StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Cellsidus Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

41.93% (270/644)
39.58% (112/283)
37.25% (76/204)
50.98% (78/153)
38.46% (10/26)
45.45% (5/11)
30.77% (4/13)
50.00% (1/2)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Cellsidus is 270–374 (41.93%) in games and 116–174 (40.00%) in matches.

Monday Night Weeklies #8 hide
03/10/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 0–1 P RU Shameless LotV online
03/10/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
03/10/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
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Monday Night Weeklies #7 hide
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03/03/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 Z US ZesTea LotV online
03/03/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
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Monday Night Weeklies #6 hide
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02/24/2025 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
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HupCup #6 hide
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The UpACup Viewer Tournament #1 hide
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HupCup #5 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #14 hide
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HupCup #3 hide
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HupCup #1 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #6 hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #11 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #5 hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #9 hide
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Soons Super Tournament #2 hide
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Patches' 6k Open #6 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #3 hide
10/21/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
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PiGosaur Cup #2 hide
10/14/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P US Astrea LotV online
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HomeStory Cup XXVI hide
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10/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #6 hide
10/07/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
10/07/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T DE Xung LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #2 Main Event hide
09/16/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T US Vindicta LotV online
09/16/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z BR Tatagiba LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #1 hide
09/02/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P CZ sebesdes LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #242 hide
08/26/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z US JmaC LotV online
08/26/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #242 hide
08/26/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
08/26/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 T HU psz LotV online
Lil Stormy Cup #14 hide
08/25/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–3 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #241 hide
08/19/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
08/19/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P KZ Praetor LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #240 hide
08/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T US Dolan LotV online
08/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 P PL Fanatig LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #239 hide
08/05/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P KR NightMare LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #236 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #236 hide
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Lil Stormy Cup #10 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #235 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #235 hide
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Lil Stormy Cup #9 hide
07/06/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–4 P RU MindelVK LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #231 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #230 hide
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Lil Stormy Cup #4 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #229 hide
05/27/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T FR Clem LotV online
05/27/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z SV Rare LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #228 hide
05/20/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #228 hide
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CommJumity League Cup #8 hide
05/19/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
05/19/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
Lil Stormy Cup #2 hide
05/18/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P RU MindelVK LotV online
CommJumity League Cup #7 hide
05/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P IT Azura LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #225 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #225 hide
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04/29/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 T FR GuGus LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #224 hide
04/22/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE LotV online
04/22/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z RU Hatsu LotV online
Nordic StarCraft League 2024 April hide
04/21/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
04/21/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P NO YourBroChris LotV online
04/21/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z FI ZhuGeLiang LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #223 hide
04/15/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T CA Jason LotV online
04/15/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z US Ascendead LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #223 hide
04/15/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T LT Dephy LotV online
04/15/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P ES Fairespiter LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #222 hide
04/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P KR NightMare LotV online
04/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z RU Wayne LotV online
04/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 T MX MEGATRON LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #222 hide
04/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
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ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2024 Spring Regionals Europe hide
04/06/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z FR hinO LotV online
04/06/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T FR Legendk LotV online
04/05/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU UedSoldier LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #221 hide
04/01/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P KR herO LotV online
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04/01/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P FR Tezu LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #221 hide
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Koprulu Team League Season 25 Division 1 hide
03/24/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P FI Alluton LotV online
03/16/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z PL Snoxtar LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #218 hide
03/11/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
03/11/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 R US QuackAttack LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #218 hide
03/11/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
03/11/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P DE Wingent LotV online
CommJumity League Cup #3 hide
03/10/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU UedSoldier LotV online
Koprulu Team League Season 25 Division 1 hide
03/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–1 T RU LORDGG LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #217 hide
03/04/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z FR Davbond LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #215 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #215 hide
02/19/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #214 hide
02/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #214 hide
02/12/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T IT BabyMarine LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #213 hide
02/05/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P CA DisK LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #209 hide
01/08/2024 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T DE chrankon LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #206 hide
12/18/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU PPower LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #202 hide
11/20/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T UA Kas LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #201 hide
11/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU ART LotV online
11/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z FR Syrril LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #200 hide
11/06/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #200 hide
11/06/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T DK Mag LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #199 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #198 hide
10/23/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P KR herO LotV online
10/23/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z CA OiLTowN LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #198 hide
10/23/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU UedSoldier LotV online
10/23/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Europe hide
10/14/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU Ashbringer LotV online
10/14/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P DE Wingent LotV online
10/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU Ashbringer LotV online
10/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P PL PAPI LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #192 hide
09/11/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
09/11/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P BY ArchyDevil LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #191 hide
