StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions

53.28% (942/1768)
51.31% (294/573)
59.63% (288/483)
50.14% (347/692)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Awers is 942–826 (53.28%) in games and 479–390 (55.12%) in matches.

DNU Esports Online Cup #3 hide
12/28/2024 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA SunSet LotV online
12/28/2024 Awers UA T 2–1 P UA Michnek LotV online
12/28/2024 Awers UA T 2–1 P UA aelliot LotV online
12/28/2024 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA SunSet LotV online
12/28/2024 Awers UA T 2–0 P UA OverlordUA LotV online
Sniper's StarCraft League Ukrainian Cup #1 hide
04/02/2023 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
03/25/2023 Awers UA T 2–1 Z UA grets LotV online
03/19/2023 Awers UA T 0–2 P UA NightPhoenix LotV online
03/19/2023 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA UFO LotV online
03/03/2023 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA RomanDeMolde LotV online
03/03/2023 Awers UA T 2–1 R UA HackErIsTop LotV online
03/03/2023 Awers UA T 0–2 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
03/01/2023 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA MustToDie LotV online
03/01/2023 Awers UA T 2–0 Z UA grets LotV online
03/01/2023 Awers UA T 2–0 P UA Gref LotV online
Free TON League Legend cup hide
06/20/2021 Awers UA T 1–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
06/19/2021 Awers UA T 0–2 R RU Creed LotV online
06/19/2021 Awers UA T 2–1 R UA Kas LotV online
06/19/2021 Awers UA T 2–1 Z UA HappyZerG LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #45 hide
11/16/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
11/16/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T BE DarkTilRisen LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #34 hide
08/31/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P DE HolyHit LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #33 hide
08/24/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 P DE FrisK LotV online
08/24/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 T PL Galimatias LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2020/21 DH SC2 Masters 2020: Fall Europe hide
08/23/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
08/23/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 P PL Indy LotV online
08/21/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
08/21/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU DeeDan LotV online
08/19/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P FR DnS LotV online
08/19/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z DE Srade LotV online
Ukrainian Stars #1 hide
06/27/2020 Awers UA T 0–3 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
06/20/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV online
06/20/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z UA Friend LotV online
Shyrshadi Open #20 hide
06/04/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 P CN Asuna LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #21 hide
06/01/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P US VaeVictus LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #77 hide
05/30/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV online
05/30/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU MilkiCow LotV online
05/30/2020 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Shame LotV online
05/30/2020 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU scnightfire LotV online
Monday Mayhem #2 hide
05/20/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
05/20/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P UK Sync LotV online
SC2 Royal #4 Qualifier #2 hide
05/15/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
05/15/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P DE Jumy LotV online
Cock of the Walk #11 hide
05/14/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
05/14/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 T RO CuKu LotV online
Red Bull Xel'Naga Finest #6 hide
05/13/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
05/13/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T NL Djorjx LotV online
05/13/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z CA Zarithous LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #73 hide
05/02/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
05/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 P RU Minik LotV online
05/02/2020 Awers UA T 1–0 T UA Kas LotV online
TSL #5 hide
05/01/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 T FR MarineLorD LotV online
05/01/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
05/01/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z MD NYO LotV online
Shyrshadi Open #15 hide
04/30/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 Z MX Cham LotV online
04/30/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 P US Ryan LotV online
Cock of the Walk #9 hide
04/30/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
04/30/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RO DojoGamer LotV online
Red Bull Xel'Naga Finest #4 hide
04/29/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
04/29/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T IT PippiBardiNo LotV online
TSL #5 hide
04/27/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z SE SortOf LotV online
04/27/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US Solar LotV online
04/27/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 T US Cuddlebear LotV online
King of CIS 2020 April hide
04/26/2020 Awers UA T 0–1 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #16 hide
04/26/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P PE Gian LotV online
WardiTV European League 2020 #1 Point-Builder #2 Qualifier hide
04/20/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
04/20/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P US NasisNazty LotV online
zukaCup #3 hide
04/09/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
04/09/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
04/09/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T BE GreatTeacher LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #13 hide
04/05/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 T FR Clem LotV online
04/05/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US thehunterooo LotV online
04/05/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T BR YanXII LotV online
04/05/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P PE Kalin LotV online
IEM Katowice 2020 hide
02/24/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z FR Denver LotV offline
02/24/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE LotV offline
King of CIS 2020 February hide
02/16/2020 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #6 hide
