894 LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #19 Ro4 hide (2)
1892 Bee RU Z 2–0 T RU MODEUS 1378 LotV online
1584 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z RU Wayne 1894 LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #19 Final hide (1)
1760 Bee RU Z 3–2 Z US starkiller 1584 LotV online
BJ Destruction Match 2019 Season 1 Playoffs Finals Pizza Maru vs Sexy Guy Gisado hide (7)
2190 KeeN KR T 1–0 P KR Patience 2167 LotV offline
2190 Creator KR P 0–1 P KR sOs 2447 LotV offline
2911 Maru KR T 1–0 T KR aLive 2405 LotV offline
2702 Classic KR P 1–0 Z KR SHIN 2301 LotV offline
2190 KeeN KR T 0–1 P KR Trap 2630 LotV offline
2788 Maru KR T 0–1 P KR Trap 2630 LotV offline
2635 Classic KR P 1–0 P KR sOs 2447 LotV offline
Bulgarian StarCraft League 2019 Season 2 Group Stage 2 Group B hide (5)
879 msrm BG Z 2–0 Z BG Tsanibus 935 LotV online
1222 btmn BG P 2–0 Z BG Yovkata 1022 LotV online
940 msrm BG Z 0–2 P BG btmn 1222 LotV online
1022 Yovkata BG Z 1–2 Z BG Tsanibus 935 LotV online
879 msrm BG Z 2–0 Z BG Tsanibus 935 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Ro64 hide (11)
846 MoNsTeR RO P 0–1 P PL Mordrago 1030 LotV online
986 DragonGamerDK DK T 0–1 Z FR LhornyTorynk 1081 LotV online
876 PLmalchik PL Z 1–0 T CZ ssimik 968 LotV online
929 devz CZ Z 1–0 Z DE SchokoRitter 950 LotV online
Jumy DE P 1–0 T FR LMS LotV online
879 Aquatio PL P 0–1 P CZ Poet 988 LotV online
972 sLavek PL T 0–1 T CN hOOdy 960 LotV online
2442 MaNa PL P 1–0 T PL TIGER LotV online
963 TuZa CZ P 0–1 R AT Earendil 904 LotV online
1436 Spazymazy DK Z 1–0 Z NL Azzimov 993 LotV online
999 Yunkar FR P 1–0 P RO Truepassion 932 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Ro32 hide (15)
2095 Guru PL Z 1–0 P PL Mordrago 1014 LotV online
1972 PenguiN KR Z 1–0 Z DE ViolentVik 579 LotV online
1760 Bee RU Z 1–0 Z FR LhornyTorynk 925 LotV online
876 PLmalchik PL Z 0–1 T FI WoodedMicrob 1151 LotV online
1370 PappiJoe DK P 1–0 Z CZ devz 757 LotV online
1152 Kimo FR P 1–0 Z FR BsK 887 LotV online
Jumy DE P 0–1 P PL Gerald 1910 LotV online
2119 Nerchio PL Z 1–0 P CZ Poet 988 LotV online
672 Shoes FR P 0–1 Z CZ amberdrake 787 LotV online
988 arrogfire FR P 0–1 T CN hOOdy 969 LotV online
2442 MaNa PL P 1–0 T PL Spirit 2117 LotV online
1617 domickc KR P 1–0 R AT Earendil 904 LotV online
1436 Spazymazy DK Z 0–1 Z FR LeFaucheur 1478 LotV online
1039 control RU T 0–1 Z DE SenSei 1011 LotV online
999 Yunkar FR P 0–1 Z UA Bly 2472 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Ro16 hide (8)
2101 Guru PL Z 1–0 Z KR PenguiN 1972 LotV online
1892 Bee RU Z 1–0 T FI WoodedMicrob 1151 LotV online
1466 PappiJoe DK P 0–1 P FR Kimo 1107 LotV online
1539 Nitix BG Z 0–1 P PL Gerald 1931 LotV online
2348 Nerchio PL Z 1–0 Z CZ amberdrake 711 LotV online
969 hOOdy CN T 1–0 P PL MaNa 2442 LotV online
1674 domickc KR P 1–0 Z FR LeFaucheur 1507 LotV online
1246 SenSei DE Z 0–1 Z UA Bly 2466 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Ro8 hide (4)
2101 Guru PL Z 2–0 Z RU Bee 1760 LotV online
1107 Kimo FR P 0–2 P PL Gerald 1910 LotV online
2405 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 T CN hOOdy 950 LotV online
1674 domickc KR P 0–2 Z UA Bly 2472 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Ro4 hide (2)
2348 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 Z UA Bly 2466 LotV online
2095 Guru PL Z 2–0 P PL Gerald 1931 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #871 Final hide (1)
2101 Guru PL Z 3–1 Z PL Nerchio 2348 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #164 Ro16 hide (4)
1075 HonMonO KR T 2–0 Z JP Red 919 LotV online
513 zinkisu JP T 0–2 Z JP kaiman 816 LotV online
1007 NOTAKON JP T 2–0 R JP DragonTale LotV online
870 TwoNi JP P 2–0 T JP ganahal 841 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #164 Ro8 hide (4)
1386 Vaisravana JP Z 0–2 T KR HonMonO 1075 LotV online
1478 PSiArc JP T 2–0 Z JP kaiman 816 LotV online
723 entarosasara JP P 0–2 T JP NOTAKON 1050 LotV online
940 HIGUMA JP T 0–2 P JP TwoNi 870 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #164 Ro4 hide (2)
1052 HonMonO KR T 1–2 T JP PSiArc 1701 LotV online
1050 NOTAKON JP T 1–2 P JP TwoNi 870 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #164 Final hide (1)
1317 PSiArc JP T 2–0 P JP TwoNi 870 LotV online
