StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for March 17, 2021

Alpha X Pro Series Armani vs Nice hide (1)
2632 Armani KR Z 5–4 P TW Nice 2297 LotV online
Alpha X Apprentice Season 6 Group Stage Group B hide (10)
1604 Uzikoti FR T 3–1 Z SE Fjant 861 LotV online
1679 arrogfire FR P 0–3 T DE BattleB 1830 LotV online
637 Fjant SE Z 0–3 P FR arrogfire 1611 LotV online
1746 Pacomike MX P 0–3 T FR Uzikoti 1699 LotV online
1700 arrogfire FR P 3–0 P MX Pacomike 1745 LotV online
1779 BattleB DE T 3–0 Z SE Fjant 861 LotV online
1746 Pacomike MX P 1–3 T DE BattleB 1830 LotV online
1699 Uzikoti FR T 1–3 P FR arrogfire 1679 LotV online
Alpha X Series #38 hide (1)
3063 Cure KR T 5–2 T KR Dream 2621 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Ro32 hide (6)
938 ShotnVelt CL Z 0–2 T PE kaozfate 1545 LotV online
997 Loki CL Z 2–0 T CL LucianO 1001 LotV online
1830 BattleB DE T 2–0 P PE Agressif 692 LotV online
493 ArriS PE T 0–2 P US Holden 790 LotV online
688 elegacy AR P 0–2 P CL sUb 1009 LotV online
845 AreZ BR T 2–0 R PE Accelerator 930 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Ro16 hide (7)
2339 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T PE kaozfate 1545 LotV online
1575 trigger CA P 0–2 P US Ruiyichi 1481 LotV online
1934 JimRising MX P 2–1 Z CL Loki 1044 LotV online
2276 Nina US P 2–0 P US Holden 805 LotV online
1106 tavo PE T 1–2 P CL sUb 1052 LotV online
2285 Cham MX Z 2–0 T BR AreZ 916 LotV online
1035 Bekzhan KZ P 0–2 P JP CriMsoN 1317 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Ro8 hide (4)
2355 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P US Ruiyichi 1535 LotV online
1964 JimRising MX Z 2–1 T DE BattleB 1779 LotV online
2276 Nina US P 2–0 P CL sUb 1009 LotV online
2324 Cham MX Z 2–0 P JP CriMsoN 1266 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Ro4 hide (2)
2355 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P MX JimRising 1934 LotV online
2376 Nina US P 0–2 Z MX Cham 2324 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Third Place Match hide (1)
1820 JimRising MX Z 0–2 P US Nina 2376 LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #30 Final hide (1)
2416 Wayne RU Z 1–3 Z MX Cham 2452 LotV online
Manes The Best Sarmat #2 Round 3 hide (5)
1591 Rodzyn PL P 1–0 T PL Angry 1085 LotV online
908 Fanatig PL P 0–1 P PL Indy 1694 LotV online
886 HaPe PL P 1–0 Z PL Aristori 1288 LotV online
1312 Miszu PL T 1–0 Z PL Snoxtar 1642 LotV online
1276 Gremory PL Z 0–1 P PL BluE 1733 LotV online
Manes The Best Sarmat #2 Round 4 hide (4)
961 Fanatig PL P 1–0 T PL Angry 1085 LotV online
1580 Rodzyn PL P 0–1 P PL BluE 1724 LotV online
1671 Snoxtar PL Z 1–0 Z PL Aristori 1361 LotV online
1276 Gremory PL Z 0–1 P PL Indy 1919 LotV online
Moscow Cybersport Series Season 3 WB Ro16 hide (8)
1722 Couguar RU P 3–0 T RU Brat_OK 1549 LotV online
1671 EnigmA RU P 3–0 P KZ LIGHTWEIGHT 1361 LotV online
1824 Moja DE T 2–3 P Rail 2155 LotV online
1934 Bee RU Z 3–1 P US PiLiPiLi 2080 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro32 hide (5)
Symonomicon T 0–2 P NL HiGhDrA 1078 LotV online
973 Necris IN Z 0–2 T AU Azure 1654 LotV online
1318 Oreo AU Z 1–2 Z MY Neutrals 622 LotV online
1600 Marsman NL P 2–0 Z PH SteelHeart 980 LotV online
Rixillius R 0–2 P RU EnigmA 1737 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro16 hide (6)
1704 Jumy DE P 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA 1096 LotV online
1041 Artanis PH P 0–2 T PE tavo 1106 LotV online
