StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


In total, MindelVK has earned $4,779. Broken down by currency, that is...

  • €225
  • A$175
  • 244,842 RUB
  • $1,200.75
Placement Tournament Earnings
1st Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #88 Bouts Match 3 $100
4th SC2Online Elite Rising Star #13.5 $10
19th–26th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 12 Main Event A$75 $47
6th–8th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #198 $7.5 $7
13th–16th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 12 Mid Season #2 A$50 $31
3rd Hatsu New Year Cup 1,500 RUB $13
SC2Online Elite Rising Star #13 $5
3rd–4th Werksliga Community Cup #7 €10 $11
2nd The King of the North #5 €15 $16
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #67 $10
2nd PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #67 $15
2nd SykoHeda Monthly #1 $30
2nd PORT Season 6 Multiregionals #9 2,000 RUB $21
2nd PORT Season 6 Multiregionals #8 2,000 RUB $21
4th–5th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #187 $15
2nd PORT Season 6 Multiregionals #6 2,000 RUB $21
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #16 €15 $17
2nd PORT Season 2 Central #4 2,000 RUB $23
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #15 €15 $17
1st PORT Season 3-4 Multiregionals #5 3,000 RUB $33
3rd PORT Season 3-4 Multiregionals #3 1,500 RUB $16
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #62 $5
2nd CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #61 $15
3rd–4th Russian Esports Federation Krasnodar Krai #1 1,500 RUB $17
2nd PORT Season 2 North Caucasus and Central 2,500 RUB $29
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #12 €15 $16
1st PORT Season 2 Central #3 4,000 RUB $47
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #58 $5
2nd CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #58 $15
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #11 €15 $16
3rd SC2Online Elite Rising Star #11 $30
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #10 €15 $16
1st PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #60 $25
2nd PORT Season 2 Central #2 2,500 RUB $28
1st Lil Stormy Cup #9 €35 $38
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #55 $5
4th Russian Esports Federation Championship of Russia 2024 30,000 RUB $353
5th–8th Redragon KMA ESF #1 1,250 RUB $14
1st Lil Stormy Cup #5 €35 $38
1st Gosu style cup #4 3,500 RUB $39
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #4 €15 $16
2nd PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #57 $15
2nd Russian Esports Federation Oblast 2,500 RUB $28
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #2 €15 $16
2nd PORT Central #6 2,500 RUB $28
3rd Russian Esports Federation Oblast 1,500 RUB $16
2nd Lil Stormy Cup #1 €15 $16
3rd CSO Cup #68 $6
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #56 $5
2nd Russian Esports Federation Oblast 2,500 RUB $27
3rd CSO Cup #66 $6
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #54 $5
7th–8th SC2Online Elite Rising Star #10 $5
2nd PORT Central #2 2,500 RUB $27
2nd PORT Central #3 2,500 RUB $27
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #53 $10
2nd PORT Central #1 2,500 RUB $27
3rd CSO Cup #64 $6
1st–2nd SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #164 $30
10th–11th 3D Clan King of the Hill #9 500 RUB $5
5th–6th The Logic Games #1 $20
3rd–4th VK Play 2024 #56 1,000 RUB $11
2nd CSO Cup #63 $9
5th–8th VK Play 2024 #54 650 RUB $7
27th–32nd SC2Online OSC Championship Season 11 A$50 $32
2nd CSO Cup #62 $9
5th–8th VK Play 2024 #50 650 RUB $7
9th–12th Christmas Cup 4,000 RUB $45
3rd–4th VK Play 2024 #48 1,000 RUB $11
3rd–4th VK Play 2024 #47 1,000 RUB $11
5th–8th VK Play 2024 #46 650 RUB $7
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 11 $10
5th–8th VK Play #42 650 RUB $7
7th–8th SC2Online Elite Rising Star #9 $5
3rd–4th VK Play #40 1,000 RUB $11
5th–8th SC2ONLINE Community Open #142 $5
3rd–4th VK Play #39 1,000 RUB $11
3rd–4th VK Play #36 1,000 RUB $11
5th–6th Culture Cup #1 8,500 RUB $95
3rd–4th VK Play #32 1,000 RUB $11
5th–8th VK Play #31 650 RUB $7
2nd PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #50 $15
3rd–4th VK Play #30 1,000 RUB $11
5th–8th VK Play #28 650 RUB $7
1st VK Play #27 2,000 RUB $21
5th–8th VK Play #25 650 RUB $7
2nd VK Play #22 1,400 RUB $14
