StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for April 14, 2019

Alpha X Pro Series Zest vs GuMiho hide (1)
2770 Zest KR P 2–5 T KR GuMiho 2561 LotV online
Bulgarian StarCraft League 2019 Season 2 Group Stage 2 Group D hide (5)
1040 IlPrincipino BG T 2–0 Z BG Levon 1038 LotV online
1204 Numi BG P 2–0 Z BG Scorpion 968 LotV online
1028 Numi BG P 1–2 T BG IlPrincipino 1026 LotV online
1038 Levon BG Z 2–0 Z BG Scorpion 968 LotV online
1204 Numi BG P 2–0 Z BG Levon 1038 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Ro64 hide (2)
Ustritsa KZ Z 0–1 Z DE Forescene 1113 LotV online
858 Aquatio PL P 0–1 T RU Overpass 827 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Ro32 hide (14)
1372 PappiJoe DK P 1–0 Z DE Forescene 1092 LotV online
1062 Jumy DE P 1–0 Z PL esio 766 LotV online
578 ViolentVik DE Z 0–1 Z FR Oxwaa 956 LotV online
Tesper KZ P 0–1 Z CZ amberdrake 743 LotV online
1903 Bee RU Z 1–0 T PL TIGER 985 LotV online
1154 Äelith DE Z 1–0 Z FR Sweetzy 939 LotV online
914 Truepassion RO P 0–1 P PL Krystianer 1785 LotV online
1690 domickc KR P 1–0 Z DE FArAmir LotV online
896 SchokoRitter DE Z 0–1 P FR Kimo 1161 LotV online
1526 Garitos FR Z 1–0 Z CZ devz 928 LotV online
1515 hinO FR Z 1–0 T DE Soon LotV online
892 Highscribe DE Z 0–1 Z KR PenguiN 1952 LotV online
975 Endless BG P 0–1 Z FI Mixu 683 LotV online
827 Overpass RU T 1–0 P PL Gerald 1890 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Ro16 hide (8)
1450 PappiJoe DK P 1–0 P DE Jumy 1053 LotV online
956 Oxwaa FR Z 0–1 Z CZ amberdrake 645 LotV online
1903 Bee RU Z 1–0 T DE ShooN 988 LotV online
1224 Äelith DE Z 0–1 P PL Krystianer 1933 LotV online
1603 domickc KR P 0–1 P FR Kimo 1115 LotV online
1433 Garitos FR Z 1–0 P FR arrogfire 952 LotV online
1590 hinO FR Z 0–1 Z KR PenguiN 1952 LotV online
753 Mixu FI Z 1–0 T RU Overpass 916 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Ro8 hide (4)
1372 PappiJoe DK P 2–0 Z CZ amberdrake 743 LotV online
2046 Bee RU Z 2–0 P PL Krystianer 1933 LotV online
1161 Kimo FR P 1–2 Z FR Garitos 1433 LotV online
1952 PenguiN KR Z 2–0 Z FI Mixu 698 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Ro4 hide (2)
1372 PappiJoe DK P 0–2 Z RU Bee 2046 LotV online
1526 Garitos FR Z 0–2 Z KR PenguiN 1952 LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #873 Final hide (1)
1717 Bee RU Z 2–0 Z KR PenguiN 1952 LotV online
GSL 2019 Season 1 Code S Final hide (1)
2807 Classic KR P 2–4 T KR Maru 2844 LotV offline
Legacy Weekly Japan #165 Ro32 hide (1)
904 TwoNi JP P 2–1 T KR HonMonO 1193 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #165 Ro16 hide (8)
837 ganahal JP T 0–2 P JP TwoNi 904 LotV online
690 Ipheion JP T 0–2 Z SE Winter 1886 LotV online
705 entarosasara JP P 0–2 T JP PSiArc 1324 LotV online
1369 Vaisravana JP Z 2–1 T JP Issen 1065 LotV online
724 tsukabon JP T 0–2 P FR imData 1048 LotV online
1133 MysteryMan TW Z 2–0 T JP hatibe 821 LotV online
828 Red JP Z 0–2 Z JP kaiman 717 LotV online
899 HIGUMA JP T 0–2 T JP NOTAKON 994 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #165 Ro8 hide (4)
