StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Wingent Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

27.50% (132/480)
20.58% (50/243)
29.51% (36/122)
40.00% (44/110)
20.51% (8/39)
17.39% (4/23)
22.22% (2/9)
33.33% (2/6)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Wingent is 132–348 (27.50%) in games and 53–169 (23.87%) in matches.

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PassionCraft Emerging Stars #8 hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #10 hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #6 hide
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HomeStory Cup XXVI hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #4 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #225 hide
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04/06/2024 Wingent DE P 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #221 hide
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Chat StarLeague #26 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #216 hide
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The Logic Games #1 hide
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Chat StarLeague #24 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #211 hide
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Chat StarLeague #23 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #199 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #191 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #188 hide
08/14/2023 Wingent DE P 0–2 Z FR Syrril LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #187 hide
08/07/2023 Wingent DE P 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #186 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #185 hide
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Migs x Vulcan Cup #1 hide
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open July hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #184 hide
07/17/2023 Wingent DE P 0–2 P FR PsiOniC LotV online
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Eagles Open #1 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #180 hide
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06/12/2023 Wingent DE P 0–2 T LT Dephy LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #151 hide
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HomeStory Cup XXII hide
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10/31/2022 Wingent DE P 0–2 Z RU MrLEz LotV online
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