StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


# $$$ Player
1st €100 NL Z Blackwidow
2nd €50 RU T Nicoract
3rd–4th €30 EE Z kiyj
€30 CA Z Mackintac
5th–8th €10 show
DE P ManTaZa
PL Z Aristori
DE Z Roon
US Z Geeden
Dates March 30, 2019 to May 26, 2019
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool €250
(= $280)
Players 107
Games 786
Matches 284
PvT 100–75 (57.14%)
PvZ 77–98 (44.00%)
TvZ 45–77 (36.89%)
Mirrors 118 PvP, 52 TvT, 98 ZvZ
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Playoffs Final hide (1)
05/26/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 4–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
05/26/2019 Mackintac CA Z 0–3 T RU Nicoract LotV online
05/26/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–3 Z NL Blackwidow LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
05/26/2019 Geeden US Z 2–3 T RU Nicoract LotV online
05/26/2019 Mackintac CA Z 3–0 Z DE Roon LotV online
05/26/2019 Aristori PL Z 1–3 Z NL Blackwidow LotV online
05/26/2019 kiyj EE Z 3–1 P DE ManTaZa LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Playoffs Ro16 hide (8)
05/25/2019 Nicoract RU T 3–2 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
05/25/2019 Geeden US Z 3–0 Z RU intOSunlighT LotV online
05/25/2019 Roon DE Z 3–2 P RU Exostriker LotV online
05/25/2019 Mackintac CA Z 3–2 Z PL Trifax LotV online
05/25/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 3–2 T PL niceq LotV online
05/25/2019 Aristori PL Z 3–2 P RU Ditrih LotV online
05/25/2019 ManTaZa DE P 3–2 Z CR EON LotV online
05/25/2019 kiyj EE Z 3–0 P PL Ziomek LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Playoffs Ro32 hide (14)
05/18/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 3–0 T FI Luolis LotV online
05/18/2019 Keiras CZ Z 3–0 T DE GumGumRuFFy LotV online
05/18/2019 Nicoract RU T 3–2 T US WildGame LotV online
05/18/2019 intOSunlighT RU Z 3–1 Z DE DasDuelon LotV online
05/18/2019 Geeden US Z 3–2 Z DE Össy LotV online
05/18/2019 Exostriker RU P 3–2 P DE Lozira LotV online
05/18/2019 Roon DE Z 3–0 P FR Shoes LotV online
05/18/2019 Trifax PL Z 3–1 Z FI Mixu LotV online
05/18/2019 Mackintac CA Z 3–2 P DE Neuling LotV online
05/18/2019 Ditrih RU P 3–2 P DE MisterL LotV online
05/18/2019 Aristori PL Z 3–0 P DE MariK LotV online
05/18/2019 EON CR Z 3–2 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
05/18/2019 Ziomek PL P 3–1 P DE SantaSam LotV online
05/18/2019 kiyj EE Z 3–0 P DE Jumy LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group H Week 4 hide (3)
05/11/2019 niceq PL T 2–0 T DE BuRny LotV online
05/11/2019 Keiras CZ Z 2–1 P VE WindmillMan LotV online
05/11/2019 Lozira DE P 2–0 T CZ Mattzour LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group G Week 4 hide (1)
05/11/2019 EON CR Z 2–1 T DE GumGumRuFFy LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group F Week 4 hide (1)
05/11/2019 Roon DE Z 2–0 T DE Milantes LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group E Week 4 hide (1)
05/11/2019 WildGame US T 2–0 R FR ArtyK LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group C Week 4 hide (3)
05/11/2019 Ziomek PL P 2–1 P UA NukeLar LotV online
05/11/2019 DasDuelon DE Z 2–0 T DE MisterL LotV online
05/11/2019 Senryakku FR T 2–0 P FI EnPo LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group B Week 4 hide (2)
05/11/2019 Neuling DE P 2–0 P DE MariK LotV online
05/11/2019 Geeden US Z 2–0 P PL wenez LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group A Week 4 hide (3)
05/11/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–0 Z DE Össy LotV online
05/11/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–0 P DE hallo LotV online
