StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for May 24, 2019

Alpha X Pro Series Armani vs Astrea hide (1)
1892 Armani KR Z 5–4 P US Astrea 2149 LotV online
BJ Destruction Match 2019 Season 2 Group Stage Day 7 Team Maru vs Team soO hide (6)
2397 Creator KR P 0–1 T KR KeeN 2196 LotV online
2868 INnoVation KR T 1–0 T KR KeeN 2272 LotV online
2719 INnoVation KR T 1–0 P KR Patience 2387 LotV online
2868 INnoVation KR T 0–1 T KR Bunny 2374 LotV online
2922 Maru KR T 1–0 T KR Bunny 2374 LotV online
3126 Maru KR T 1–0 Z KR soO 2782 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (2)
1485 ButAlways TW P 1–2 Z HK GogojOey 1621 LotV online
1166 YoGer TW Z 2–1 P TW MoRiArTy 1101 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro8 hide (3)
1088 NaXin TW T 0–2 Z TW YoGer 1185 LotV online
1238 Cell TW Z 1–2 Z HK GogojOey 1527 LotV online
mamudepisa TW T 0–2 Z TW Lemon 1402 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1166 YoGer TW Z 1–2 P TW Nice 2045 LotV online
1625 Lemon TW Z 2–0 Z HK GogojOey 1527 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 WB Final hide (1)
2045 Nice TW P 3–2 Z TW Lemon 1360 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (2)
1224 Cell TW Z 2–1 P TW MoRiArTy 1101 LotV online
851 NaXin TW T 2–0 P TW ButAlways 1323 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (1)
mamudepisa TW T 1–2 Z TW Cell 1302 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 3 hide (2)
1271 YoGer TW Z 0–2 Z TW Cell 1238 LotV online
1736 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 T TW NaXin 1088 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 4 hide (1)
1238 Cell TW Z 0–2 Z HK GogojOey 1527 LotV online
Blazing Series 2019 Season 2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 5 hide (1)
1625 Lemon TW Z 0–3 Z HK GogojOey 1527 LotV online
Horuss Open #2 Ro16 hide (5)
1016 Shellbee PE T 0–2 T BO Drake 938 LotV online
987 SephirothKen T 0–2 T PE ZenioM 903 LotV online
981 starmaster BR Z 0–2 P BR Sefirofe 934 LotV online
813 MimeronVex BR P 0–2 Z BR Erik 1930 LotV online
1240 DarkUnnamed BO Z 2–0 T PE tavo 925 LotV online
Horuss Open #2 Ro8 hide (4)
1700 eGGz CO Z 2–0 Z BO DarkUnnamed 1180 LotV online
938 Drake BO T 0–2 T PE ZenioM 903 LotV online
1901 JimRising MX Z 2–0 P BR Sefirofe 934 LotV online
949 Shalko PE P 0–2 Z BR Erik 1930 LotV online
Horuss Open #2 Ro4 hide (2)
1790 eGGz CO Z 2–0 T PE ZenioM 853 LotV online
1760 JimRising MX Z 2–0 Z BR Erik 2039 LotV online
Horuss Open #2 Final hide (1)
1700 eGGz CO Z 1–3 Z MX JimRising 1760 LotV online
K88 Bet Challenger Cup #1 Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
1747 MacSed CN P 3–4 P CN Firefly 1581 LotV online
1610 Coffee CN T 3–4 Z CN BreakingGG 1580 LotV online
K88 Bet Challenger Cup #1 Playoffs Final hide (1)
1688 Firefly CN P 3–4 Z CN BreakingGG 1688 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2019 May #3 Ro16 hide (8)
1572 MacSed CN P 1–2 T CN Coffee 1569 LotV online
1588 Silky CN Z 1–2 Z CN Wanted 925 LotV online
1137 Sakya CN Z 2–1 P CN Qike 1268 LotV online
1419 EF CN Z 1–2 Z CN iAsonu 2242 LotV online
1774 Cloudy CN P 1–2 T CN XY 1781 LotV online
1684 XiGua CN Z 0–2 Z CN danran 1072 LotV online
1795 Jim CN P 1–2 Z CN BreakingGG 1688 LotV online
1797 TooDming CN Z 1–2 Z CN Misaki 1719 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2019 May #3 Ro8 hide (4)
1610 Coffee CN T 2–1 Z CN Wanted 1012 LotV online
1419 Sakya CN Z 0–2 Z CN iAsonu 2242 LotV online
1837 XY CN T 2–0 Z CN danran 1018 LotV online
1643 BreakingGG CN Z 2–1 Z CN Misaki 1719 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2019 May #3 Ro4 hide (2)
1610 Coffee CN T 3–0 Z CN iAsonu 2311 LotV online
1837 XY CN T 3–2 Z CN BreakingGG 1580 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2019 May #3 Third place match hide (1)
2242 iAsonu CN Z 3–0 Z CN BreakingGG 1643 LotV online
NetEase GPC 2019 May #3 Final hide (1)
1686 Coffee CN T 4–2 T CN XY 1847 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #222 Ro32 hide (9)
1390 Spatz DE P 2–0 P RU Nerazim 1218 LotV online
1532 Raza UK T 2–0 P DE Jumy 988 LotV online
1354 Asuna CN P 2–0 P CH FunK 1227 LotV online
1944 Kas UA T 2–0 T CN hOOdy 1327 LotV online
2043 InZaNe DE T 2–0 P DSrules LotV online
1786 AqueroN ES T 2–0 Z US Draven 511 LotV online
1630 Milka RU P 2–0 Z EE kiyj 941 LotV online
1043 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 P DE Azylis 304 LotV online
1810 Shino FR Z 2–1 T CA SqrtofnegOne 611 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #222 Ro16 hide (8)
1934 Bee RU Z 2–1 P DE Spatz 1297 LotV online
1532 Raza UK T 2–1 P CN Asuna 1328 LotV online
1741 Krystianer PL P 1–2 T UA Kas 1920 LotV online
1883 InZaNe DE T 2–1 T ES AqueroN 1747 LotV online