09/04/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T DE Terxel LotV online
09/04/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T US Vindicta LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #183 hide
07/10/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T DE Terxel LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #183 hide
07/10/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DE Zargrash LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #179 hide
06/12/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
06/12/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 T DE Xung LotV online
Kung Fu Cup 2023 #1 hide
04/17/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T CN Oliveira LotV online
04/17/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T KR Ruthless LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #162 hide
02/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T US RuFF LotV online
02/13/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #161 hide
02/06/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 P DE Jumy LotV online
02/06/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P IT Blooddrop LotV online
02/06/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P FR Rom LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #160 hide
01/30/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T DE Terxel LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #157 hide
01/09/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z FI Pive LotV online
01/09/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #156 hide
01/02/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
01/02/2023 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z DE fleisch LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #143 hide
10/03/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #142 hide
09/26/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z US Meowerdoom LotV online
davetesta Events Friday Night Fights #2 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #141 hide
09/19/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T UK Raza LotV online
09/19/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T MX WhiteIdra LotV online
Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
09/18/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P CA Fletch LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Atlanta Regionals Europe hide
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PSISTORM Gaming Open Cup #45 hide
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Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall North America hide
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davetesta Events Friday Night Fights #1 hide
08/26/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P US Nina LotV online
davetesta Events Tournament uWu hide
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The Dan n' Dave Cash Grab #4 hide
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ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Valencia Regionals Europe hide
05/06/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
05/06/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T FR PyroGaulois LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #120 hide
04/25/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RO CuKu LotV online
CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #11 hide
04/13/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL ArT LotV online
04/13/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P SG KenoSua LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #118 hide
04/11/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P TW Nice LotV online
Cock of the Walk #96 hide
04/07/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z FR Shino LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #117 hide
04/04/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
04/04/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z BR Vitorino LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #117 hide
04/04/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #116 hide
03/28/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P US Astrea LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #116 hide
03/28/2022 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z CA Bioice LotV online
The Chickenman Testa Open #14 hide
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ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall Europe hide
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07/21/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T IT BabyMarine LotV online
07/21/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z RU MrLEz LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #73 hide
05/31/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
Cock of the Walk #59 hide
05/27/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z RU AllHailLulu LotV online
eXoN Cup Open #39 hide
05/26/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z CN Heller LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #62 hide
03/15/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T TW NaXin LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #62 hide
03/15/2021 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P CH FunK LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #39 hide
10/05/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
10/05/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P RO Truepassion LotV online
IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #29 hide
09/04/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
09/04/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T PL Tomstar LotV online
SCVRush LotV EU Open #225 hide
09/01/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T DK Lillekanin LotV online
09/01/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z RU YoungYakov LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #34 hide
08/31/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T BR YanXII LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #34 hide
08/31/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P PL Rodzyn LotV online
08/31/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T UK Justinian LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #138 hide
06/27/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
06/27/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P PL Mordrago LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #60 hide
06/14/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
SC2Online OSC Masters Cup #136 hide
06/06/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
06/06/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P US OmegaStar LotV online
REGENERATE Open Weekly #78 hide
06/06/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–1 T UA Kas LotV online
06/06/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 1–0 Z RU Grammars LotV online
Shyrshadi Open #17 hide
05/14/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z SE Namshar LotV online
05/14/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 P US Holden LotV online
Cock of the Walk #8 hide
04/23/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z RU Bee LotV online
04/23/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z DE CmPltLyShT LotV online
Cock of the Walk #5 hide
04/02/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
RavenZ Cup X Qualifier #1 hide
02/07/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P RU GrimReaper LotV online
02/07/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P US Holden LotV online
02/07/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
SC2 Royal #3 Qualifier #1 hide
01/25/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T ES AqueroN LotV online
IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #1 hide
01/24/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
01/24/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P PL Grimm LotV online
SCVRush LotV EU Open #194 hide
01/21/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
WardiTV 2020 Qualifier #1 hide
01/21/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
BaseTradeTV January Series Europe #1 hide
01/03/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T PL ziGGy LotV online
01/03/2020 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 Z Whis LotV online
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 7 hide
12/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T FI WoodedMicrob LotV online
12/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T KR Lero LotV online
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12/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P RU Exostriker LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #277 hide
12/20/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
12/20/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 Z DE Sammuel LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #41 hide
12/15/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 Z DE Äelith LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #275 hide
12/13/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P PL PAPI LotV online GG year 2019 hide
12/10/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
12/10/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 T RU control LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #274 hide
12/09/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
Proxy Tempest Sunday Heroes Open #67 hide
12/08/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 Z UA Bly LotV online
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BeAsT Cup RTG EDITION #3 hide
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #273 hide
12/06/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P PL PAPI LotV online
SCVRush LotV EU Open #192 hide
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12/03/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–1 T RU control LotV online
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Proxy Tempest EU Open #272 hide
12/02/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #271 hide
11/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P PL PAPI LotV online
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11/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 2–0 P US NasisNazty LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers hide
11/29/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–3 Z FI Mixu LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #270 hide
11/25/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 0–2 T UA Awers LotV online
BeAsT Cup Weekly #40 hide
11/24/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 T DE Terxel LotV online
Proxy Tempest EU Open #269 hide
11/22/2019 Cellsidus SE Z 1–2 P NL Marsman LotV online
WESG 2019 Qualifiers hide
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