StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for June 1, 2019

CraftSeries 2019 Season 1 Division 1 Group A hide (5)
1601 Mamba CH Z 2–0 P CH Aicha LotV online
1370 FunK CH P 2–0 Z CH PengWin 1159 LotV online
Aicha CH P 1–2 Z CH PengWin 1159 LotV online
1601 Mamba CH Z 0–2 P CH FunK 1370 LotV online
1108 PengWin CH Z 2–1 Z CH Mamba 1530 LotV online
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas WB Ro32 hide (2)
983 Crisper US Z 0–2 Z US Hawk 1265 LotV offline
958 Sasori US Z 2–0 T US LOTBoys 945 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas WB Ro16 hide (8)
949 Drakke US Z 0–2 Z US Hawk 1265 LotV offline
Threeballer US T 2–0 Z US Locke LotV offline
1187 Nycro US P 1–2 T US binski 1166 LotV offline
Arlyne US T 1–2 Z US Sasori 958 LotV offline
GreenMachine US Z 1–2 P VE ThuNdeR 1166 LotV offline
993 Maellic US Z 2–0 T US Colly LotV offline
1304 Rhizer US P 2–0 P US Gornom 973 LotV offline
917 V3c7or US T 0–2 T US Sanguine 1065 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas WB Ro8 hide (4)
1189 Hawk US Z 2–0 T US Threeballer LotV offline
1209 binski US T 2–0 T US Sanguine 1065 LotV offline
1019 Maellic US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer 1562 LotV offline
915 Sasori US Z 2–1 P VE ThuNdeR 1166 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas WB Ro4 hide (2)
1189 Hawk US Z 0–2 T US binski 1136 LotV offline
915 Sasori US Z 2–0 P US Rhizer 1562 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas WB Final hide (1)
1136 binski US T 2–0 Z US Sasori 958 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 1 hide (2)
972 Gornom US P 2–0 Z US Crisper 936 LotV offline
917 V3c7or US T 0–2 T US LOTBoys 879 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 2 hide (4)
973 Gornom US P 2–0 T US Colly LotV offline
GreenMachine US Z 0–2 T US Arlyne LotV offline
904 LOTBoys US T 0–2 P US Nycro 1187 LotV offline
Locke US Z 0–2 Z US Drakke 949 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 3 hide (4)
1086 Sanguine US T 1–2 P US Gornom 973 LotV offline
Threeballer US T 2–0 T US Arlyne LotV offline
1019 Maellic US Z 0–2 P US Nycro 1149 LotV offline
1166 ThuNdeR VE P 2–0 Z US Drakke 982 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 4 hide (2)
973 Gornom US P 0–2 T US Threeballer LotV offline
1168 Nycro US P 1–2 P VE ThuNdeR 1012 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 5 hide (2)
1406 Rhizer US P 2–0 T US Threeballer LotV offline
1182 Hawk US Z 2–0 P VE ThuNdeR 1166 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 6 hide (1)
1562 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z US Hawk 1182 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas LB Round 7 hide (1)
915 Sasori US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer 1562 LotV offline
Dreamhack BYOC 2019 Dallas Final hide (2)
1166 binski US T 0–2 P US Rhizer 1406 LotV offline
1166 binski US T 0–2 P US Rhizer 1406 LotV offline
GSL 2019 Season 2 Code S Ro16 Group D hide (5)
2770 Dark KR Z 2–0 P KR Patience 2342 LotV offline
3047 Dark KR Z 2–1 T KR INnoVation 2939 LotV offline
2329 Patience KR P 0–2 P KR Stats 2667 LotV offline
2719 INnoVation KR T 2–1 P KR Stats 2648 LotV offline
2719 INnoVation KR T 2–0 P KR Stats 2648 LotV offline
