StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for March 13, 2021

Alpha X Junior Championships 2021 Season 1 Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
1734 PAPI PL P 3–2 P UA NightPhoenix 1120 LotV online
1700 arrogfire FR P 3–0 P US Ryan 1537 LotV online
Alpha X Junior Championships 2021 Season 1 Playoffs Final hide (1)
1734 PAPI PL P 3–4 P FR arrogfire 1700 LotV online
Bond Open Cup #1 Ro16 hide (8)
2324 Cham MX Z 2–0 P PE yosoygroot LotV online
514 ROY PE T 2–0 Z PE zZz LotV online
Raúl PE P 0–2 Z ES SouLeer 2095 LotV online
1688 Botvinnik ES T 2–0 Z PE Batcatito LotV online
deathwork PE P 0–2 P BO ToyecaX LotV online
Arphoenyx PE P 0–2 T PE arEweN LotV online
Infestador BO Z 0–2 P ES EzeJohnny LotV online
Nico CO P 0–2 Z CO eGGz 1856 LotV online
Bond Open Cup #1 Ro8 hide (4)
2324 Cham MX Z 2–0 P PE ROY 514 LotV online
2117 SouLeer ES Z 2–0 T ES Botvinnik 1688 LotV online
ToyecaX BO P 2–0 T PE arEweN LotV online
EzeJohnny ES P 0–2 Z CO eGGz 1856 LotV online
Bond Open Cup #1 Ro4 hide (2)
2452 Cham MX Z 2–1 Z ES SouLeer 2255 LotV online
ToyecaX BO P 1–2 Z CO eGGz 1856 LotV online
Bond Open Cup #1 Final hide (1)
2452 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z CO eGGz 1933 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 WB Ro8 hide (3)
1512 Bistork HK P 2–1 P AU StarDuck 1283 LotV online
2143 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 T BD Nobody LotV online
1944 EnDerr PH Z 2–0 T SG Hiro 852 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1938 MeomaikA VN Z 2–0 P HK Bistork 1510 LotV online
1849 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 Z PH EnDerr 1901 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 WB Final hide (1)
2126 MeomaikA VN Z 2–1 Z HK GogojOey 1849 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 LB Round 1 hide (2)
656 TaggedOnce PH Z 0–1 P AU StarDuck 1161 LotV online
Nobody BD T 0–1 T SG Hiro 842 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 LB Round 2 hide (2)
1878 EnDerr PH Z 0–1 P AU StarDuck 1161 LotV online
1526 Bistork HK P 1–0 T SG Hiro 689 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 LB Round 3 hide (1)
1283 StarDuck AU P 0–1 P HK Bistork 1512 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 LB Round 4 hide (1)
1755 GogojOey HK Z 2–1 P HK Bistork 1510 LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Grand Platypus Open #58 Final hide (1)
2126 MeomaikA VN Z 2–0 Z HK GogojOey 1849 LotV online
GG Show Match #3 hide (1)
2833 Elazer PL Z 4–3 P DK MaxPax 2778 LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #3 Playoffs WB Ro8 hide (4)
3061 Stats KR P 3–2 T PL Spirit 2701 LotV online
2603 Zoun KR P 0–3 P KR Zest 2842 LotV online
2855 Rogue KR Z 3–0 T KR Cure 3133 LotV online
3367 Serral FI Z 3–0 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2987 LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #3 Playoffs WB Ro4 hide (2)
2927 Stats KR P 3–2 P KR Zest 2842 LotV online
2797 Rogue KR Z 3–2 Z FI Serral 3064 LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #3 Playoffs LB Round 1 hide (2)
2701 Spirit PL T 0–3 P KR Zoun 2681 LotV online
3063 Cure KR T 3–1 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2807 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (1)
860 GeoHen PH Z 1–2 P PH Dash 814 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro8 hide (4)
JumboHotdog PH Z 0–2 P PH Dash 814 LotV online
987 Viole PH T 1–2 Z PH MrLasti 976 LotV online
iMBurNaL PH T 2–0 P PH Suebee 971 LotV online
616 TaggedOnce PH T 2–0 T PH ZLiger LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro4 hide (2)
814 Dash PH P 2–0 Z PH MrLasti 972 LotV online
iMBurNaL PH T 2–0 T PH TaggedOnce 616 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (3)
ZLiger PH T 0–2 Z PH GeoHen 856 LotV online
987 Viole PH T 1–2 Z PH Pobbes 849 LotV online
JumboHotdog PH Z 0–2 P PH bayagster 770 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (2)
971 Suebee PH P 0–2 Z PH GeoHen 860 LotV online
877 Pobbes PH Z 1–2 P PH bayagster 770 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 3 hide (2)
943 MrLasti PH Z 0–2 Z PH GeoHen 858 LotV online
656 TaggedOnce PH T 0–2 P PH bayagster 931 LotV online
SC2Online OSC King of the Hill Weekly #60 hide (13)
1604 Jumy DE P 0–1 T MX SpeCial 2414 LotV online
1673 Marsman NL P 0–1 T MX SpeCial 2414 LotV online
2038 ArT PL P 1–0 T MX SpeCial 2414 LotV online
2119 kiyj EE Z 1–0 P PL ArT 2081 LotV online
2126 MeomaikA VN Z 1–0 Z EE kiyj 1887 LotV online
2297 Nice TW P 1–0 Z VN MeomaikA 1938 LotV online
2276 Krystianer PL P 1–0 P TW Nice 2072 LotV online
2633 MaxPax DK P 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2276 LotV online
2326 Gerald PL P 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2276 LotV online