854 TwoNi JP P 0–2 Z SE Winter 1630 LotV online
1465 PSiArc JP T 2–0 Z JP Vaisravana 1369 LotV online
797 imData FR P 1–2 Z TW MysteryMan 1092 LotV online
806 kaiman JP Z 0–2 T JP NOTAKON 1004 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #165 Ro4 hide (2)
1886 Winter SE Z 1–2 T JP PSiArc 1465 LotV online
1133 MysteryMan TW Z 0–2 T JP NOTAKON 1004 LotV online
Legacy Weekly Japan #165 Final hide (1)
1690 PSiArc JP T 2–0 T JP NOTAKON 994 LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #51 Ro16 hide (3)
1647 Raza UK T 2–0 T FR Abbadon 1389 LotV online
1547 starkiller US Z 1–2 T RU MilkiCow 1007 LotV online
1952 PenguiN KR Z 2–0 Z CN QzDdb 840 LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #51 Ro8 hide (4)
2009 Erik BR Z 0–2 T UK Raza 1668 LotV online
1509 Lillekanin DK T 1–2 T RU MilkiCow 982 LotV online
1905 Gerald PL P 2–0 P BR MimeronVex 835 LotV online
1952 PenguiN KR Z 2–1 Z FR hinO 1590 LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #51 Ro4 hide (2)
1647 Raza UK T 2–1 T RU MilkiCow 982 LotV online
1910 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z KR PenguiN 1806 LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #51 Final hide (1)
1542 Raza UK T 3–1 P PL Gerald 1890 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers China Group Stage Group C hide (5)
1421 Firefly CN P 2–1 P CN Cloudy 1495 LotV online
1755 TooDming CN Z 2–0 Z CN Silky 1550 LotV online
1533 Firefly CN P 2–0 Z CN TooDming 1856 LotV online
1504 Cloudy CN P 2–0 Z CN Silky 1525 LotV online
1856 TooDming CN Z 0–2 P CN Cloudy 1504 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers China Group Stage Group D hide (5)
2233 Oliveira CN T 2–0 T CN XY 1921 LotV online
1721 XiGua CN Z 2–0 Z CN Wanted 965 LotV online
2222 Oliveira CN T 2–1 Z CN XiGua 1509 LotV online
1828 XY CN T 2–1 Z CN Wanted 1025 LotV online
1509 XiGua CN Z 1–2 T CN XY 1828 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro128 hide (28)
1416 BluE PL P 2–1 P PL Mordrago 1033 LotV online
859 PLmalchik PL Z 0–2 P UA NukeLar 1147 LotV online
1509 Lillekanin DK T 0–2 T RS Beastyqt 1942 LotV online
1372 PappiJoe DK P 0–2 Z FR Shino 1676 LotV online
1076 Kimo FR P 2–0 T UK Raza 1542 LotV online
1039 Blackwidow NL Z 2–0 T NL Sciosis 967 LotV online
996 Losting UA P 0–2 Z RU Bee 2046 LotV online
2156 Guru PL Z 2–0 Z BG Nitix 1713 LotV online
965 ZESTisBEST ZA P 2–0 T HU psz 1170 LotV online
1783 Rodzyn PL P 2–1 Z UA GhostHell 1123 LotV online
1417 NoCti FR T 2–0 T RO CuKu 922 LotV online
DeepThought AT P 0–2 P RU Orlando 988 LotV online
982 Aristori PL Z 1–2 P RU Nerazim 1304 LotV online
1062 Jumy DE P 2–0 Z FR Daloze 1033 LotV online
958 kemachi SK Z 0–2 T DK Parathix 1045 LotV online
928 devz CZ Z 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1075 LotV online
1105 Unix RU T 0–2 T FI WoodedMicrob 1311 LotV online
1060 msrm BG Z 0–2 Z CZ lumpas 1211 LotV online
1246 Riquiz NL Z 0–2 P PL ArT 1944 LotV online
877 Terxel DE T 0–2 Z FR YoGo 1450 LotV online
1922 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T PL Bluesunpl LotV online
