StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions

39.71% (276/695)
36.25% (91/251)
45.83% (88/192)
37.60% (91/242)
23.08% (9/39)
16.00% (4/25)
37.50% (3/8)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, psz is 276–419 (39.71%) in games and 125–212 (37.09%) in matches.

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WardiTV Mondays #28 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #171 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #167 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #166 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #157 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #43 hide
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maraleCup #8 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #40 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #39 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #38 hide
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Alpha X King of Battles: KB International Championship hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #34 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #33 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #29 hide
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Red Bull Xel'Naga Finest #5 hide
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TSL #5 hide
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O'Gaming Nation Wars 2019 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #239 hide
07/29/2019 psz HU T 0–2 T RU Creed LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #230 hide
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QLASH StarCraft2 Community Series #8 hide
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QLASH StarCraft2 Community Series #5 hide
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WCS 2018 Montreal Qualifiers Europe hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #143 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #91 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #88 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #86 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #69 hide
08/30/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #67 hide
08/23/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z UA Friend LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #64 hide
08/14/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z RU Basset LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #50 hide
06/26/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z NO Snute LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #48 hide
06/20/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #46 hide
06/12/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z SE Namshar LotV online
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WCS 2017 Valencia Qualifiers Europe hide
05/31/2017 psz HU T 0–2 Z PL ParanOid LotV online
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RSTL Season 11 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #5 hide
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HomeStory Cup XIV hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #4 hide
11/02/2016 psz HU T 0–2 P PL ArT LotV online
BaseTradeTV Corsair Cup #39 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #3 hide
10/19/2016 psz HU T 1–2 P PL Indy LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #2 hide
10/12/2016 psz HU T 0–2 Z CZ TomikuS LotV online
BaseTradeTV Corsair Cup #37 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #1 hide
10/05/2016 psz HU T 1–2 T DK MperorM LotV online
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Dutch StarCraft League 2016 hide
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Psy eSports League Season 5 hide
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RSTL Season 10 hide
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RSTL Season 10 hide
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RSTL Season 10 hide
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go4sc2 Cup Europe #563 hide
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RavenZ Cup IV hide
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BaseTradeTV Corsair Cup #10 hide
02/09/2016 psz HU T 0–1 P SE MorroW LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers hide
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Alpha SC2 Team League Season 4 hide
01/08/2016 psz HU T 1–0 T LT TheScriptan LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 6 hide
01/08/2016 psz HU T 0–1 Z SE Namshar LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 4 hide
01/05/2016 psz HU T 0–1 P UA KaKoS LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #537 hide
01/03/2016 psz HU T 0–1 Z CH Zervas LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 4 hide
12/14/2015 psz HU T 1–0 Z CZ TAUREN LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #526 hide
11/22/2015 psz HU T 0–1 Z PL Senin LotV online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #516 hide
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go4sc2 Cup Europe #508 hide
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go4sc2 Cup Europe #504 hide
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09/06/2015 psz HU T 1–0 T DE STATIC HotS online
WCS 2015 Season 3 Qualifier hide
07/01/2015 psz HU T 0–2 Z FI ZhuGeLiang HotS online
07/01/2015 psz HU T 2–0 P FR CripSeil HotS online
ASUS ROG 2015 Summer Qualifier hide
06/30/2015 psz HU T 0–2 Z KR Gamja HotS online
06/29/2015 psz HU T 0–2 T FI Fuzer HotS online
06/29/2015 psz HU T 2–0 Z NL Dimmert HotS online
HomeStory Cup XI Qualifiers hide
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06/25/2015 psz HU T 1–0 T DE Tornadotom HotS online
go4sc2 Cup Europe #472 hide
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05/17/2015 psz HU T 1–0 T DE CptWobbles HotS online
Dutch StarCraft League 2015 Open hide
05/12/2015 psz HU T 0–1 P DK StrinterN HotS online
05/06/2015 psz HU T 0–1 Z BE ShaGGy HotS online
WCS 2015 Season 2 Qualifier hide
04/15/2015 psz HU T 0–2 T EE kinjikij HotS online
WCS 2015 Season 1 Qualifier Europe hide
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01/13/2015 psz HU T 0–2 Z IT FatalError HotS online
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EIZO Foris Trophy hide
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SC2Online OSC Masters Cup 44 hide
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08/28/2014 psz HU T 1–0 Z PL QwerelL HotS online
BaseTradeTV Who's The Best European hide
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PlayIT Championship hide
12/01/2013 psz HU T 2–3 T HU Breach HotS online
12/01/2013 psz HU T 2–1 T HU ANSqt HotS online
Logitech G Cup hide
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05/23/2013 psz HU T 0–2 Z HR bLitZ HotS online
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ESL Country Championships 2012 hide
03/28/2012 psz HU T 2–0 Z TR yvz WoL online
03/16/2012 psz HU T 0–2 Z DE Delphi WoL online
03/09/2012 psz HU T 1–2 T PL Druzdil WoL online