02/16/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P NL Harstem LotV online
02/16/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z PL Xellos LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #5 hide
02/09/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
RavenZ Cup X Qualifier #1 hide
02/07/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 T UK Raza LotV online
02/07/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
02/07/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P CA MaGiK LotV online
Shyrshadi Open #4 hide
02/06/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P KR PartinG LotV online
The Pizza Pie Season 3 Cup #1 hide
02/03/2020 Awers UA T 0–3 Z US starkiller LotV online
02/03/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US fullheart LotV online
02/03/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 T US Future LotV online
02/03/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US Yuno LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #129 hide
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 Z VN MeomaikA LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 0–2 P KR Chance LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T US PureLegacy LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #4 hide
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 T US Future LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T PE DaeR LotV online
SC2Online Australian Open #2 hide
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z VN MeomaikA LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 T AU Azure LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z IN Demi LotV online
02/02/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 Z MX JimRising LotV online
IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #2 hide
01/31/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
01/31/2020 Awers UA T 2–1 P DK PappiJoe LotV online
Argentum Cup #1 Main Event hide
01/11/2020 Awers UA T 0–3 Z UA Bly LotV online
01/06/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU GeNieS LotV online
01/06/2020 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU Couguar LotV online
01/06/2020 Awers UA T 1–2 P RU GeNieS LotV online
Toro Weekly Cup #2 hide
12/30/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 9 hide
12/24/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 T KR TaeJa LotV online
King of CIS 2019 December hide
12/22/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 Z RU Basset LotV online
Toro Weekly Cup #1 hide
12/21/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
12/21/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU KingCobra LotV online
12/21/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU Exostriker LotV online
12/21/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
Argentum Cup #1 hide
12/20/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV online
12/20/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
12/20/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z EE kiyj LotV online GG year 2019 hide
12/16/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
12/16/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU KingCobra LotV online
12/16/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P BY Solarian LotV online
12/14/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T RU FLASHBACKone LotV online
12/09/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
SC2Online OSC Melee #91 hide
12/09/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z CN Silky LotV online
12/09/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z CN Spy LotV online
StarCraft Sundays Season 3 Weekly #10 hide
12/08/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P FR DnS LotV online
12/08/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
12/08/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
12/08/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T MX SpeCial LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #273 hide
12/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA Kas LotV online
12/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P PL Ziomek LotV online
12/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z FI Mixu LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers hide
12/04/2019 Awers UA T 0–3 Z UA Bly LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 9 hide
12/04/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 Z SE Zanster LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers hide
12/03/2019 Awers UA T 3–2 T UA Kas LotV online
12/03/2019 Awers UA T 0–3 Z UA Bly LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #272 hide
12/02/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
12/02/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z BR Erik LotV online
12/02/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z FR Shino LotV online
12/02/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P PL Ziomek LotV online
12/02/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Kiany LotV online
SC2 Royal #2 Qualifier #2 hide
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z PL Guru LotV online
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z BG Nitix LotV online
SC2 Royal #2 Qualifier #1 hide
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA JEROS LotV online
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T BG Wanderer LotV online
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa LotV online
11/30/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z DE SchokoRitter LotV online
WardiTV Team League Season 9 hide
11/27/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 P HR goblin LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #270 hide
11/25/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z FR Shino LotV online
11/25/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z SE Cellsidus LotV online
King of CIS 2019 November hide
11/24/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU MindelVK LotV online
11/24/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z UA Minatoeh LotV online
11/24/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 P RU Couguar LotV online
11/24/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #268 hide
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T UA Kas LotV online
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P UK wolfsha LotV online
SC2Online OSC Melee #89 hide
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 0–3 Z KR TRUE LotV online
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z CL Nishi LotV online
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z MX JimRising LotV online
11/18/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T CL Crown LotV online
Crystal Super Tournament #1 hide
11/17/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 Z RU Bee LotV online