BigHushy RU Z 0–2 P RU Ashbringer 834 LotV online
857 Nimzo NO Z 0–2 P DE HolyHit 1451 LotV online
1380 Basset RU Z 1–2 T FI Fuzer 1084 LotV online
1705 DIMAGA UA Z 0–2 T PL Basior 1836 LotV online
1522 LeFaucheur FR Z 2–0 P FR Rom 1476 LotV online
1613 Minatoeh UA Z 2–0 P LT Krr 1666 LotV online
1603 Creed RU T 2–1 Z FR YellowFox 1131 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro64 hide (31)
2107 Rail P 2–0 P PL BluE 1416 LotV online
2114 Spirit PL T 2–0 P UA NukeLar 1223 LotV online
1911 ziGGy PL T 2–0 T yunghurn 950 LotV online
1960 Brat_OK RU T 0–2 T RS Beastyqt 1942 LotV online
1218 SenSei DE Z 1–2 Z FR Shino 1965 LotV online
2048 goblin HR P 2–0 P FR Kimo 1115 LotV online
2130 Strange RU P 2–0 Z NL Blackwidow 1027 LotV online
2092 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–1 Z RU Bee 2046 LotV online
2156 Guru PL Z 2–0 Z DE Anextacy 998 LotV online
2005 ShaDoWn FR P 2–0 P ZA ZESTisBEST 951 LotV online
thedime DE P 0–2 Z DK Spazymazy 1548 LotV online
2504 Bly UA Z 2–0 T RU Creed 1603 LotV online
1618 Ryosis IT Z 2–1 P PL Rodzyn 1783 LotV online
2382 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 T FR NoCti 1518 LotV online
702 ZeRoX RS Z 1–2 P RU Orlando 1014 LotV online
2253 Harstem NL P 2–0 P RU Nerazim 1250 LotV online
1732 InZaNe DE T 2–0 P DE Jumy 1053 LotV online
2321 Denver FR Z 2–0 T DK Parathix 1045 LotV online
2062 HateMe AT Z 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1075 LotV online
1048 Fallenger RU Z 1–2 T FI WoodedMicrob 1194 LotV online
2106 SortOf SE Z 2–0 Z CZ lumpas 1211 LotV online
1051 DeeDan RU T 0–2 P PL ArT 1982 LotV online
2303 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z FR YoGo 1441 LotV online
1775 AqueroN ES T 2–1 Z RU Wayne 1922 LotV online
1843 SKillous RU P 2–0 P RU Ashbringer 831 LotV online
2380 Snute NO Z 1–2 P DE HolyHit 1451 LotV online
2202 Namshar SE Z 2–0 T FI Fuzer 1084 LotV online
1452 Wanderer BG T 2–0 T PL Basior 1695 LotV online
1910 Gerald PL P 1–2 Z FR LeFaucheur 1522 LotV online
1750 ZipperTheFly UA T 1–2 Z UA Minatoeh 1586 LotV online
1370 hinO FR Z 2–1 P RU Couguar 1519 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro32 hide (16)
2154 Rail P 2–0 Z FR hinO 1370 LotV online
2007 Spirit PL T 2–0 T PL ziGGy 1911 LotV online
2048 goblin HR P 0–2 P RU Strange 1976 LotV online
2092 GunGFuBanDa DE P 0–2 Z PL Guru 2109 LotV online
1912 ShaDoWn FR P 2–0 Z DK Spazymazy 1548 LotV online
2398 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z IT Ryosis 1676 LotV online
2124 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 P RU Orlando 1014 LotV online
2261 Harstem NL P 2–0 T DE InZaNe 1732 LotV online
2273 Zanster SE Z 1–2 Z FR Denver 2243 LotV online
2099 HateMe AT Z 2–0 T FI WoodedMicrob 1194 LotV online
2119 SortOf SE Z 2–1 P PL ArT 1944 LotV online
2438 MaNa PL P 2–0 T ES AqueroN 1649 LotV online
1843 SKillous RU P 2–1 P DE HolyHit 1439 LotV online
2202 Namshar SE Z 2–0 T BG Wanderer 1518 LotV online
1488 LeFaucheur FR Z 1–2 Z UA Minatoeh 1619 LotV online
1763 Beastyqt RS R 1–2 Z FR Shino 1818 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro16 hide (8)