StarLine League Junior #1 Group Stage 2 Group B hide (5)
869 Shame RU Z 1–2 T RU Nicoract 1042 LotV online
881 Upakowka KZ P 1–2 P RU EastToss LotV online
884 Nicoract RU T 1–2 P RU EastToss LotV online
860 Shame RU Z 0–2 P KZ Upakowka 908 LotV online
884 Nicoract RU T 2–1 P KZ Upakowka 957 LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #7 Ro16 hide (2)
1377 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z Hylea LotV online
730 Ribeye US Z 2–0 T NooneKot LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #7 Ro8 hide (3)
2195 Erik BR Z 2–0 Z US Ribeye 722 LotV online
2125 Bee RU Z 0–2 P US Rhizer 1377 LotV online
1584 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US TheZergBerg 602 LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #7 Ro4 hide (2)
2054 Erik BR Z 2–0 T US LastSurprise 553 LotV online
1377 Rhizer US P 0–2 Z US starkiller 1594 LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 1 Cup #7 Final hide (1)
2195 Erik BR Z 3–0 Z US starkiller 1584 LotV online
WCS 2019 Winter Europe Main Tournament Playoffs Match 1 hide (1)
2520 Elazer PL Z 2–3 Z DE Lambo 2485 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Europe Main Tournament Playoffs Match 2 hide (1)
2343 PtitDrogo FR P 3–2 Z DE Lambo 2487 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Europe Main Tournament Playoffs Match 3 hide (1)
3034 Serral FI Z 3–0 P FR PtitDrogo 2343 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Europe Main Tournament Playoffs Match 4 hide (1)
2454 HeRoMaRinE DE T 0–3 Z FI Serral 2880 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Winter Europe Main Tournament Playoffs Final hide (1)
2760 Reynor IT Z 4–3 Z FI Serral 3059 LotV offline
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan First Stage WB Ro4 hide (2)
1568 Rex TW Z 0–2 P TW Has 2056 LotV online
1157 YoGer TW Z 0–2 P TW ButAlways 1459 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan First Stage LB Round 4 hide (2)
1706 Rex TW Z 2–1 Z SE Winter 1708 LotV online
1158 YoGer TW Z 0–2 T TW ExpecT 1642 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA WB Ro16 hide (8)
1563 HuT AU T 2–0 P MY Ranger 1042 LotV online
1445 Peppy AU Z 1–2 Z PH EnDerr 1770 LotV online
1901 Seither AU T 1–2 Z AU NXZ 1243 LotV online
1932 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Vivid 977 LotV online
2136 RiSky UK Z 2–0 T AU piglet 1472 LotV online
1322 Crimson NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Yours 1369 LotV online
1462 Pezz AU P 2–0 P AU Frustration 1449 LotV online
1580 Demi IN Z 2–0 Z VN MeomaikA 1810 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA WB Ro8 hide (4)
1563 HuT AU T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1444 LotV online
1770 EnDerr PH Z 2–0 Z AU NXZ 1492 LotV online
1932 Probe AU P 1–2 Z IN Demi 1443 LotV online
1811 RiSky UK Z 2–1 Z NZ Crimson 1322 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA WB Ro4 hide (2)
1580 Demi IN Z 1–2 Z UK RiSky 1811 LotV online
1395 Pezz AU P 2–1 Z PH EnDerr 1534 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA WB Final hide (1)
1395 Pezz AU P 1–3 Z UK RiSky 1712 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 1 hide (4)
1282 Peppy AU Z 0–2 T AU Seither 1901 LotV online
797 Vivid AU Z 0–2 Z VN MeomaikA 1810 LotV online
1472 piglet AU T 2–0 Z AU Yours 1318 LotV online
1020 Ranger MY P 0–2 P AU Frustration 1449 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 2 hide (4)
1248 Crimson NZ Z 0–2 P AU Frustration 1291 LotV online
1963 Probe AU P 2–1 T AU Seither 1698 LotV online
1492 NXZ AU Z 1–2 Z VN MeomaikA 1810 LotV online
1499 HuT AU T 0–2 T AU piglet 1500 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 3 hide (2)
1449 Frustration AU P 0–2 P AU Probe 1679 LotV online
1704 MeomaikA VN Z 0–2 T AU piglet 1472 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 4 hide (2)
1534 EnDerr PH Z 1–2 P AU Probe 1932 LotV online
1518 Demi IN Z 1–2 T AU piglet 1472 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 5 hide (1)
1963 Probe AU P 2–0 T AU piglet 1385 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA LB Round 6 hide (1)
1462 Pezz AU P 1–3 P AU Probe 1679 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Oceania, SEA Final hide (1)
1712 RiSky UK Z 3–2 P AU Probe 1932 LotV online

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