StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Nov. 2, 2019

IndyK Crew In-House Fight Club Season 1 Group Stage Match #4 hide (1)
1728 Indy PL P 6–1 T PL Angry 1155 LotV online
Krystianer Cup Weekly #3 Ro16 hide (7)
977 DarthArab CY T 0–2 T UK Raza 1653 LotV online
990 Suhinho PL Z 0–2 P PL PAPI 1762 LotV online
990 CzarnyKruk PL Z 0–2 P PL Ziomek 1243 LotV online
972 Miai P 0–2 T KR Lero 1243 LotV online
1294 Spatz DE P 0–2 Z RU Wayne 2097 LotV online
1067 Mixu FI Z 0–2 Z PL Guru 2109 LotV online
1244 Aristori PL Z 2–0 Z PL Keris 769 LotV online
Krystianer Cup Weekly #3 Ro8 hide (4)
1580 Raza UK T 2–1 P PL PAPI 1536 LotV online
1236 Ziomek PL P 2–1 T KR Lero 1243 LotV online
2195 Wayne RU Z 2–0 Z PL Guru 2109 LotV online
902 Terxel DE T 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1139 LotV online
Krystianer Cup Weekly #3 Ro4 hide (2)
1580 Raza UK T 2–1 P PL Ziomek 1236 LotV online
2195 Wayne RU Z 2–0 Z PL Aristori 1244 LotV online
Krystianer Cup Weekly #3 Final hide (1)
1707 Raza UK T 0–2 Z RU Wayne 2161 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 WB Ro64 hide (1)
993 vmgNarra DE T 2–0 P VN JusticeSimon 1083 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 WB Ro32 hide (14)
1144 EastToss RU P 2–0 T DE vmgNarra 993 LotV online
966 ADR PL P 0–2 Z DE Äelith 1231 LotV online
1117 wenez PL P 2–1 T DE BeAsT 937 LotV online
1042 DeeDan RU T 0–2 P DE Seracis 964 LotV online
1223 Angry PL T 2–0 T DE GumGumRuFFy 861 LotV online
907 SharKRippeR DE T 0–2 Z CZ Argon 904 LotV online
Fjant SE Z 2–1 Z PL Damrud 1111 LotV online
932 MisterG DE P 0–2 T DE Chaos 859 LotV online
1093 Jumy DE P 1–2 T SE JohMan 1030 LotV online
1113 DasDuelon DE Z 2–1 T DE MisterL 1102 LotV online
1094 Luolis FI T 2–1 P AT jumanjii 1421 LotV online
linghere Z 2–0 Z CA SniperSC 935 LotV online
961 HaPe PL P 2–1 P AT DeepThought 892 LotV online
876 Eternity TW T 1–2 P DE Nopret 913 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (8)
1144 EastToss RU P 3–0 T RU MasterVasya 882 LotV online
1231 Äelith DE Z 3–1 P PL wenez 1086 LotV online
964 Seracis DE P 3–2 T PL Angry 1155 LotV online
941 Argon CZ Z 3–0 Z SE Fjant LotV online
957 Chaos DE T 1–0 T SE JohMan 1030 LotV online
756 Krytos ZA Z 0–3 Z DE DasDuelon 1245 LotV online
985 Luolis FI T 3–2 Z linghere LotV online
961 HaPe PL P 3–0 P DE Nopret 861 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (7)
892 DeepThought AT P 0–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1150 LotV online
935 SniperSC CA Z 0–2 P AT jumanjii 1393 LotV online
1043 Jumy DE P 2–1 P DE MisterG 948 LotV online
1076 Damrud PL Z 2–0 T DE SharKRippeR 907 LotV online
861 GumGumRuFFy DE T 0–2 T RU DeeDan 1077 LotV online
937 BeAsT DE T 2–0 P PL ADR 966 LotV online
972 GreatTeacher BE T 2–1 T DE vmgNarra 1000 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (7)
Fjant SE Z 0–2 P VN JusticeSimon 1105 LotV online
1117 wenez PL P 2–0 T DE MisterL 1090 LotV online
882 MasterVasya RU T 0–2 P DE Jumy 1093 LotV online
828 Nopret DE P 0–2 Z PL Damrud 1077 LotV online