11/17/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
11/17/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T RU control LotV online
11/17/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P AT DeepThought LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers hide
11/16/2019 Awers UA T 3–0 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV online
11/16/2019 Awers UA T 3–0 Z UA GhostHell LotV online
11/16/2019 Awers UA T 3–0 Z BY SakaR LotV online
11/16/2019 Awers UA T 3–0 P BY Solarian LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #123 hide
11/14/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #264 hide
11/04/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
11/04/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T DE ACID LotV online
SC2Online OSC Melee #87 hide
11/04/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T KR DynaMite LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #262 hide
10/28/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
10/28/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P DK MaxPax LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #64 hide
10/27/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
10/27/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T KR Lero LotV online
StarLine League Season 7 hide
10/15/2019 Awers UA T 2–3 Z RU Basset LotV online
09/29/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV online
09/29/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P RU EnigmA LotV online
09/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RU Fallenger LotV online
09/07/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P RU Couguar LotV online
09/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RU Fallenger LotV online
Krystianer Cup #3 hide
08/20/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z FR Denver LotV online
08/20/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z FR LeFaucheur LotV online
08/20/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P AT jumanjii LotV online
Kashynical Open Cup #1 hide
08/06/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 T NL uThermal LotV online
08/06/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z US starkiller LotV online
08/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P KZ Upakowka LotV online
Assembly 2019 Summer Main Tournament hide
08/01/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T CA MaSa LotV offline
08/01/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR soO LotV offline
WCS 2019 Fall Qualifiers Europe hide
07/23/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
07/23/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z RU Fallenger LotV online
07/22/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
07/22/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P HR goblin LotV online
07/22/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T UK GamerRichy LotV online
WardiTV Summer Championship 2019 Europe Qualifier #1 hide
07/16/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
07/16/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU Milka LotV online
WCS 2019 Summer Main Tournament hide
07/12/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P DE HolyHit LotV offline
07/12/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z DE VitamiN LotV offline
07/12/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P NL Harstem LotV offline
07/12/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RU Fallenger LotV offline
07/12/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z NO Snute LotV offline
Terra's Tea Cup #8 hide
07/07/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
07/07/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
07/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P DE Spatz LotV online
07/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P DE Jumy LotV online
07/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T SK Hopt LotV online
Assembly 2019 Summer hide
07/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z KR TRUE LotV online
07/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z FR LeFaucheur LotV online
07/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
07/06/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T PL ziGGy LotV online
07/05/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z FR Stephano LotV online
07/05/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T KR Bomber LotV online
07/05/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P DE HolyHit LotV online
King of CIS 2019 June hide
06/29/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
06/29/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z UA GhostHell LotV online
06/29/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 P RU GeNieS LotV online
06/29/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
WCS 2019 Spring Main Tournament hide
05/17/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z AT HateMe LotV offline
05/17/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z UA Leandoer LotV offline
05/17/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P DE HolyHit LotV offline
05/17/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P UA Cronos LotV offline
05/17/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P DE HolyHit LotV offline
King of CIS 2019 May hide
05/12/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU Strange LotV online
05/12/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
BaseTradeTV Momentum Cup #8 hide
05/03/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T FR MarineLorD LotV online
05/03/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P DynamitHarry LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #137 hide
05/02/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
05/02/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P PL PAPI LotV online
King of CIS 2019 March hide
03/31/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
03/31/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z UA Bly LotV online
QLASH StarCraft2 Community Series #5 hide
03/20/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
StarLine League Season 6 hide
03/13/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T UA Kas LotV online
03/13/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
03/13/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
Howling StarCraft Open Cup #6 hide
03/09/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 P HR goblin LotV online
03/09/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T SE ZeroBrain LotV online
Valkyrie Tournament #1 hide
03/07/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
03/07/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU MilkiCow LotV online
Crystall Weekly #18 hide
03/06/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z BR Erik LotV online