Risen Starcraft League 2019 Season 2 Group Stage 2 Group D hide (5)
1053 Kesai US T 1–2 Z US ReVolt 1065 LotV online
822 TechFour US Z 0–2 Z CA Richard 1027 LotV online
1124 ReVolt US Z 0–2 Z CA Richard 1027 LotV online
1053 Kesai US T 2–0 Z US TechFour 876 LotV online
1065 ReVolt US Z 1–2 T US Kesai 1053 LotV online
SCBoy China Team Championship 2019 Season 1 Regular Season Week 7 Team LP vs Ocean Gaming hide (4)
2542 Impact KR Z 2–0 P KR Zest 2603 LotV online
2387 Patience KR P 0–2 T MX SpeCial 2471 LotV online
1817 Jieshi CN P 1–1 Z CN TooDming 1808 LotV online
2511 Impact KR Z 1–0 T MX SpeCial 2462 LotV online
SCBoy China Team Championship 2019 Season 1 Regular Season Week 7 Newbee vs Invictus Gaming hide (3)
2599 Dear KR P 1–1 Z CN iAsonu 2278 LotV online
2404 Scarlett CA Z 2–0 T CN Coffee 1610 LotV online
2313 Oliveira CN T 2–0 T CN XY 1847 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #57 Ro16 hide (6)
990 YOYI CU Z 2–1 T CU Dari LotV online
940 Shellbee PE T 0–2 Z CR EON 1325 LotV online
1179 CealeR PE T 2–1 T BR Pereira 828 LotV online
1442 TheZergLord BR Z 2–0 T PE ZenioM 853 LotV online
983 deki MX P 0–2 P MX Pacomike 1473 LotV online
855 Kumm MX Z 2–0 P BO IsaacClarke LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #57 Ro8 hide (3)
1522 Ryu PE Z 2–1 Z CU YOYI 998 LotV online
1325 EON CR Z 2–1 T PE CealeR 990 LotV online
1495 TheZergLord BR Z 0–2 P MX Pacomike 1388 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #57 Ro4 hide (2)
1522 Ryu PE Z 2–1 Z CR EON 1101 LotV online
1388 Pacomike MX P 2–0 Z MX Kumm 855 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #57 Third place match hide (1)
1101 EON CR Z 2–1 Z MX Kumm 827 LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #57 Final hide (1)
1632 Ryu PE Z 3–1 P MX Pacomike 1388 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Ro32 hide (5)
Miai P 0–2 T DE BattleB 930 LotV online
958 LikeAMonster FR T 0–2 P DE ReiGn 1216 LotV online
1083 ObbFlyQty DE P 2–0 Z EE kiyj 941 LotV online
2334 Kelazhur BR T 0–2 P DE Jumy 988 LotV online
991 DrDragon DE P 0–2 P FI TheMusZero 1386 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Ro16 hide (8)
1090 Seltic DE Z 2–1 T DE BattleB 916 LotV online
2061 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z DK Spazymazy 1539 LotV online
1894 Krystianer PL P 2–0 P DE ReiGn 1145 LotV online
1493 Milka RU P 2–0 P DE ObbFlyQty 1034 LotV online
958 Atsou TR Z 0–2 P DE Jumy 1018 LotV online
1297 Spatz DE P 0–2 Z PL Guru 2063 LotV online
1611 Nitix BG Z 2–0 P FI TheMusZero 1426 LotV online
1361 hinO FR Z 2–0 P CZ amberdrake 619 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Ro8 hide (3)
1075 Seltic DE Z 1–2 P PL Gerald 2061 LotV online
1894 Krystianer PL P 0–2 P RU Milka 1493 LotV online
1758 Nitix BG Z 2–0 Z FR hinO 1536 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Ro4 hide (2)
2035 Gerald PL P 2–0 P RU Milka 1493 LotV online
1018 Jumy DE P 0–2 Z BG Nitix 1611 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Third place match hide (1)
1493 Milka RU P 2–0 P DE Jumy 1010 LotV online
Terra's Tea Cup #3 Final hide (1)
2061 Gerald PL P 3–0 Z BG Nitix 1611 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group A hide (5)
1344 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 T CA Buster 1135 LotV online