1st GdA Night Tournament #6 $25
5th–8th VK Play #21 650 RUB $6
1st VK Play #19 2,000 RUB $20
2nd Nugosu StarCraft Circuit Invitational #2 $15
4th–9th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #149 $7.5 $7
5th–8th VK Play #17 650 RUB $7
1st Hatchery Cup #7 5,000 RUB $52
2nd VK Play #16 1,400 RUB $14
3rd–4th VK Play #14 1,000 RUB $10
5th–8th VK Play #13 650 RUB $7
5th–8th VK Play #12 650 RUB $7
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #45 $10
2nd CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #34 $15
5th–6th 3D Clan King of the Hill #5 1,000 RUB $11
3rd–4th VK Play #10 1,000 RUB $11
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #44 $5
2nd VK Play #9 1,400 RUB $14
3rd–4th VK Play #8 1,000 RUB $10
2nd VK Play #7 1,100 RUB $12
2nd CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #32 $15
2nd PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #42 $15
5th–8th VK Play #6 450 RUB $5
5th–8th VK Play #5 450 RUB $5
2nd VK Play #4 1,100 RUB $12
5th–6th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #138 $7.5 $7
2nd CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #31 $15
Brat_OK Spring Championship 3,500 RUB $44
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #37 $5
7th–8th AstraCup Season 2 Final Main Event 500 RUB $6
2nd Universe Titan Cup #5 $30
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #31 $5
2nd AstraCup Season 2 #7 654 RUB $8
2nd SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #127 $22.5 $22
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #30 $5
17th–28th PassionCraft Knockout Main Event $50
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #29 $10
SC2Online OSC Elite SC2 Cup #14 $5
1st PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #28 $25
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #28 $10
2nd Sniper's StarCraft League SSL Cups #20 $12
5th–6th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #125 $7.5 $7
5th–8th AstraCup Season 1 Final Main Event 750 RUB $11
4th–8th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #122 $7.5 $7
4th AstraCup Season 1 #4 238 RUB $3
2nd Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #15 Bouts Match 1 $15
27th–32nd SC2Online OSC Championship Season 10 $50
SC2Online Super Series 2022 Mid Season #2 $10
5th–8th Infested Factory Weekly #3 €5
5th–8th Infested Factory Weekly #2 €5
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #14 $5
3rd CSO Cup #50 $6
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #12 $5
2nd–5th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #107 $15
2nd PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #8 $15
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #3 $5
3rd–4th PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #1 $5
1st Dani's SC2 Tournament #1 $32
2nd GdA Night Tournament #4 $15
2nd RandomHyperONE Literally Unplayable $20
3rd Russian Esports Federation Championship of Russia 2022 70,000 RUB $1,129
13th–16th The NA Apprentice 2022 Grand Finals $10
9th–16th PassionCraft The CamryPower World Series #1 Main Event $5
3rd–4th PassionCraft The CamryPower World Series #1 Qualifier #4 $5
1st The NA Apprentice 2022 Apprentice Cup #7 $32.5 $32
1st The NA Apprentice 2022 Apprentice Cup #5 $15
2nd The NA Apprentice 2022 Apprentice Cup #3 $10
2nd The NA Apprentice 2022 Apprentice Cup #2 $10
3rd CSO Cup #38 $6
5th–8th ESL Open Cup Europe #105 $50
9th–16th Kashynical Open Cup #3 $6.25 $6
3rd–4th SCVRush LotV EU Open #248 $5
2nd SCVRush LotV EU Open #247 $15
3rd–4th SCVRush LotV EU Open #243 $5
3rd–4th SCVRush LotV EU Open #240 $5
3rd CSO Cup #20 $5
2nd SCVRush LotV EU Open #239 $15
2nd CSO Cup #19 $7.5 $7
1st CSO Cup #18 $12.5 $12
9th–12th Moscow Cybersport Series Season 3 5,000 RUB $65
4th Moscow Cybersport Series Season 2 Main Event 12,000 RUB $163
5th–8th Moscow Cybersport Series Finals #1 3,000 RUB $41
3rd Moscow Cybersport Series July Weekly #13 1,000 RUB $13
2nd Moscow Cybersport Series June Weekly #5 1,500 RUB $22
2nd SCVRush LotV EU Open #213 $5
2nd Moscow Cybersport Series May Weekly #1 1,500 RUB $20
13th–16th Argentum Cup #1 Main Event 1,000 RUB $16
2nd Moscow Championship Finals 8,000 RUB $127
5th–8th Zerus Cup #1 1,000 RUB $16
5th–7th King of CIS 2019 November 1,000 RUB $16
4th ZERGTV LAN #1 8,000 RUB $125
5th–8th King of CIS 2019 September 1,000 RUB $15
5th–10th King of CIS 2019 May 1,000 RUB $15