05/11/2019 Rhoust DE P 2–0 T UK FinnZi LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group H Week 3 hide (5)
05/04/2019 Lozira DE P 2–1 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
05/04/2019 WindmillMan VE P 2–0 T DE BuRny LotV online
05/04/2019 Mirzo FI Z 2–1 T CZ Mattzour LotV online
05/04/2019 Lozira DE P 2–1 P VE WindmillMan LotV online
05/04/2019 Keiras CZ Z 2–0 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group G Week 3 hide (3)
05/04/2019 Exostriker RU P 2–0 T DE Terxel LotV online
05/04/2019 maGe CZ P 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
05/04/2019 GumGumRuFFy DE T 2–1 P CZ maGe LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group F Week 3 hide (4)
05/04/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
05/04/2019 Milantes DE T 2–0 P DE Seracis LotV online
05/04/2019 Nicoract RU T 2–0 Z DE Roon LotV online
05/04/2019 Milantes DE T 2–0 Z CZ devz LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group E Week 3 hide (4)
05/04/2019 Shoes FR P 2–1 T US WildGame LotV online
05/04/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–0 R FR ArtyK LotV online
05/04/2019 Shoes FR P 2–0 R FR ArtyK LotV online
05/04/2019 Luolis FI T 2–0 T US WildGame LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group D Week 3 hide (4)
05/04/2019 Ditrih RU P 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
05/04/2019 SantaSam DE P 2–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
05/04/2019 intOSunlighT RU Z 2–1 Z FI Mixu LotV online
05/04/2019 intOSunlighT RU Z 2–1 P DE SantaSam LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group C Week 3 hide (6)
05/04/2019 EnPo FI P 2–0 Z PL Trifax LotV online
05/04/2019 NukeLar UA P 2–0 T FR Senryakku LotV online
05/04/2019 Ziomek PL P 2–0 Z DE DasDuelon LotV online
05/04/2019 Trifax PL Z 2–0 T FR Senryakku LotV online
05/04/2019 MisterL DE T 2–0 P FI EnPo LotV online
05/04/2019 DasDuelon DE Z 2–1 P UA NukeLar LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group B Week 3 hide (4)
05/04/2019 Neuling DE P 2–1 P PL wenez LotV online
05/04/2019 MariK DE P 2–0 P DE Jumy LotV online
05/04/2019 Geeden US Z 2–0 Z NO StekepaNNe LotV online
05/04/2019 Jumy DE P 2–1 P DE Neuling LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group A Week 3 hide (6)
05/04/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–1 P DE Rhoust LotV online
05/04/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–1 P DE hallo LotV online
05/04/2019 Mackintac CA Z 2–0 T UK FinnZi LotV online
05/04/2019 Rhoust DE P 2–0 P DE hallo LotV online
05/04/2019 Össy DE Z 2–0 T UK FinnZi LotV online
05/04/2019 Mackintac CA Z 2–0 Z PL Aristori LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group H Week 2 hide (7)
04/27/2019 Mattzour CZ T 2–1 T DE BuRny LotV online
04/27/2019 Mirzo FI Z 2–0 P VE WindmillMan LotV online
04/27/2019 Lozira DE P 2–0 T PL niceq LotV online
04/27/2019 Keiras CZ Z 2–0 T PL niceq LotV online
04/27/2019 Lozira DE P 2–1 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
04/27/2019 Varys DE T 2–0 T CZ Mattzour LotV online
04/27/2019 Keiras CZ Z 2–1 T DE BuRny LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group G Week 2 hide (3)
04/27/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 P RU Exostriker LotV online
04/27/2019 Terxel DE T 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
04/27/2019 Exostriker RU P 2–1 T DE GumGumRuFFy LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group F Week 2 hide (4)
04/27/2019 Roon DE Z 2–0 Z NL Blackwidow LotV online
04/27/2019 Nicoract RU T 2–0 P DE Seracis LotV online
04/27/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 2–0 P DE Seracis LotV online
