StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates June 2, 2020 to June 4, 2020
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Players 105
Games 495
Matches 219
PvT 62–56 (52.54%)
PvZ 59–55 (51.75%)
TvZ 40–50 (44.44%)
Mirrors 92 PvP, 18 TvT, 45 ZvZ
External Homepage LP
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 8 hide (2)
06/04/2020 PtitDrogo FR P 2–0 P RU SKillous LotV online
06/04/2020 Denver FR Z 2–0 P PL MaNa LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 7 hide (2)
06/04/2020 Rail P 0–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
06/04/2020 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z UA Bly LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 6 hide (4)
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06/04/2020 MaNa PL P 2–1 Z FR Stephano LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 5 hide (4)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 4 hide (7)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 3 hide (8)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 LB Round 1 hide (7)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro4 hide (2)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro8 hide (4)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro16 hide (8)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro32 hide (16)
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #3 WB Ro64 hide (29)
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06/04/2020 Rail P 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
06/04/2020 MilkiCow RU T 1–2 Z PL Guru LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 6 hide (2)
06/03/2020 Dream KR T 1–2 P US Astrea LotV online
06/03/2020 Stats KR P 2–0 P KR Zest LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 5 hide (2)
06/03/2020 Astrea US P 2–0 P KR Creator LotV online
06/03/2020 Patience KR P 0–2 P KR Zest LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 4 hide (3)
06/03/2020 Nice TW P 1–2 P KR Creator LotV online
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06/03/2020 Zest KR P 2–0 Z TW Rex LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 3 hide (4)
06/03/2020 Creator KR P 2–1 P CN Firefly LotV online
06/03/2020 Silky CN Z 0–2 P US Astrea LotV online
06/03/2020 James KR T 0–2 Z TW Rex LotV online
06/03/2020 Patience KR P 2–0 P RU Exostriker LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 2 hide (4)
06/03/2020 Firefly CN P 2–0 P KR Green LotV online
06/03/2020 ReBellioN KR P 0–2 P US Astrea LotV online
06/03/2020 Terra KR T 0–2 Z CN Silky LotV online
06/03/2020 Exostriker RU P 2–0 R CaptainKrabs LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 LB Round 1 hide (1)
06/03/2020 Astrea US P 2–0 T KR ESC LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 WB Ro4 hide (2)
06/03/2020 Solar KR Z 2–0 P KR Stats LotV online
06/03/2020 Dream KR T 0–2 Z KR Armani LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 WB Ro8 hide (4)
06/03/2020 Stats KR P 2–0 T CN Oliveira LotV online
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06/03/2020 Zest KR P 1–2 T KR Dream LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 WB Ro16 hide (8)
06/03/2020 Patience KR P 1–2 T CN Oliveira LotV online
06/03/2020 Stats KR P 2–0 P RU Exostriker LotV online
06/03/2020 James KR T 0–2 P TW Nice LotV online
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #2 WB Ro32 hide (6)
06/03/2020 JusticeSimon VN P 0–2 P RU Exostriker LotV online
06/03/2020 Nice TW P 2–0 T KR ESC LotV online
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06/03/2020 Creator KR P 2–0 R CaptainKrabs LotV online
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 7 hide (2)
06/02/2020 Harstem NL P 2–1 P FR PtitDrogo LotV online
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 6 hide (2)
06/02/2020 PtitDrogo FR P 2–1 Z SE Namshar LotV online
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 5 hide (4)
06/02/2020 SortOf SE Z 0–2 Z SE Namshar LotV online
06/02/2020 Bly UA Z 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo LotV online
06/02/2020 Denver FR Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
06/02/2020 SKillous RU P 1–2 P RU Strange LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 4 hide (4)
06/02/2020 Namshar SE Z 2–0 P SE FightingFrog LotV online
06/02/2020 PtitDrogo FR P 2–1 P DE Jumy LotV online
06/02/2020 Vindicta US T 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
06/02/2020 Bee RU Z 0–2 P RU Strange LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 3 hide (6)
06/02/2020 Gerald PL P 0–2 P SE FightingFrog LotV online
06/02/2020 Namshar SE Z 2–0 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
06/02/2020 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
06/02/2020 Vindicta US T 2–0 P CH Boogar LotV online
06/02/2020 Strange RU P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow LotV online
06/02/2020 Bee RU Z 2–0 T SK BlueCheese LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 2 hide (7)
06/02/2020 FightingFrog SE P 2–0 T PL ziGGy LotV online
06/02/2020 Jumy DE P 2–0 P RU Exostriker LotV online
06/02/2020 arrogfire FR P 1–2 P FR PtitDrogo LotV online
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06/02/2020 Boogar CH P 2–0 T US Lockhead LotV online
06/02/2020 MilkiCow RU T 2–0 T SE Gramze LotV online
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HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 LB Round 1 hide (10)
06/02/2020 Rom FR P 0–2 T PL ziGGy LotV online
06/02/2020 FightingFrog SE P 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
06/02/2020 Blutmilan DE P 2–0 Z CA Zarithous LotV online
06/02/2020 Jumy DE P 2–0 Z FR Garitos LotV online
06/02/2020 PtitDrogo FR P 2–0 Z FR Destro LotV online
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06/02/2020 Boogar CH P 2–0 R FR Hoshiqua LotV online
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06/02/2020 MiNiMaTh FR Z 2–0 P CZ bArtH LotV online
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06/02/2020 uThermal NL T 2–1 P NL Harstem LotV online
06/02/2020 Clem FR T 2–0 T PL Spirit LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro8 hide (4)
06/02/2020 Harstem NL P 2–1 Z FR Denver LotV online
06/02/2020 uThermal NL T 2–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
06/02/2020 Spirit PL T 2–1 Z SE SortOf LotV online
06/02/2020 Clem FR T 2–0 Z UA Bly LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro16 hide (8)
06/02/2020 Denver FR Z 2–0 T US Future LotV online
06/02/2020 Harstem NL P 2–1 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
06/02/2020 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z SE Namshar LotV online
06/02/2020 uThermal NL T 2–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
06/02/2020 Bee RU Z 0–2 Z SE SortOf LotV online
06/02/2020 Spirit PL T 2–0 P RU Strange LotV online
06/02/2020 Bly UA Z 2–0 T US Vindicta LotV online
06/02/2020 Clem FR T 2–0 P DK MaxPax LotV online
HomeStory Cup StayAtHome #2 Qualifier #1 WB Ro32 hide (16)
06/02/2020 Future US T 2–0 T SK BlueCheese LotV online
06/02/2020 Denver FR Z 2–0 Z FR MiNiMaTh LotV online
06/02/2020 ShaDoWn FR P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow LotV online
06/02/2020 Harstem NL P 2–0 T SE Gramze LotV online
06/02/2020 Boogar CH P 0–2 Z SE Namshar LotV online
06/02/2020 SKillous RU P 2–1 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
06/02/2020 Gerald PL P 2–1 P DE Spatz LotV online
06/02/2020 uThermal NL T 2–0 T DK Lillekanin LotV online
06/02/2020 SortOf SE Z 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
06/02/2020 PtitDrogo FR P 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online

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