2180 Rail P 1–2 T PL Spirit 2114 LotV online
1676 Shino FR Z 0–2 P RU Strange 2130 LotV online
2109 Guru PL Z 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 1912 LotV online
2398 Bly UA Z 0–2 Z PL Nerchio 2341 LotV online
2263 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z FR Denver 2141 LotV online
2062 HateMe AT Z 2–1 Z SE SortOf 2106 LotV online
2301 MaNa PL P 2–1 P RU SKillous 1843 LotV online
2280 Namshar SE Z 2–1 Z UA Minatoeh 1619 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro8 hide (4)
2114 Spirit PL T 2–1 P RU Strange 2020 LotV online
1912 ShaDoWn FR P 1–2 Z PL Nerchio 2124 LotV online
2263 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z AT HateMe 2154 LotV online
2303 MaNa PL P 1–2 Z SE Namshar 2333 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro4 hide (2)
2327 Spirit PL T 1–2 Z PL Nerchio 2382 LotV online
2263 Harstem NL P 2–1 Z SE Namshar 2333 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 1 hide (27)
1700 ZipperTheFly UA T 0–2 P PL Mordrago 1013 LotV online
1836 Basior PL T 2–0 Z PL PLmalchik 879 LotV online
2368 Snute NO Z 2–0 T DK Lillekanin 1598 LotV online
831 Ashbringer RU P 1–2 P DK PappiJoe 1450 LotV online
1922 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T UK Raza 1668 LotV online
1450 YoGo FR Z 2–1 T NL Sciosis 967 LotV online
1051 DeeDan RU T 1–2 P UA Losting 996 LotV online
1211 lumpas CZ Z 0–2 Z BG Nitix 1713 LotV online
1048 Fallenger RU Z 2–0 T HU psz 934 LotV online
1045 Parathix DK T 0–2 Z FR YellowFox 1131 LotV online
1053 Jumy DE P 2–1 T RO CuKu 954 LotV online
1250 Nerazim RU P 2–1 P AT DeepThought LotV online
666 ZeRoX RS Z 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1137 LotV online
1518 NoCti FR T 2–0 Z FR Daloze 988 LotV online
1783 Rodzyn PL P 2–0 Z DE KeineAhnung 889 LotV online
1603 Creed RU T 2–0 Z SK kemachi 958 LotV online
thedime DE P 0–2 Z CZ devz 747 LotV online
965 ZESTisBEST ZA P 0–2 T RU Unix 1259 LotV online
998 Anextacy DE Z 0–2 Z BG msrm 1060 LotV online
1717 Bee RU Z 2–0 Z NL Riquiz 1075 LotV online
1039 Blackwidow NL Z 2–0 T DE Terxel 877 LotV online
1218 SenSei DE Z 2–0 Z RU BigHushy LotV online
1843 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 Z NO Nimzo 776 LotV online
950 yunghurn T 0–2 Z RU Basset 1380 LotV online
1147 NukeLar UA P 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA 1661 LotV online
1416 BluE PL P 0–2 P LT Krr 1894 LotV online
1664 Couguar RU P 2–0 P FR Rom 1324 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 2 hide (16)
1033 Mordrago PL P 0–2 P PL Gerald 1905 LotV online
1695 Basior PL T 0–2 T FI Fuzer 1212 LotV online
2380 Snute NO Z 2–0 P DK PappiJoe 1372 LotV online
1920 Wayne RU Z 2–0 Z FR YoGo 1401 LotV online
996 Losting UA P 0–2 Z BG Nitix 1606 LotV online
1189 Fallenger RU Z 2–1 Z RU YoungYakov 1075 LotV online
1225 YellowFox FR Z 1–2 Z UA GhostHell 1326 LotV online
1053 Jumy DE P 1–2 P RU Nerazim 1250 LotV online
1119 Aristori PL Z 0–2 T FR NoCti 1518 LotV online
1821 Rodzyn PL P 2–0 T RU Creed 1577 LotV online