03/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T ES AqueroN LotV online
SC2Online JEC Weekly #36 hide
02/27/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
02/27/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z PL Guru LotV online
02/27/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
Crystall Weekly #17 hide
02/27/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P US Seigifried LotV online
IEM Season XIII World Championship hide
02/25/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 T KR Cure LotV offline
02/25/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P KR sOs LotV offline
StarLine League Season 6 hide
02/22/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Matvey LotV online
02/22/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T RU Arctur LotV online
02/22/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Matvey LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #127 hide
02/21/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 Z BR Erik LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #196 hide
02/15/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
02/15/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 P NL Marsman LotV online
02/15/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z PL Ryuu LotV online
02/15/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z CL chorocarlo LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #126 hide
02/14/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z BR Erik LotV online
02/14/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 T FR Kunamatata LotV online
02/14/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV online
02/14/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P US Tempest LotV online
King of CIS 2019 February hide
02/10/2019 Awers UA T 0–1 Z RU Wayne LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #65 hide
02/09/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
02/09/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 P RU DmC LotV online
02/09/2019 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU RinKokonoe LotV online
QLASH StarCraft2 Community Series #1 hide
02/06/2019 Awers UA T 2–0 P DE Neuling LotV online
02/06/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z AT HateMe LotV online
WardiTV Invitational #6 Europe Qualifier hide
01/23/2019 Awers UA T 1–2 T RU Healer LotV online
WCS 2019 Winter Europe hide
01/17/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 R RU Judgin LotV online
01/17/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 P HR goblin LotV online
01/17/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 Z PL Aristori LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #187 hide
01/14/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z US Ukko LotV online
01/14/2019 Awers UA T 2–1 T DK Lillekanin LotV online
IEM Season XIII World Championship hide
01/05/2019 Awers UA T 0–2 Z FR SoulSpirit LotV online
King of CIS 2018 December hide
12/29/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 T UA Kas LotV online GG of the year 2018 Main Event hide
12/29/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
12/29/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
12/28/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P RU GeNieS LotV online
12/28/2018 Awers UA T 1–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
12/28/2018 Awers UA T 1–1 P RU Couguar LotV online
WESG 2018 Qualifiers Europe Ukraine hide
12/23/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 T UA Kas LotV offline
12/22/2018 Awers UA T 0–3 P UA Hellraiser LotV offline
12/22/2018 Awers UA T 3–0 T UA ZipperTheFly LotV offline GG of the year 2018 Qualifier #4 hide
12/19/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
12/19/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 P RU KingCobra LotV online
12/19/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 T RU MasterVasya LotV online
12/19/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
12/19/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Rime LotV online
Proxy Tempest The Great Christmas Rumble Main Event hide
12/16/2018 Awers UA T 0–3 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
12/14/2018 Awers UA T 3–0 P CA Maplez LotV online GG of the year 2018 Qualifier #1 hide
12/11/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 P RU EnigmA LotV online
12/11/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
12/11/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z bedakur LotV online
12/11/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Osit LotV online
WardiTV Christmas Invitational 3 Qualifier #2 hide
12/08/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
12/08/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 Z RU AllHailLulu LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #56 hide
12/08/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
12/08/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU imius LotV online
Proxy Tempest The Great Christmas Rumble hide
12/06/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T MX Sinner LotV online
12/06/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P US Raze LotV online
12/06/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US Blast LotV online
12/06/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T US Droptimus LotV online
12/06/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 P US ReaLiTy LotV online
Crystall Weekly #8 hide
12/05/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
12/05/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 P PL Krystianer LotV online
12/05/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 P PL BluE LotV online
WESG 2018 Qualifiers Europe Ukraine hide
12/01/2018 Awers UA T 3–1 Z UA GhostHell LotV online
12/01/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 Z UA sleepCOW LotV online
12/01/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 Z UA Acc LotV online
BaseTradeTV Star League Lite #6 hide
11/30/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z PL Nerchio LotV online
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King of CIS 2018 November hide
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WESG 2018 Qualifiers Europe Ukraine hide
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11/25/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 Z UA GhostHell LotV online
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Road to Moscow #2 hide
11/10/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV offline
Crystall Weekly #2 hide
11/07/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 T UA Kas LotV online
Crystall Weekly #1 hide
11/06/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 Z FR SoulSpirit LotV online
King of CIS 2018 October hide
10/21/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU Couguar LotV online