04/27/2019 Nicoract RU T 2–0 Z CZ devz LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group E Week 2 hide (4)
04/27/2019 Luolis FI T 2–0 P FR Shoes LotV online
04/27/2019 Luolis FI T 2–0 R FR ArtyK LotV online
04/27/2019 Damrud PL Z 2–1 P FR Shoes LotV online
04/27/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–0 T US WildGame LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group D Week 2 hide (4)
04/27/2019 SantaSam DE P 2–0 P RU Ditrih LotV online
04/27/2019 Mixu FI Z 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
04/27/2019 intOSunlighT RU Z 2–1 P US Seigifried LotV online
04/27/2019 SantaSam DE P 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group C Week 2 hide (8)
04/27/2019 Senryakku FR T 2–1 Z DE DasDuelon LotV online
04/27/2019 Ziomek PL P 2–1 P FI EnPo LotV online
04/27/2019 NukeLar UA P 2–0 P DE zokker13 LotV online
04/27/2019 MisterL DE T 2–0 Z PL Trifax LotV online
04/27/2019 DasDuelon DE Z 2–1 P DE zokker13 LotV online
04/27/2019 MisterL DE T 2–0 T FR Senryakku LotV online
04/27/2019 Trifax PL Z 2–1 P PL Ziomek LotV online
04/27/2019 EnPo FI P 2–1 P UA NukeLar LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group B Week 2 hide (5)
04/27/2019 Jumy DE P 2–0 P PL wenez LotV online
04/27/2019 Geeden US Z 2–0 P DE MariK LotV online
04/27/2019 wenez PL P 2–0 Z NO StekepaNNe LotV online
04/27/2019 MariK DE P 2–0 P RU EastToss LotV online
04/27/2019 Neuling DE P 2–1 Z US Geeden LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group A Week 2 hide (6)
04/27/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–0 Z DE Össy LotV online
04/27/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–0 T UK FinnZi LotV online
04/27/2019 Mackintac CA Z 2–1 P DE Rhoust LotV online
04/27/2019 hallo DE P 2–1 Z CA Mackintac LotV online
04/27/2019 Össy DE Z 2–0 P DE Rhoust LotV online
04/27/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–1 Z EE kiyj LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group H Week 1 hide (7)
04/20/2019 Keiras CZ Z 2–0 T DE Varys LotV online
04/20/2019 Mirzo FI Z 2–1 T PL niceq LotV online
04/20/2019 Lozira DE P 2–1 T DE BuRny LotV online
04/20/2019 Mattzour CZ T 2–1 Z CZ Keiras LotV online
04/20/2019 Lozira DE P 2–0 T DE Varys LotV online
04/20/2019 Mirzo FI Z 2–1 T DE BuRny LotV online
04/20/2019 niceq PL T 2–0 P VE WindmillMan LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group G Week 1 hide (4)
04/20/2019 EON CR Z 2–0 T DE Sonic LotV online
04/20/2019 GumGumRuFFy DE T 2–0 T DE Terxel LotV online
04/20/2019 maGe CZ P 2–1 P RU Exostriker LotV online
04/20/2019 maGe CZ P 2–0 T DE Terxel LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group F Week 1 hide (6)
04/20/2019 Roon DE Z 2–1 P DE Seracis LotV online
04/20/2019 devz CZ Z 2–0 Z NL Blackwidow LotV online
04/20/2019 Nicoract RU T 2–1 T DE Milantes LotV online
04/20/2019 Nicoract RU T 2–0 T RU VLK LotV online
04/20/2019 Blackwidow NL Z 2–0 T DE Milantes LotV online
04/20/2019 Roon DE Z 2–1 Z CZ devz LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group E Week 1 hide (5)
04/20/2019 Luolis FI T 2–0 Z PL Damrud LotV online
04/20/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–0 P FR Shoes LotV online
04/20/2019 Shoes FR P 2–1 T FR Pure LotV online
04/20/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–0 T FI Luolis LotV online
04/20/2019 Damrud PL Z 2–1 R FR ArtyK LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group D Week 1 hide (4)
04/20/2019 Mixu FI Z 2–1 P DE SantaSam LotV online
04/20/2019 Ditrih RU P 2–0 P US Seigifried LotV online
04/20/2019 Ditrih RU P 2–1 Z RU intOSunlighT LotV online
