StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Jan. 2, 2016 to Jan. 9, 2016
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Players 278
Games 876
Matches 389
PvT 76–54 (58.46%)
PvZ 90–128 (41.28%)
TvZ 110–104 (51.40%)
Mirrors 113 PvP, 52 TvT, 149 ZvZ
External Homepage LP
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 10 hide (1)
01/09/2016 MCanning US P 0–2 P US Neeb LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 9 hide (1)
01/09/2016 Nina US P 1–2 P US Neeb LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 8 hide (2)
01/09/2016 HuK CA P 1–2 P US Neeb LotV online
01/09/2016 KiFirE US P 0–2 P US Nina LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 7 hide (2)
01/09/2016 JonSnow US Z 1–2 P US Neeb LotV online
01/09/2016 brent US T 0–2 P US Nina LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 6 hide (3)
01/09/2016 Goky US T 0–2 P US Neeb LotV online
01/09/2016 HTOMario BE T 0–2 Z US JonSnow LotV online
01/09/2016 State US P 1–2 P US Nina LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 5 hide (4)
01/09/2016 Neeb US P 2–0 T CA Semper LotV online
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01/09/2016 Nina US P 2–0 Z CA Bioice LotV online
01/09/2016 brent US T 2–1 P US Early LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 4 hide (8)
01/09/2016 Semper CA T 2–1 Z US Silky LotV online
01/09/2016 NerdStompR US P 0–2 P US Neeb LotV online
01/09/2016 JonSnow US Z 2–1 Z CA NoRegreT LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 3 hide (8)
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 2 hide (14)
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America LB Round 1 hide (10)
01/09/2016 KoMA CA T 2–0 Z US Neuro LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Final hide (1)
01/09/2016 MCanning US P 0–2 Z CA Scarlett LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Ro4 hide (2)
01/09/2016 HuK CA P 1–2 Z CA Scarlett LotV online
01/09/2016 KiFirE US P 1–2 P US MCanning LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Ro8 hide (4)
01/09/2016 State US P 0–2 Z CA Scarlett LotV online
01/09/2016 HuK CA P 2–0 Z US Guitarcheese LotV online
01/09/2016 MCanning US P 2–0 T US Goky LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Ro16 hide (8)
01/09/2016 Scarlett CA Z 2–0 T CA Semper LotV online
01/09/2016 State US P 2–0 P US NerdStompR LotV online
01/09/2016 JonSnow US Z 0–2 Z US Guitarcheese LotV online
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01/09/2016 HTOMario BE T 2–0 Z US Geeden LotV online
01/09/2016 noname US T 0–2 P US KiFirE LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Ro32 hide (16)
01/09/2016 Kamker US T 0–2 T CA Semper LotV online
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01/09/2016 JonSnow US Z 2–0 P US Nina LotV online
01/09/2016 Rain US Z 0–2 P US Bails LotV online
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01/09/2016 SirRobin US Z 0–2 T US Goky LotV online
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01/09/2016 Jardozer US Z 1–2 P US KiFirE LotV online
01/09/2016 noname US T 2–0 Z US Silky LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers North America WB Ro64 hide (25)
01/09/2016 Neuro US Z 0–2 T CA Semper LotV online
01/09/2016 Kamker US T 2–0 T CA KoMA LotV online
01/09/2016 Rob US P 2–1 Z US WarreN LotV online
01/09/2016 Scarlett CA Z 2–0 P CA Spynol LotV online
01/09/2016 Seigifried US P 1–2 T US Eighty7Gaming LotV online
01/09/2016 Eradin US P 0–2 P US NerdStompR LotV online
01/09/2016 Neeb US P 1–2 P US State LotV online
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01/09/2016 Nina US P 2–1 P CA desRow LotV online
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01/09/2016 DeadSaint US Z 2–0 P BR ProMaThos LotV online
01/09/2016 Kobalto BR P 0–2 P CA HuK LotV online
01/09/2016 Bioice CA Z 2–0 T US JOOsh LotV online
01/09/2016 Dreamatose US P 2–0 P US TaeTiSeo LotV online
01/09/2016 Goky US T 2–0 T US Ninkazi LotV online
01/09/2016 Steadfast CA Z 0–2 Z US SirRobin LotV online
01/09/2016 Cuddlebear US T 1–2 Z US CalebAracous LotV online
01/09/2016 UpATree CA T 0–2 P US MCanning LotV online
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01/09/2016 HTOMario BE T 2–1 P US Early LotV online
01/09/2016 brent US T 1–2 P US KiFirE LotV online
01/09/2016 Poizon US P 0–2 Z US Jardozer LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro4 hide (2)
01/09/2016 Namshar SE Z 2–0 Z NO Snute LotV online
01/09/2016 Serral FI Z 2–0 Z AT HateMe LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro8 hide (4)
01/09/2016 Snute NO Z 2–1 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
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01/09/2016 HateMe AT Z 2–1 P RU Couguar LotV online
01/09/2016 Serral FI Z 2–0 T FR Dayshi LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro16 hide (8)
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01/09/2016 Snute NO Z 2–0 Z PL Elazer LotV online
01/09/2016 Namshar SE Z 2–0 P FI Welmu LotV online
01/09/2016 SortOf SE Z 2–0 P DE FeaR LotV online
01/09/2016 Couguar RU P 2–0 Z RU Revolver LotV online
01/09/2016 HateMe AT Z 2–0 P ES Majestic LotV online
01/09/2016 Dayshi FR T 2–0 Z FR FireCake LotV online
01/09/2016 Bly UA Z 1–2 Z FI Serral LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro32 hide (16)
01/09/2016 Lambo DE Z 2–0 Z CZ TomikuS LotV online
01/09/2016 JungleKing RU T 1–2 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
01/09/2016 Guru PL Z 0–2 Z PL Elazer LotV online
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01/09/2016 Protosser FI Z 0–2 Z FI Serral LotV online
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Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro64 hide (32)
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01/09/2016 Haspe FI T 2–1 T ES Rote LotV online
01/09/2016 JeanMichel FR Z 0–2 P RU Couguar LotV online
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01/09/2016 Tefel PL Z 2–1 T UA Kas LotV online
01/09/2016 Dayshi FR T 2–0 Z HU Freeman LotV online
01/09/2016 PappiJoe DK P 0–2 Z FI Serral LotV online
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01/09/2016 Tomatopunch SE Z 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
01/09/2016 Abbadon FR T 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2016 Leipzig Qualifiers Europe Ro128 hide (57)
01/09/2016 DeVoltS RU P 0–2 P RU Zaratustra LotV online
01/09/2016 RupekPL PL Z 2–0 Z RU WoolenFish LotV online
01/09/2016 MODEUS RU T 0–2 Z CZ TomikuS LotV online
01/09/2016 Tymli DK P 0–2 Z DE Lambo LotV online
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01/09/2016 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 Z SE Miniraser LotV online
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