895 devz CZ Z 0–2 T RU Unix 1236 LotV online
1060 msrm BG Z 0–2 Z RU Bee 1717 LotV online
1027 Blackwidow NL Z 0–2 P FR Kimo 1161 LotV online
979 SenSei DE Z 1–2 T RU Brat_OK 1843 LotV online
1711 Basset RU Z 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA 1646 LotV online
1664 Couguar RU P 2–1 P LT Krr 1894 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 3 hide (16)
988 Orlando RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald 1905 LotV online
1527 Ryosis IT Z 0–2 T FI Fuzer 1084 LotV online
1418 Spazymazy DK Z 1–2 Z NO Snute 2358 LotV online
2092 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–0 Z RU Wayne 1940 LotV online
2129 goblin HR P 2–0 Z BG Nitix 1606 LotV online
1763 Beastyqt RS R 2–0 Z RU Fallenger 1168 LotV online
2124 ziGGy PL T 2–0 Z UA GhostHell 1231 LotV online
1370 hinO FR Z 2–0 P RU Nerazim 1304 LotV online
1498 LeFaucheur FR Z 2–0 T FR NoCti 1518 LotV online
1503 Wanderer BG T 0–2 P PL Rodzyn 1821 LotV online
1436 HolyHit DE P 2–0 T RU Unix 1259 LotV online
1775 AqueroN ES T 2–1 Z RU Bee 1903 LotV online
2003 ArT PL P 2–0 P FR Kimo 1115 LotV online
1311 WoodedMicrob FI T 0–2 T RU Brat_OK 1960 LotV online
2273 Zanster SE Z 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA 1646 LotV online
1675 Couguar RU P 0–2 T DE InZaNe 1732 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 4 hide (8)
1890 Gerald PL P 1–2 T FI Fuzer 1254 LotV online
2380 Snute NO Z 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2092 LotV online
2084 goblin HR P 1–2 R RS Beastyqt 1832 LotV online
2124 ziGGy PL T 2–0 Z FR hinO 1515 LotV online
1522 LeFaucheur FR Z 2–0 P PL Rodzyn 1783 LotV online
1436 HolyHit DE P 0–2 T ES AqueroN 1649 LotV online
1982 ArT PL P 2–0 T RU Brat_OK 1608 LotV online
2024 Zanster SE Z 2–0 T DE InZaNe 1726 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 5 hide (8)
2321 Denver FR Z 2–0 T FI Fuzer 1084 LotV online
2119 SortOf SE Z 2–1 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2092 LotV online
1976 SKillous RU P 2–1 R RS Beastyqt 1832 LotV online
1586 Minatoeh UA Z 0–2 T PL ziGGy 2124 LotV online
2154 Rail P 2–0 Z FR LeFaucheur 1522 LotV online
1813 Shino FR Z 0–2 T ES AqueroN 1775 LotV online
2109 Guru PL Z 0–2 P PL ArT 1944 LotV online
2398 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z SE Zanster 2273 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 6 hide (4)
2243 Denver FR Z 1–2 Z SE SortOf 2106 LotV online
2066 SKillous RU P 2–1 T PL ziGGy 1869 LotV online
2180 Rail P 1–2 T ES AqueroN 1649 LotV online
1944 ArT PL P 0–2 Z UA Bly 2485 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 7 hide (4)
2130 Strange RU P 2–1 Z SE SortOf 2119 LotV online
2005 ShaDoWn FR P 2–1 P RU SKillous 1843 LotV online
2099 HateMe AT Z 2–0 T ES AqueroN 1775 LotV online
2303 MaNa PL P 0–2 Z UA Bly 2485 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 8 hide (2)
1976 Strange RU P 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn 2005 LotV online
2062 HateMe AT Z 1–2 Z UA Bly 2398 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers Europe Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 9 hide (2)