OopsiE CA P 0–2 P CA DisK 1596 LotV online
1791 DisK CA P 2–0 Z US CalebAracous 1242 LotV online
1047 Buster CA T 2–0 P CA OopsiE LotV online
OopsiE CA P 0–2 Z US CalebAracous 1242 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group B hide (5)
1222 Daydreamer CN P 2–0 T MX Sinner 1510 LotV online
957 Koda US T 0–2 T US Future 2019 LotV online
1957 Future US T 2–0 P CN Daydreamer 1222 LotV online
980 Koda US T 0–2 P CN Daydreamer 1222 LotV online
1386 Sinner MX T 0–2 T US Future 2019 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group C hide (5)
1562 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z US ScrubbleS 1175 LotV online
777 MogarFNSMASH CA T 0–2 T US Vindicta 1780 LotV online
1119 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH 815 LotV online
830 MogarFNSMASH CA T 0–2 P US Rhizer 1406 LotV online
1119 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 T US Vindicta 1923 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group E hide (6)
1392 Dolan US T 2–1 P CN Mage 1084 LotV online
880 Gemini US P 0–2 T US Cuddlebear 1677 LotV online
1637 Cuddlebear US T 2–1 T US Dolan 1318 LotV online
1168 Mage CN P 2–0 P US Gemini 997 LotV online
880 Gemini US P 0–2 T US Dolan 1392 LotV online
1084 Mage CN P 0–2 T US Cuddlebear 1677 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group F hide (3)
1014 imeurotrash US T 2–1 Z CA Bioice 1726 LotV online
1599 Bioice CA Z 2–0 P US Creature 1638 LotV online
1027 imeurotrash US T 2–0 P US Creature 1338 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Main Event Group Stage 1 Group G hide (6)
1657 Drunkenboi CA T 2–0 P US IntuitioN 739 LotV online
924 Seigifried US P 0–2 Z US starkiller 1635 LotV online
1632 starkiller US Z 1–2 T CA Drunkenboi 1471 LotV online
707 IntuitioN US P 1–2 P US Seigifried 1020 LotV online
924 Seigifried US P 0–2 T CA Drunkenboi 1657 LotV online
761 IntuitioN US P 0–2 Z US starkiller 1635 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Spicy League #1 Group Stage Week 5 TEAM DUB vs Slam In' Jam' hide (4)
1575 Rob US P 0–1 T US jheffe 1380 LotV online
1078 Jamileon US P 0–1 T US Future 1957 LotV online
1325 EON CR Z 0–1 T US WildGame 893 LotV online
1344 CalebAracous US Z 0–1 T US FoxeR 1324 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group A hide (10)
760 Ward US T 2–0 T US PHDonLSD LotV online
865 Draco CA P 2–0 T CA JRG LotV online
865 Draco CA P 2–0 T US PHDonLSD LotV online
836 John US T 2–1 T US Ward 760 LotV online
865 Draco CA P 2–0 T US John 702 LotV online
JRG CA T 2–0 T US PHDonLSD LotV online
836 John US T 2–0 T CA JRG LotV online
854 Ward US T 2–1 P CA Draco 865 LotV online
760 Ward US T 2–0 T CA JRG LotV online
836 John US T 2–0 T US PHDonLSD LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group B hide (6)
754 HyjiNx US Z 2–0 T US Passer 830 LotV online
1018 Ruiyichi US R 2–0 P US Raith 963 LotV online
1031 Ruiyichi US R 2–1 Z US HyjiNx 740 LotV online
958 Ruiyichi US R 2–0 T US Passer 852 LotV online
963 Raith US P 2–0 Z US HyjiNx 679 LotV online
963 Raith US P 2–0 T US Passer 859 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group C hide (9)
911 Taldan US P 2–0 T CA MISITIC 806 LotV online
1022 SieGe US T 2–0 Z US Ribeye 743 LotV online
1031 SieGe US T 2–0 T CA MISITIC 788 LotV online