1995 Wayne RU Z 0–2 T US Cuddlebear 1727 LotV online
895 Templar SE T 0–2 P RU Milka 1466 LotV online
2035 Gerald PL P 2–1 P DK PappiJoe 1439 LotV online
1810 Shino FR Z 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 1118 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #222 Ro8 hide (4)
1815 Bee RU Z 1–2 T UK Raza 1649 LotV online
1944 Kas UA T 2–1 T DE InZaNe 1883 LotV online
1677 Cuddlebear US T 0–2 P RU Milka 1466 LotV online
1931 Gerald PL P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow 1043 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #222 Ro4 hide (2)
1668 Raza UK T 0–2 T UA Kas 1944 LotV online
1493 Milka RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald 2035 LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #222 Final hide (1)
1920 Kas UA T 0–2 P PL Gerald 1931 LotV online
Risen Starcraft League 2019 Season 2 Group Stage 2 Group C hide (4)
910 renegadeX US Z 0–2 P MA TheKyoJin 820 LotV online
1019 Megabearcub US Z 0–2 T CA Deity 1064 LotV online
747 TheKyoJin MA P 2–0 T CA Deity 1139 LotV online
938 renegadeX US Z 0–2 Z US Megabearcub 1027 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 WB Ro16 hide (4)
1103 Ziomek PL P 2–0 Z CA Flood 1046 LotV online
1564 Marsman NL P 1–2 Z VN Uply 935 LotV online
1091 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 P US NasisNazty 712 LotV online
2035 Gerald PL P 2–0 P AU Rize 1135 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 WB Ro8 hide (4)
1930 Erik BR Z 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1103 LotV online
2061 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z VN Uply 935 LotV online
1719 Bee RU Z 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1088 LotV online
1916 Wayne RU Z 0–2 P KR domickc 1703 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 WB Ro4 hide (2)
1930 Erik BR Z 2–0 P PL Gerald 2061 LotV online
1934 Bee RU Z 1–2 P KR domickc 1703 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 WB Final hide (1)
1930 Erik BR Z 2–0 P KR domickc 1703 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 1 hide (1)
1135 Rize AU P 1–0 P NL Marsman 1683 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 2 hide (2)
1091 YoungYakov RU Z 1–0 P AU Rize 928 LotV online
935 Uply VN Z 1–0 P US NasisNazty 712 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 3 hide (1)
935 Uply VN Z 1–0 P PL Ziomek 1103 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 4 hide (2)
2061 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1091 LotV online
1719 Bee RU Z 2–0 Z VN Uply 906 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 5 hide (1)
2061 Gerald PL P 2–1 Z RU Bee 1934 LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #49 LB Round 6 hide (1)
1617 domickc KR P 0–1 P PL Gerald 2035 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (8)
1783 Raze US P 2–0 T Protijay LotV online
996 Gemini US P 2–1 Z US fullheart 1072 LotV online
1274 Daydreamer CN P 2–0 P US OhrlRokK 904 LotV online
1466 Creature US P 2–0 P DSrules LotV online
739 IntuitioN US P 0–2 T US Koda 980 LotV online
1242 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 P CA OopsiE LotV online
890 Reaper US Z 0–2 T US imeurotrash 1014 LotV online
1084 Mage CN P 2–0 T US LastSurprise 525 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Qualifier #1 WB Ro8 hide (4)
1488 Raze US P 2–1 P US Gemini 997 LotV online
1274 Daydreamer CN P 2–0 P CN Mage 1168 LotV online
1338 Creature US P 2–0 T US Koda 980 LotV online
1344 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 T US imeurotrash 1014 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (3)
Protijay T 0–2 Z US fullheart 1032 LotV online
937 OhrlRokK US P 2–0 T US LastSurprise 525 LotV online
OopsiE CA P 0–2 Z US Reaper 1105 LotV online
The NA Apprentice Season 4 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (4)
1014 imeurotrash US T 2–0 Z US fullheart 1032 LotV online
980 Koda US T 2–1 P US OhrlRokK 937 LotV online
996 Gemini US P 2–1 Z US Reaper 1105 LotV online
1168 Mage CN P 2–0 P US IntuitioN 707 LotV online
WardiTV European League Main Event Group Stage Group A hide (27)
2188 DnS FR P 0–2 T FR MarineLorD 2231 LotV online
2556 Bly UA Z 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2258 LotV online
2184 DnS FR P 1–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2279 LotV online
2113 Denver FR Z 1–2 P PL MaNa 2265 LotV online
WardiTV European League Main Event Group Stage Group B hide (27)
1837 PenguiN KR Z 0–2 T FR Clem 2419 LotV online
2625 uThermal NL T 2–0 Z PL Nerchio 2328 LotV online
2294 Harstem NL P 0–2 P UA Hellraiser 2005 LotV online
2319 Spirit PL T 1–2 Z IT Reynor 2720 LotV online

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