10/21/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Bee LotV online
10/21/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 P RU Nerazim LotV online
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Battle for the CIS #1 hide
09/23/2018 Awers UA T 0–4 P Rail LotV online
09/22/2018 Awers UA T 3–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
09/21/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 Z RU Wayne LotV online
Premier League #2 hide
09/01/2018 Awers UA T 0–3 P Rail LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 12 hide
08/30/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
Premier League #2 hide
08/30/2018 Awers UA T 3–1 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #110 hide
08/30/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
Premier League #2 hide
08/28/2018 Awers UA T 1–3 Z RU Wayne LotV online
King of CIS 2018 August hide
08/26/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P Rail LotV online
08/26/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
08/26/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Bee LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 12 hide
08/19/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 T FI TrayD LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #154 hide
08/10/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
Premier League #2 hide
08/07/2018 Awers UA T 3–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
08/02/2018 Awers UA T 3–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
Spider League #6 hide
07/17/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
07/17/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 T US Future LotV online
The Gauntlet Global Open #50 hide
07/15/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR Losira LotV online
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Platy-pro Weekly #28 hide
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REGENERATE Open Weekly #36 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #143 hide
07/02/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
King of CIS 2018 June hide
06/24/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P Rail LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #34 hide
06/23/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
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StarLadder Ultimate Series 2018 Season 1 hide
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WardiTV Team League Season 8 Open hide
06/21/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU Milka LotV online
StarLadder Ultimate Series 2018 Season 1 hide
06/16/2018 Awers UA T 0–3 Z RU Wayne LotV online
06/09/2018 Awers UA T 2–3 P RU SKillous LotV online
WCS 2018 Valencia Qualifiers Europe hide
06/07/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z DE LaCucaracha LotV online
06/07/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 Z AT HateMe LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 11 hide
06/04/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 P UK Floru LotV online
King of CIS 2018 May hide
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Alpha SC2 Team League Season 11 hide
05/24/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 Z IT Reynor LotV online
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05/06/2018 Awers UA T 1–0 P RU Smith LotV online
King of CIS 2018 April hide
04/28/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 P RU Couguar LotV online
Championship of Ukraine #1 hide
04/08/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
04/07/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA BuRning LotV online
04/07/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 P UA Governor LotV online
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StarLine League Season 5 hide
03/20/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P RU Nerazim LotV online
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IEM Season XII World Championship hide
02/26/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P KR Creator LotV offline
02/26/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 Z SE Zanster LotV offline
02/26/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 Z UA Minatoeh LotV offline
Proxy Tempest EU Open #109 hide
02/12/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 Z US Ukko LotV online
02/12/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 P DK PappiJoe LotV online
King of CIS 2018 February hide
02/11/2018 Awers UA T 0–1 Z UA Minatoeh LotV online
The Gauntlet Global Open #30 hide
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02/11/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T US Future LotV online
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REGENERATE Open Weekly #15 hide
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02/07/2018 Awers UA T 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
02/07/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 Z AT HateMe LotV online
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RavenZ Cup VIII hide
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02/03/2018 Awers UA T 2–1 T ES AqueroN LotV online
02/03/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T FR Contentgaga LotV online
02/03/2018 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA Kas LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #106 hide
01/31/2018 Awers UA T 1–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #105 hide
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11/22/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T TH StriKE LotV online
11/22/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z NO Snute LotV online
11/22/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US Nistic LotV online
11/22/2017 Awers UA T 1–1 P US Nina LotV online
11/22/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z MX JimRising LotV online
WardiTV Weekly 2017 Season 3 hide
11/18/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z CA Scarlett LotV online
11/18/2017 Awers UA T 2–1 T DE ShimOon LotV online
11/18/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 R ZA PhoenixTears LotV online
11/17/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR Impact LotV online
SC2ONLINE Community Open #71 hide
11/17/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z MX Cham LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #106 Qualifier #3 hide
11/16/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
11/16/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z NO Snute LotV online
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11/15/2017 Awers UA T 0–3 Z SE Namshar LotV online
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SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #106 Qualifier #1 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #89 hide