1526 Bistork HK P 0–2 T AU Azure 1494 LotV online
2117 SouLeer ES Z 2–0 T UA Kas 2193 LotV online
805 Holden US P 0–2 P RU EnigmA 1671 LotV online
1504 Revenant SG Z 0–2 T PE NeO 1202 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro8 hide (4)
1604 Jumy DE P 2–0 T PE tavo 1106 LotV online
1654 Azure AU T 2–0 Z MY Neutrals 702 LotV online
1600 Marsman NL P 0–2 Z ES SouLeer 2095 LotV online
1725 EnigmA RU P 1–2 T PE NeO 1129 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1604 Jumy DE P 2–1 T AU Azure 1494 LotV online
2117 SouLeer ES Z 2–0 T PE NeO 1202 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 WB Final hide (1)
1513 Jumy DE P 0–2 Z ES SouLeer 2095 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 1 hide (2)
1504 Revenant SG Z 2–0 T Symonomicon LotV online
1008 Artanis PH P 2–0 R Rixillius LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 2 hide (4)
711 Holden US P 2–0 Z SG Revenant 1360 LotV online
2193 Kas UA T 2–0 Z AU Oreo 1330 LotV online
1512 Bistork HK P 2–0 P AR elegacy 688 LotV online
1096 HiGhDrA NL P 2–0 P PH Artanis 963 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 3 hide (4)
615 Neutrals MY Z 0–2 P US Holden 711 LotV online
1333 tavo PE T 0–2 T UA Kas 2140 LotV online
1671 EnigmA RU P 2–1 P HK Bistork 1512 LotV online
1820 Marsman NL P 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA 1096 LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming StarCraft League Season 2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 4 hide (2)
702 Neutrals MY Z 1–2 T PE tavo 1263 LotV online
1512 Bistork HK P 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA 1096 LotV online
SDC Cup #10 Ro8 hide (2)
1072 Bekzhan KZ P 0–2 Z TW YoGer 1401 LotV online
2081 ArT PL P 2–1 Z KR Gamja 1525 LotV online
SDC Cup #10 Ro4 hide (2)
1892 Bee RU Z 2–1 Z TW Rex 1970 LotV online
1401 YoGer TW Z 0–2 P PL ArT 2081 LotV online
SDC Cup #10 Final hide (1)
1934 Bee RU Z 3–0 P PL ArT 2081 LotV online
The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 2 Main Event Group Stage Group C hide (6)
1575 trigger CA P 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi 1928 LotV online
1214 Kozan US T 0–2 P US Ryan 1572 LotV online
1537 Ryan US P 1–2 P CA trigger 1575 LotV online
2026 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 T US Kozan 1214 LotV online
1214 Kozan US T 0–2 P CA trigger 1592 LotV online
1928 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 P US Ryan 1537 LotV online
Underdogs 2021 Season 1 Main Event WB Final hide (1)
2931 Clem FR T 3–0 T FR MarineLorD 2329 LotV online
Underdogs 2021 Season 1 Main Event LB Round 5 hide (1)
2351 PtitDrogo FR P 3–0 P FR DnS 2163 LotV online
WardiTV Winter Championship 2021 Qualifier KR Last Chance Ro16 hide (2)
1134 Renewable KR P 1–2 Z CN SCBoy 981 LotV online
1705 Dandy KR P 0–2 Z KR Gamja 1525 LotV online
WardiTV Winter Championship 2021 Qualifier KR Last Chance Ro8 hide (4)
2596 Creator KR P 2–0 Z CN SCBoy 981 LotV online
1629 TAiLS KR P 2–0 Z KR Gamja 1525 LotV online
2118 Ryung KR T 2–1 Z RU Bee 1991 LotV online
2297 Nice TW P 2–0 Z KR ThebarTV 838 LotV online
WardiTV Winter Championship 2021 Qualifier KR Last Chance Ro4 hide (2)
2487 Creator KR P 2–0 P KR TAiLS 1788 LotV online
1966 Ryung KR T 0–2 P TW Nice 2218 LotV online
WardiTV Winter Championship 2021 Qualifier KR Last Chance Final hide (1)
2487 Creator KR P 1–2 P TW Nice 2072 LotV online

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