2327 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z UA Bly 2504 LotV online
2333 Namshar SE Z 2–1 P FR ShaDoWn 1912 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro64 hide (26)
1186 Early US P 2–0 P US Taldan 928 LotV online
1092 Timorus US T 2–0 Z US Nistic 1074 LotV online
1672 Bioice CA Z 2–0 P CN DarkZero 1013 LotV online
1290 Creature US P 2–0 P US Bonkarooni 710 LotV online
1001 Hjax US P 2–0 P US FLORENCIO LotV online
1745 DisK CA P 2–0 Z CA Flood 1064 LotV online
1331 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 T US LastSurprise 555 LotV online
919 Reaper US Z 2–1 Z US ViBE 1507 LotV online
1717 Cuddlebear US T 2–0 Z US Neuro 1204 LotV online
939 PureLegacy US T 2–0 Z US Prevail 730 LotV online
ClearGloom CA P 2–1 P CA Armageddon 765 LotV online
1009 Geeden US Z 2–0 Z CA Wam 923 LotV online
1133 Mage CN P 2–0 Z US Winter 806 LotV online
1098 PengWin CH Z 2–0 Z US SpiritedAway LotV online
1128 RuFF US T 2–0 P VN JusticeSimon 752 LotV online
1103 CharSiuBao KR P 2–1 P US Nycro 1160 LotV online
1047 BunnyWillis US T 2–0 P CA Rowey LotV online
1088 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 P US Aphex LotV online
1196 Jardozer US Z 2–0 P CN Sight 891 LotV online
958 RNGeus US Z 2–0 P US Seigifried 966 LotV online
1238 Dolan US T 2–0 T US Kozan 1111 LotV online
1199 Daydreamer CN P 2–0 Z US Freeedom 880 LotV online
1015 BattleTag US Z 2–0 Z US WarreN 1713 LotV online
1367 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z CA Nastro LotV online
1200 Sottorks CA T 2–0 P CA Rowey LotV online
951 PattyMac US P 2–1 P CA Stealthy 826 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro32 hide (16)
1664 Epic US T 2–0 P US Early 1332 LotV online
1622 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US fullheart 902 LotV online
1770 Bioice CA Z 2–0 T US Timorus 1092 LotV online
1290 Creature US P 2–1 P US Hjax 1001 LotV online
1717 Cuddlebear US T 2–1 Z US Reaper 799 LotV online
1061 PureLegacy US T 2–0 P CA ClearGloom LotV online
1133 Mage CN P 2–0 Z US Geeden 1001 LotV online
1687 MCanning US P 2–0 Z CH PengWin 1171 LotV online
1128 RuFF US T 2–0 P KR CharSiuBao 1044 LotV online
1050 BunnyWillis US T 2–1 T CA Sottorks 1120 LotV online
1589 Asuna CN P 2–0 Z US ScrubbleS 1088 LotV online
1720 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 Z US Jardozer 1196 LotV online
912 PattyMac US P 2–0 Z US RNGeus 958 LotV online
1208 Daydreamer CN P 2–1 T US Dolan 1408 LotV online
1367 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z US BattleTag 1019 LotV online
1745 DisK CA P 2–0 Z US CalebAracous 1241 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro16 hide (8)
1672 Bioice CA Z 2–1 P US Creature 1476 LotV online
1661 DisK CA P 2–0 T US Cuddlebear 1630 LotV online
1061 PureLegacy US T 2–0 P CN Mage 1105 LotV online
1705 MCanning US P 0–2 T US RuFF 1128 LotV online
1047 BunnyWillis US T 0–2 P CN Asuna 1283 LotV online
1256 Daydreamer CN P 2–1 P US Rhizer 1167 LotV online
1730 Epic US T 2–0 Z US starkiller 1547 LotV online