11/08/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T DK Lillekanin LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #87 hide
11/01/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
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SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #105 Qualifier #1 hide
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 Z RU Basset LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 Z US Ukko LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 R ZA PhoenixTears LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
10/31/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US QQplease LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #86 hide
10/30/2017 Awers UA T 0–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
10/30/2017 Awers UA T 2–1 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
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10/29/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 Z MD NYO LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #85 hide
10/25/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T DK Lillekanin LotV online
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10/24/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T US Kaboosh LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #84 hide
10/23/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
10/23/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T KR KeeN LotV online
10/23/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z FI Codebar LotV online
10/23/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z IT VeniVidiVins LotV online
WESG 2017 Qualifiers Europe & CIS Qualifiers hide
10/20/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Minatoeh LotV online
10/20/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T UA BuRning LotV online
10/20/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #83 hide
10/18/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 P RO Light LotV online
10/18/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
10/18/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
10/18/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 R ZA PhoenixTears LotV online
BaseTradeTV Corsair Cup 2017 Season 10 hide
10/16/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 Z UA Minatoeh LotV online
10/16/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T US Pokebunny LotV online
10/16/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 Z UK MrTea LotV online
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StarLadder Ultimate Series 2017 hide
10/07/2017 Awers UA T 1–3 T RU Creed LotV online
10/01/2017 Awers UA T 2–3 P Rail LotV online
09/17/2017 Awers UA T 3–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #71 hide
09/06/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 P KR whiteant LotV online
09/06/2017 Awers UA T 2–1 Z CH Railgan LotV online
09/06/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 P PL Gerald LotV online
Alpha SC2 Team League Season 9 hide
08/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 T DE ShimOon LotV online
The Gauntlet Global Open #12 hide
08/27/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 P KR whiteant LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #14 hide
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SCVRush LotV EU Open #87 hide
08/22/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 T US Pokebunny LotV online
08/22/2017 Awers UA T 2–1 P NL Marsman LotV online
08/22/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z CZ TomikuS LotV online
BaseTradeTV Corsair Cup 2017 Season 8 Week 3 hide
08/21/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
08/21/2017 Awers UA T 2–1 T PL ziGGy LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #66 hide
08/21/2017 Awers UA T 0–3 P PL Gerald LotV online
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08/20/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 P PL Aquatio LotV online
The Gauntlet Global Open #11 hide
08/20/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #65 hide
08/17/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 T RU MODEUS LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #63 hide
08/09/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z IT Reynor LotV online
08/09/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV online
WardiTV Weekly 2017 Season 3 hide
08/09/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #63 hide
08/09/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
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Proxy Tempest NA Open #63 hide
08/03/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 T US Future LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #60 hide
07/31/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 T SE Avokado LotV online
Proxy Tempest NA Open #62 hide
07/27/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 T RU MODEUS LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #58 hide
07/24/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
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Proxy Tempest NA Open #61 hide
07/20/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
07/20/2017 Awers UA T 2–0 P CA Lightning LotV online
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BaseTradeTV Star League 2017 Season 6 Week 3 hide
07/17/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 P KR Zest LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #56 hide
07/17/2017 Awers UA T 3–1 T US Cuddlebear LotV online
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07/05/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 P HR goblin LotV online
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07/02/2017 Awers UA T 1–0 T FR Tayeb LotV online
Dreamhack Open 2017 Atlanta hide
06/29/2017 Awers UA T 1–2 Z UK RiSky LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #51 hide
06/28/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR TRUE LotV online
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Blacer Open #3 hide
06/24/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 P UA Hellraiser LotV online
Filthy NA Cup #30 hide
06/23/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z US GAMETIME LotV online
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WCS 2017 Jönköping Main Tournament hide
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Ultralisk Star League #1 hide
06/13/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z SE Namshar LotV online
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06/05/2017 Awers UA T 0–2 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #43 hide
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Gameland Invitational hide
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Gameland Invitational hide
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