04/20/2019 Seigifried US P 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group C Week 1 hide (7)
04/20/2019 DasDuelon DE Z 2–1 P FI EnPo LotV online
04/20/2019 MisterL DE P 2–1 P PL Ziomek LotV online
04/20/2019 Trifax PL Z 2–1 P UA NukeLar LotV online
04/20/2019 zokker13 DE P 2–1 T FR Senryakku LotV online
04/20/2019 DasDuelon DE Z 2–0 Z PL Trifax LotV online
04/20/2019 NukeLar UA P 2–1 P DE MisterL LotV online
04/20/2019 Ziomek PL P 2–1 T FR Senryakku LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group B Week 1 hide (7)
04/20/2019 MariK DE P 2–0 Z NO StekepaNNe LotV online
04/20/2019 EastToss RU P 2–0 P DE Neuling LotV online
04/20/2019 Veryn DE P 2–0 P PL wenez LotV online
04/20/2019 Geeden US Z 2–0 P DE Jumy LotV online
04/20/2019 Geeden US Z 2–1 P DE Veryn LotV online
04/20/2019 Neuling DE P 2–0 Z NO StekepaNNe LotV online
04/20/2019 MariK DE P 2–1 P PL wenez LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Group Stage Group A Week 1 hide (8)
04/20/2019 Mackintac CA Z 2–1 Z DE Össy LotV online
04/20/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–0 P DE Rhoust LotV online
04/20/2019 hallo DE P 2–0 T UK FinnZi LotV online
04/20/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–1 Z US Arkthelegend LotV online
04/20/2019 Aristori PL Z 2–1 T UK FinnZi LotV online
04/20/2019 Rhoust DE P 2–1 Z US Arkthelegend LotV online
04/20/2019 kiyj EE Z 2–1 Z CA Mackintac LotV online
04/20/2019 Össy DE Z 2–0 P DE hallo LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #4 LB Round 3 hide (2)
04/11/2019 Neuling DE P 3–2 P DE eagle LotV online
04/11/2019 ManTaZa DE P 3–2 T DE Varys LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #4 LB Round 2 hide (7)
04/11/2019 BuRny DE T 2–0 R no_tsche LotV online
04/11/2019 ArtyK FR R 2–0 T NO Andromeda LotV online
04/11/2019 devz CZ Z 2–0 T PL Wojcio LotV online
04/11/2019 DeeDan RU T 2–0 T HR bebe LotV online
04/11/2019 Neuling DE P 2–1 Z RU YoungYakov LotV online
04/11/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–0 T DE ShooN LotV online
04/11/2019 Varys DE T 2–1 P RU ƎDESU LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #4 LB Round 1 hide (4)
04/11/2019 no_tsche R 2–0 R Kaplan LotV online
04/11/2019 Wojcio PL T 2–0 R US NasisNazty LotV online
04/11/2019 Neuling DE P 2–0 P DE Lycid LotV online
04/11/2019 ShooN DE T 2–0 Z DE SchokoRitter LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #4 WB Ro16 hide (7)
04/11/2019 wenez PL P 3–1 T DE Varys LotV online
04/11/2019 WindmillMan VE P 3–2 P DE ManTaZa LotV online
04/11/2019 Kaesekuchen DE P 3–2 Z US Ruiyichi LotV online
04/11/2019 lumpas CZ Z 3–2 Z RU YoungYakov LotV online
04/11/2019 hallo DE P 3–1 T RU DeeDan LotV online
04/11/2019 Senryakku FR T 3–1 Z CZ devz LotV online
04/11/2019 arrogfire FR P 3–0 T NO Andromeda LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #4 WB Ro32 hide (11)
04/11/2019 hallo DE P 2–0 P DE Neuling LotV online
04/11/2019 Varys DE T 2–0 R no_tsche LotV online
04/11/2019 wenez PL P 2–0 R Kaplan LotV online
04/11/2019 ManTaZa DE P 2–1 R FR ArtyK LotV online
04/11/2019 Kaesekuchen DE P 2–0 R US NasisNazty LotV online
04/11/2019 YoungYakov RU Z 2–0 T HR bebe LotV online
04/11/2019 DeeDan RU T 2–0 P DE Lycid LotV online
04/11/2019 devz CZ Z 2–0 P DE eagle LotV online
04/11/2019 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z DE SchokoRitter LotV online
04/11/2019 Andromeda NO T 2–1 T DE ShooN LotV online
04/11/2019 BuRny DE T 2–0 P RU ƎDESU LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 10 Qualifiers #3 LB Round 3 hide (3)
04/06/2019 GumGumRuFFy DE T 3–1 P DE eagle LotV online

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