1644 PiLiPiLi US P 2–1 P US PattyMac 951 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro8 hide (4)
1730 Epic US T 2–1 Z CA Bioice 1770 LotV online
1661 DisK CA P 2–0 T US PureLegacy 1061 LotV online
1128 RuFF US T 2–0 P CN Asuna 1283 LotV online
1644 PiLiPiLi US P 2–1 P CN Daydreamer 1256 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1664 Epic US T 2–1 P CA DisK 1661 LotV online
1128 RuFF US T 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi 1691 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 1 hide (11)
1164 Nistic US Z 2–1 P CN DarkZero 1013 LotV online
710 Bonkarooni US P 2–1 P US FLORENCIO LotV online
1097 Flood CA Z 2–0 T US LastSurprise 555 LotV online
1269 Neuro US Z 2–0 Z US ViBE 1507 LotV online
792 Armageddon CA P 2–0 Z US Prevail 701 LotV online
923 Wam CA Z 2–0 Z US Winter 958 LotV online
997 Deceive US T 2–1 P CA Rowey LotV online
1079 Seigifried US P 2–1 P CA Stealthy 826 LotV online
1265 Kozan US T 2–0 Z US Freeedom 697 LotV online
1713 WarreN US Z 2–0 Z CA Nastro LotV online
1160 Nycro US P 2–0 P VN JusticeSimon 736 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 2 hide (15)
951 Taldan US P 2–0 Z US BattleTag 1019 LotV online
958 RNGeus US Z 2–0 Z US Nistic 920 LotV online
1196 Jardozer US Z 2–0 P US Bonkarooni 501 LotV online
1171 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z CA Flood 1189 LotV online
1226 Sottorks CA T 2–0 Z US Neuro 1204 LotV online
765 Armageddon CA P 2–0 P KR CharSiuBao 1103 LotV online
923 Wam CA Z 2–0 Z CH PengWin 1098 LotV online
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1160 Nycro US P 2–0 P CA ClearGloom LotV online
1241 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 P US Aphex LotV online
1001 Hjax US P 2–0 P CN Sight 891 LotV online
970 Timorus US T 2–0 P US Seigifried 964 LotV online
1265 Kozan US T 2–1 Z US fullheart 954 LotV online
1548 WarreN US Z 2–0 P US Early 1221 LotV online
799 Reaper US Z 2–0 T US Deceive 1011 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 3 hide (8)
1408 Dolan US T 2–0 P US Taldan 973 LotV online
958 RNGeus US Z 2–0 Z US Jardozer 1192 LotV online
1226 Sottorks CA T 2–1 Z US ScrubbleS 1064 LotV online
792 Armageddon CA P 2–1 Z CA Wam 909 LotV online
1085 Nycro US P 2–0 Z US Geeden 1001 LotV online
1240 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 Z US Reaper 919 LotV online
1037 Hjax US P 2–0 T US Timorus 970 LotV online
1625 WarreN US Z 2–1 T US Kozan 1265 LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 4 hide (8)
1408 Dolan US T 2–0 P CN Mage 1105 LotV online
1717 Cuddlebear US T 2–0 Z US RNGeus 958 LotV online
1200 Sottorks CA T 2–1 P US Creature 1327 LotV online
1653 starkiller US Z 2–0 P CA Armageddon 792 LotV online
1167 Rhizer US P 2–1 P US Nycro 1160 LotV online
912 PattyMac US P 2–0 Z US CalebAracous 1241 LotV online
1037 Hjax US P 2–0 T US BunnyWillis 1047 LotV online
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WCS 2019 Spring Qualifiers North America Open Qualifier #2 LB Round 5 hide (4)
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