StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Soundwave's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

37.30% (254/681)
631 ± 160
41.61% (67/161)
670 ± 226
38.42% (68/177)
627 ± 226
32.83% (109/332)
597 ± 226
631 ± 160
670 ± 226
627 ± 226
597 ± 226
All 977 ± 119 (#797) on Aug. 8, 2012
vP 1018 ± 226 on Nov. 11, 2015
vT 987 ± 200 (#738) on Aug. 8, 2012
vZ 967 ± 169 (#840) on Aug. 8, 2012
Race Zerg
Country Australia
Full name Jordan Hamburger
AKA RPR_Tempest
Birthday March 9, 1996
First match April 29, 2012
Last match Aug. 9, 2020
Total earnings $58
Matches played 338 (16.27% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 4625

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
08/09/2020 535 Soundwave AU Z 2–0 Z SG Nameless 821 LotV online
08/09/2020 603 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 T AU piglet 1673 LotV online
08/08/2020 535 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 Z AU Vivid 1095 LotV online
08/08/2020 535 Soundwave AU Z 2–0 Z AU ErebusBlack -192 LotV online
08/08/2020 647 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 P AU Pezz 1644 LotV online
06/15/2020 594 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 T AU aconcises 989 LotV online
06/15/2020 621 Soundwave AU Z 2–0 P AU Schnitzel 414 LotV online
06/15/2020 508 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 Z AU NXZ 1488 LotV online
06/14/2020 621 Soundwave AU Z 0–2 P AU Pezz 1718 LotV online
06/14/2020 508 Soundwave AU Z 2–0 Z SG Nameless 870 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
SYF Gaming Aug. 16, 2014 Aug. 8, 2017 no
Eternal E-Sports May 9, 2012 Aug. 16, 2014 no