2473 Bly UA Z 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2333 LotV online
1486 Mixu FI Z 0–1 P PL Krystianer 2333 LotV online
1537 Ryan US P 1–0 P PL Krystianer 2276 LotV online
2588 MaNa PL P 1–0 P US Ryan 1537 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #48 Ro32 hide (6)
887 alain MX Z 0–2 Z BR TheZergLord 1759 LotV online
911 WhiteIdra MX T 0–2 T US PureLegacy 1854 LotV online
847 Farid PE Z 0–2 T CU SlayersMvP 997 LotV online
904 NeosHagGy PE Z 2–0 T PE ciceron 659 LotV online
1001 LucianO CL T 2–0 R BR victorbansemer 939 LotV online
860 Hotfy BR T 0–2 P US ZAWGURN 761 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #48 Ro16 hide (8)
2376 Nina US P 2–0 Z BR TheZergLord 1811 LotV online
970 Sumika PE T 1–2 P CL Tailon 790 LotV online
1592 trigger CA P 1–2 T US PureLegacy 1829 LotV online
1192 Crown CL T 2–0 T CU SlayersMvP 892 LotV online
2452 Cham MX Z 2–0 Z PE NeosHagGy 834 LotV online
916 AreZ BR T 2–0 Z CL chorocarlo 683 LotV online
1333 tavo PE T 2–0 T CL LucianO 1001 LotV online
1129 NeO PE T 2–0 P US ZAWGURN 761 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #48 Ro8 hide (4)
2276 Nina US P 2–0 P CL Tailon 811 LotV online
1854 PureLegacy US T 2–0 T CL Crown 1192 LotV online
2285 Cham MX Z 2–0 T BR AreZ 916 LotV online
1333 tavo PE T 0–2 T PE NeO 1332 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #48 Ro4 hide (2)
2211 Nina US P 1–2 T US PureLegacy 1829 LotV online
2285 Cham MX Z 2–0 T PE NeO 1202 LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #48 Final hide (1)
1867 PureLegacy US T 0–3 Z MX Cham 2285 LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Division 2 Group Stage Group A hide (6)
1025 LordNate US P 2–0 P US ZAWGURN 742 LotV online
1220 Flood CA Z 2–1 Z CA Steadfast 1085 LotV online
787 ZAWGURN US P 0–2 Z CA Flood 1045 LotV online
879 Steadfast CA Z 2–0 P US ZAWGURN 787 LotV online
1007 LordNate US P 2–0 Z CA Flood 1045 LotV online
879 Steadfast CA Z 0–2 P US LordNate 1007 LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Division 2 Group Stage Group B hide (10)
1084 MogarFNSMASH CA T 0–2 P CA eXiled 755 LotV online
912 Nistic US Z 2–0 Z US Vipor 1019 LotV online
588 eXiled CA P 0–2 Z US Nistic 1132 LotV online
1515 starkiller US Z 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH 1082 LotV online
912 Nistic US Z 1–2 Z US starkiller 1847 LotV online
908 Vipor US Z 2–0 P CA eXiled 588 LotV online
1847 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US Vipor 1019 LotV online
1082 MogarFNSMASH CA T 2–0 Z US Nistic 1068 LotV online
934 Vipor US Z 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH 1082 LotV online
588 eXiled CA P 1–2 Z US starkiller 1589 LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Division 2 Group Stage Group C hide (9)
1013 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 Z US SlooTh LotV online
SlooTh US Z 1–2 T US Timorus 1362 LotV online
1351 Prototype US Z 0–2 T US DisReSpeCT 1013 LotV online
1362 Timorus US T 2–1 Z US Prototype 1351 LotV online
794 SippyCup US P 0–2 Z US SlooTh LotV online
1340 Prototype US Z 2–0 P US SippyCup 794 LotV online
1178 DisReSpeCT US T 1–2 T US Timorus 1298 LotV online
890 SippyCup US P 1–2 T US DisReSpeCT 950 LotV online
SlooTh US Z 0–2 Z US Prototype 1203 LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Division 2 Group Stage Group D hide (9)
1484 Reaper US Z 2–0 Z US Melody 1036 LotV online
711 Holden US P 1–2 Z US Reaper 1606 LotV online
1104 ScrubbleS US Z 2–1 T US Wonder 1153 LotV online
1484 Reaper US Z 1–2 Z US ScrubbleS 1256 LotV online
1036 Melody US Z 1–2 P US Holden 711 LotV online
1256 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 Z US Melody 1036 LotV online
1153 Wonder US T 0–2 Z US Reaper 1207 LotV online
977 Melody US Z 2–1 T US Wonder 1153 LotV online
711 Holden US P 2–0 Z US ScrubbleS 1196 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 WB Ro16 hide (1)
493 GFG DE T 0–1 Z OFE 944 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 WB Ro8 hide (2)
2477 Gerald PL P 1–0 Z OFE 931 LotV online
2545 Bly UA Z 1–0 Z US WildCard 952 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 WB Ro4 hide (2)
2323 Gerald PL P 1–0 T UA Kas 2058 LotV online
2473 Bly UA Z 1–0 P RU Ashbringer 1242 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 WB Final hide (1)
2477 Gerald PL P 1–0 Z UA Bly 2473 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 LB Round 1 hide (1)
954 WildCard US Z 1–0 T DE GFG 493 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 LB Round 2 hide (1)
952 WildCard US Z 0–1 Z OFE 918 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 LB Round 3 hide (1)
2545 Bly UA Z 1–0 Z OFE 918 LotV online
Winner Winner I'll Buy You Dinner #29 Final hide (1)
2477 Gerald PL P 3–0 Z UA Bly 2473 LotV online

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