StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Enhimba Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

36.25% (120/331)
40.65% (63/155)
24.72% (22/89)
38.82% (33/85)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Enhimba is 120–211 (36.25%) in games and 43–94 (31.39%) in matches.

Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall Season Finals hide
11/18/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–3 T PL Maro LotV online
11/13/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–3 Z US Kyboi LotV online
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #17 hide
11/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
11/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P MY TheMoeHawk LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
11/05/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–3 T RU KarmaPrime LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #147 hide
10/31/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T UA Kas LotV online
10/31/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P US bksc LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P FI EnPo LotV online
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P US Cognite LotV online
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z US Kyboi LotV online
Chat StarLeague #11 hide
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 Z PL Jemiol LotV online
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T BR AreZ LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–4 P US acheron LotV online
10/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 3–0 P US Rengen LotV online
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #15 hide
10/27/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T UA Kas LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
10/22/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P PL Tossadar LotV online
10/22/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T CA UpATree LotV online
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #14 hide
10/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P UA NightPhoenix LotV online
The Chickenman Testa Open #24 hide
10/19/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
10/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T HU Nihed LotV online
10/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P PL Matrixx LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
10/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 3–0 Z US Kyboi LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #144 hide
10/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
10/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
10/08/2022 Enhimba RU P 3–1 P US Cognite LotV online
PassionCraft Thursday Showdown #12 hide
10/06/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #143 hide
10/03/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z FR SooThSayeR LotV online
10/03/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P Rail LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
10/02/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z KR INnoColoR LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #142 hide
09/26/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z PL Trifax LotV online
Chat StarLeague #10 hide
09/24/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–3 T IE Xellos LotV online
09/24/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–3 T RU Silwercrow LotV online
09/24/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P NO YourBroChris LotV online
Cock of the Walk #104 hide
09/18/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z IN Demi LotV online
WardiTV 2022 Series European League Qualifier #4 hide
09/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P CA trigger LotV online
09/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 T US SlipJip LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
09/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T CA UpATree LotV online
09/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 T BR AreZ LotV online
09/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T CA UpATree LotV online
08/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 Z SE Cellsidus LotV online
08/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P US acheron LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #138 hide
08/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
08/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P UA Hunblee LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #137 hide
08/22/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z RU MrLEz LotV online
The Dan n' Dave Cash Grab #4 hide
08/21/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
Chat StarLeague #9 hide
08/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 3–1 P DE luke LotV online
08/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–3 P RU Vailem LotV online
08/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z DK Anticore LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #136 hide
08/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P SG LeoRusher LotV online
08/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #18 hide
07/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P RU Tiger LotV online
07/20/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 Z TW papapanda LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #132 hide
07/18/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P RU Exostriker LotV online
07/18/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P HU Guillemot LotV online
CSO Cup #46 hide
07/16/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
TSL #9 hide
07/15/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming Open Cup #36 hide
07/13/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P FR arrogfire LotV online
TSL #9 hide
07/13/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P RU Ashbringer LotV online
07/13/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #131 hide
07/11/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P US Nina LotV online
07/11/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #131 hide
07/11/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE LotV online
07/11/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P FR Hirich LotV online
TSL #9 hide
07/10/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z PL Nerchio LotV online
07/08/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P IT Azura LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming Open Cup #35 hide
07/06/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T RO CuKu LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #130 hide
07/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P US chromawa LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #130 hide
07/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa LotV online
07/04/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
PSISTORM Gaming Open Cup #34 hide
06/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T KR KeeN LotV online
06/29/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P UK Pudgey LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #125 hide
05/30/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 T FR Gaettwo LotV online
05/30/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T MX SpeCial LotV online
Cock of the Walk #97 hide
05/19/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
Chat StarLeague #6 hide
05/14/2022 Enhimba RU P 3–1 Z BR Dorminhoco LotV online
05/14/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–3 P US Slayer LotV online
05/14/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P PL Ziomek LotV online
Chat StarLeague #4 hide
03/26/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P DE Illustrated LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #115 hide
03/21/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE Kuschelbunny LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #112 hide
02/28/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z FI Pete LotV online
02/28/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 T PL Mike LotV online
Chat StarLeague #3 hide
02/27/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–3 T DE Soon LotV online
02/27/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P DE MisterL LotV online
CSO Cup #39 hide
02/19/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
02/19/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–1 P HK Bistork LotV online
02/19/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 T CA SpiffyBee LotV online
Cock of the Walk #90 hide
02/17/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P HK Bistork LotV online
Cock of the Walk #89 hide
02/03/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
Cock of the Walk #88 hide
01/27/2022 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P CA trigger LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #104 hide
01/03/2022 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P PL MaNa LotV online
01/03/2022 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P DE saVer LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #103 hide
12/27/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
12/27/2021 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss LotV online GG year 2021 hide
12/23/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P RU MindelVK LotV online
12/22/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P RU MindelVK LotV online
12/21/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov LotV online
JumyCup #4 hide
12/18/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–1 Z FR AaRaSs LotV online
12/18/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–0 P DE luke LotV online
12/18/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P CA trigger LotV online
12/18/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–0 T Dampth LotV online
12/18/2021 Enhimba RU P 2–0 R TTkniight LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Last Chance hide
12/16/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #101 hide
12/13/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T IT BabyMarine LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #99 hide
11/29/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z RU Strannik LotV online
Alpha X Junior Championships 2021 Season 6 hide
11/28/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T RO CuKu LotV online
11/28/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z DE Ghosti LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #98 hide
11/22/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z RU Strannik LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #97 hide
11/17/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P IT Azura LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #96 hide
11/15/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
11/15/2021 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P SI auxermen LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #95 hide
11/08/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T DK Blade LotV online
TSL #8 hide
11/06/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
11/06/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P KR NightMare LotV online
Cock of the Walk #80 hide
11/04/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z PL BadBorz LotV online
NetEase Esports X Tournaments 2021 S2 – SC2 Masters hide
11/04/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
Alpha X King of Battles 2 hide
11/03/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE saVer LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #94 hide
11/01/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T DE SharKRippeR LotV online
TSL #8 hide
10/30/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 Z CN Punk LotV online
10/29/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P DE saVer LotV online
10/29/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo LotV online
Cock of the Walk #79 hide
10/28/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z CA Bioice LotV online
Alpha X King of Battles 2 hide
10/27/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
10/27/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #93 hide
10/25/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
10/25/2021 Enhimba RU P 2–0 Z RU imius LotV online
WardiTV European League 2021 hide
10/19/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL ArT LotV online
Cock of the Walk #77 hide
10/14/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL PAPI LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #92 hide
10/11/2021 Enhimba RU P 1–2 T ES Botvinnik LotV online
Cock of the Walk #76 hide
10/07/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
SCVRush LotV EU Open #249 hide
10/05/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #91 hide
10/04/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
Cock of the Walk #75 hide
09/30/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #90 hide
09/27/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Winter Europe hide
09/24/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 Z UA SunSet LotV online
Cock of the Walk #74 hide
09/23/2021 Enhimba RU P 0–2 P PL ArT LotV online
09/23/2021 Enhimba RU P 2–0 P PE XionS LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Winter Europe hide
09/22/2021 Enhimba RU R 0–2 P FR Nanaki LotV online