linghere Z 0–2 T RU DeeDan 1020 LotV online
764 Krytos ZA Z 0–2 T DE BeAsT 823 LotV online
1030 JohMan SE T 1–2 T BE GreatTeacher 972 LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 11 Qualifier #1 LB Round 3 hide (3)
1150 JusticeSimon VN P 3–0 P AT jumanjii 1276 LotV online
922 wenez PL P 3–0 P DE Jumy 1043 LotV online
768 BeAsT DE T 1–3 T BE GreatTeacher 972 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #122 Ro32 hide (6)
1614 Marsman NL P 2–0 P PL BluE 1479 LotV online
1175 control KR T 2–0 P US Colttarren 955 LotV online
1086 Rize AU Z 1–0 T KR HonMonO 1138 LotV online
196 NasisNazty US P 0–2 T KR Lero 1243 LotV online
907 Eternity TW T 2–0 R DMGreen 998 LotV online
838 TheMoeHawk MY P 2–0 T KR KimchiUser 1221 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #122 Ro16 hide (6)
1771 Demi IN Z 1–2 P RU McZero 1236 LotV online
1547 Marsman NL P 0–2 Z AU Oreo 1034 LotV online
1119 Skyler US T 2–0 P MY TheMoeHawk 838 LotV online
2119 Gerald PL P 2–0 P PL PAPI 1689 LotV online
1122 control KR T 1–2 Z AU Rize 1086 LotV online
2031 Bee RU Z 2–0 T TW Eternity 869 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #122 Ro8 hide (4)
1236 McZero RU P 2–1 Z AU Oreo 1034 LotV online
1119 Skyler US T 0–2 P HK Bistork 1401 LotV online
2066 Gerald PL P 1–2 Z AU Rize 1117 LotV online
1105 JusticeSimon VN P 1–2 Z RU Bee 2101 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #122 Ro4 hide (2)
1144 McZero RU P 0–2 P HK Bistork 1203 LotV online
921 Rize AU Z 1–2 Z RU Bee 1942 LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #122 Final hide (1)
1384 Bistork HK P 0–3 Z RU Bee 2101 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #76 Ro16 hide (6)
Dortao BR T 0–2 P BR Sefirofe 947 LotV online
1001 starmaster BR Z 2–0 P BR Viper 952 LotV online
992 tavo PE T 2–0 T PE ZenioM 909 LotV online
632 chorocarlo CL Z 1–2 P BR AlisoN 1125 LotV online
1094 perhark PE Z 2–0 T PE NeO 694 LotV online
747 COSMOS BR T 0–2 P BR MimeronVex 1087 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #76 Ro8 hide (3)
1282 starmaster BR Z 2–1 T PE tavo 958 LotV online
1290 AlisoN BR P 2–0 T BR PrintSC 1074 LotV online
969 perhark PE Z 0–2 P BR MimeronVex 769 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #76 Ro4 hide (2)
1818 Ryu PE Z 2–0 Z BR starmaster 1023 LotV online
1257 AlisoN BR P 2–0 P BR MimeronVex 882 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #76 Third place match hide (1)
1001 starmaster BR Z 2–0 P BR MimeronVex 769 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #76 Final hide (1)
1822 Ryu PE Z 3–2 P BR AlisoN 1125 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 6 Main Event Playoffs Final hide (1)
1684 Cuddlebear US T 1–4 T US Future 2204 LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers SEA Finals Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
1787 EnDerr PH Z 2–0 T TH StriKE 1633 LotV offline
1650 MeomaikA VN Z 2–1 P MY Ranger 1001 LotV offline

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