StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to ViBE's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

49.43% (561/1135)
1526 ± 160
51.47% (210/408)
1497 ± 226
50.00% (148/296)
1475 ± 226
47.20% (202/428)
1605 ± 226
1526 ± 160
1497 ± 226
1475 ± 226
1605 ± 226
All 1526 ± 160 on April 5, 2023
vP 1497 ± 226 on April 5, 2023
vT 1475 ± 226 on April 5, 2023
vZ 1605 ± 226 on April 5, 2023
Race Zerg
Country United States of America
Full name Dan Scherlong
Birthday May 9, 1987
Team ROOT Gaming
First match Sept. 26, 2010
Last match Dec. 5, 2022
Total earnings $32,910
Matches played 487 (21.97% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 221
External TLPD:WoL:IN SC2E LP

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
12/05/2022 1465 ViBE US Z 2–0 P US MachoTaco 874 LotV online
12/05/2022 1436 ViBE US Z 1–2 T NL uThermal 2690 LotV online
04/03/2022 1471 ViBE US Z 0–2 P CA trigger 2487 LotV online
08/23/2020 1508 ViBE US Z 1–2 R AU PiG 1315 LotV online
08/23/2020 1473 ViBE US Z 2–0 P US Hupsaiya 869 LotV online
06/19/2020 1584 ViBE US Z 1–3 Z KR Solar 2793 LotV online
06/12/2020 1507 ViBE US Z 3–0 Z CA NYK 1214 LotV online
06/12/2020 1507 ViBE US Z 3–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1510 LotV online
06/12/2020 1507 ViBE US Z 2–3 Z CA NYK 1214 LotV online
06/05/2020 1398 ViBE US Z 2–1 T KR Lero 1504 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
ROOT Gaming June 9, 2016 yes
ROOT Gaming July 15, 2014 no
It's Gosu Sept. 22, 2011 May 7, 2012 no
Sixjax Gaming Sept. 15, 2011 no