625 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 P US Taldan 911 LotV online
807 MISITIC CA T 2–1 Z US Ribeye 743 LotV online
646 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 Z US Ribeye 743 LotV online
911 Taldan US P 2–1 T US SieGe 1052 LotV online
845 Taldan US P 2–1 Z US Ribeye 742 LotV online
856 DisReSpeCT US T 1–0 T CA MISITIC 788 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group D hide (2)
891 Freeedom US Z 2–1 Z US HomeTownCrib 946 LotV online
HeatedStove US T 2–0 Z US Freeedom 634 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group E hide (3)
906 Hibiki US Z 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH 815 LotV online
777 MogarFNSMASH CA T 2–1 T US Rowrin 893 LotV online
906 Hibiki US Z 2–0 T US Rowrin 895 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group F hide (6)
819 Nitro US T 2–1 P US BraDaDiah LotV online
890 EterNaL CA T 2–0 T CA Deity 1084 LotV online
841 Nitro US T 2–0 T CA Deity 1084 LotV online
1139 Deity CA T 2–0 P US BraDaDiah LotV online
841 Nitro US T 2–1 T CA EterNaL 890 LotV online
917 EterNaL CA T 2–0 P US BraDaDiah LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group G hide (6)
841 LaughNgamez CA T 2–1 Z US WorldisDoom 808 LotV online
992 Shyrshadi US P 2–1 T CA LaughNgamez 935 LotV online
1018 Shyrshadi US P 2–0 Z US WorldisDoom 821 LotV online
1018 Shyrshadi US P 2–0 Z US mLty 757 LotV online
841 LaughNgamez CA T 2–0 Z US mLty 753 LotV online
740 WorldisDoom US Z 2–0 Z US mLty 655 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Contender 2019 Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group H hide (6)
923 Cerdoken US T 2–1 Z US BoO 813 LotV online
525 LastSurprise US T 2–1 P US OhrlRokK 937 LotV online
937 OhrlRokK US P 2–0 T US Cerdoken 889 LotV online
901 BoO US Z 2–1 P US OhrlRokK 970 LotV online
719 LastSurprise US T 2–1 T US Cerdoken 888 LotV online
522 LastSurprise US T 2–0 Z US BoO 813 LotV online
WCS 2019 Summer Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan Open Qualifier #3 Ro8 hide (4)
1833 Winter SE Z 3–1 T JP NOTAKON 1065 LotV online
JavieR TW T 0–3 P TW Nice 2056 LotV online
1271 YoGer TW Z 1–3 Z TW CaStLeAGE 1057 LotV online
1625 Lemon TW Z 3–1 Z TW MysteryMan 1280 LotV online
WCS 2019 Summer Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan Open Qualifier #3 Ro32 hide (8)
中小學生守護者 TW P 0–3 T TW 新手 698 LotV online
997 Belial TW T 0–3 T TW JavieR LotV online
泰瑞 TW Z 0–3 Z TW Smile 785 LotV online
Warchief TW T 1–3 P TW Shang 1098 LotV online
1081 CaStLeAGE TW Z 3–0 P TW CaMuSt 979 LotV online
SaraStorM TW P 0–3 Z TW Lemon 1360 LotV online
sam TW P 3–0 T TW 香風智乃是我老婆 LotV online
886 Louis TW Z 3–0 T TW Eternity 1067 LotV online
WCS 2019 Summer Qualifiers Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Japan Open Qualifier #3 Ro16 hide (8)
1833 Winter SE Z 3–1 T TW 新手 807 LotV online
1065 NOTAKON JP T 3–0 Z TW Louis 886 LotV online
1011 MoRiArTy TW P 1–3 T TW JavieR LotV online
2045 Nice TW P 3–0 Z TW Smile 915 LotV online
1166 YoGer TW Z 3–1 P TW Shang 943 LotV online
866 Drima TW T 0–3 Z TW CaStLeAGE 1072 LotV online
1088 NaXin TW T 1–3 Z TW Lemon 1402 LotV online
1244 MysteryMan TW Z 3–1 P TW sam LotV online

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