StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


In total, Spatz has earned $6,699. Broken down by currency, that is...

  • A$75
  • €16.5
  • $6,640.55
Placement Tournament Earnings
9th–12th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 12 Mid Season #2 A$75 $46
7th–8th SC2Online Elite Rising Star #12 $5
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #149 Main Event $5
3rd–4th Kebab Cup #1 €16.5 $18
1st CommJumity League Main Event $140
3rd–4th ESL Open Cup Europe #233 $50
23rd–28th ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2024 Spring Regionals Europe $700
17th–22nd ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Europe Main Event $900
3rd–4th ESL Open Cup Europe #195 $50
2nd Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #41 Bouts Match 3 $25
1st Nugosu StarCraft Circuit Invitational #1 $40
3rd–4th SpeCial's Open #1 $2.5 $2
3rd–4th Eagles Open #1 $73
1st Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #28 Bouts Match 2 $80
23rd–28th ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Summer Regionals Europe Main Event $600
1st SC2Online Elite Rising Star #6 $70
1st Berry CruncH Sub Tournament #1 $499.5 $499
1st Alpha X EU Ascension League Season 1 Division 1 $260
3rd–4th WardiTV 2023 Series Open February $37.5 $37
3rd–4th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #124 $15
1st Basilisk Big Brain Bouts #17 Bouts Match 2 $80
15th–18th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 10 $100
3rd–4th Alpha X aX Xmas 2022 Cup $50
3rd Alpha X Drakes in-House Tour $30
2nd The Dam Training #1 $35
33rd–40th ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Atlanta Regionals Europe $400
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #146 $5
2nd–5th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #107 $15
2nd SC2Online Elite Rising Star #4 $50
3rd–4th The Dan n' Dave Cash Grab #3 $11
41st–48th ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Valencia Regionals Europe $200
5th–6th SC2Online Elite Rising Star #3 $7.5 $7
3rd–4th ESL Open Cup Europe #116 $50
1st Cock of the Walk #94 $29.15 $29
1st RottiShark Fight Night #8 Match 3 $40
5th–8th ESL Open Cup Americas #110 $50
17th–24th SC2Online Super Series 2021 Mid Season #3 Main Event $10
JumyCup #4 $5
3rd JumyCup #4 $15
3rd SC2Online Elite Rising Star #2 $30
3rd–4th ESL Open Cup Europe #99 $100
4th SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #145 Main Event $50
41st–48th ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall Europe $150
3rd–4th The Pizza Pie Weekly #12 $5
3rd SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #72 $15
1st SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #69 $45
33rd–40th ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Summer Europe $250
3rd–4th Pink Drip Pylon Qualifier OSC Open $15
2nd–5th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #57 $15
2nd ESL Open Cup Americas #56 $100
5th–8th WardiTV 2021 Qualifier #3 $12.5 $12
39th–44th SC2Online OSC Championship Season 8 $10
9th–12th SC2Online Super Series 2020 Mid Season #3 Main Event $32.5 $32
4th–11th SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #53 $7.5 $7
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #70 $25
37th–44th ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Winter Europe $125
1st IndyK Crew Trovo Weekly #6 $20
1st IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #35 $24.5 $24
1st Shyrshadi Open #34 $35
2nd BeAsT Cup Weekly #67 $10
2nd BeAsT Cup Weekly #66 $10
37th–44th ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Fall Europe $125
1st Cock of the Walk #22 $24.5 $24
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #65 $15
29th–32nd ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Summer Europe $500
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #137 $10
3rd TopTierPractice Cup #2 $5
1st IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #17 $24.5 $24
2nd BeAsT Cup Weekly #56 $10
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #55 $15
2nd maraleCup Germany #1 $14.4 $14
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #53 $15
1st Shyrshadi Open #9 $35
1st BeAsT Cup Weekly #47 $15
2nd Proxy Tempest EU Open #215 $10