StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Jan. 24, 2022

ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro128 hide (38)
815 Tomstar PL T 0–2 P RU Exostriker 1422 LotV online
954 Delilah TN Z 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1465 LotV online
915 Poryphorion CA T 0–2 Z RU Strannik 1111 LotV online
940 Astra RU P 0–2 Z PL Snoxtar 1476 LotV online
1223 MonstR SE T 2–1 P DK Phoenix 1033 LotV online
1037 Bush LT P 2–1 P FR Hirich 934 LotV online
1762 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 Z BG MasterKronk 993 LotV online
900 NaJi RU P 0–2 P RU MindelVK 1780 LotV online
708 Blade DK T 0–2 T RU control 1170 LotV online
955 Ady RO T 0–2 P FR Cobblestone 983 LotV online
1153 SharKRippeR DE T 2–0 T BG JUSTKILLER 949 LotV online
Matthew RO Z 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1537 LotV online
783 Gimlouis FR Z 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1527 LotV online
1120 YanXII BR T 2–0 P HU AZTEX 543 LotV online
677 Spanmeister DE T 1–2 P PL Vavin 601 LotV online
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685 Syrril FR Z 0–2 T RU Khamul 943 LotV online
759 Hard RO T 0–2 P US Dro 783 LotV online
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977 NOOBER SE Z 2–1 Z RU imius 457 LotV online
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Atrox CH T 1–2 Z FI PhleBuster 798 LotV online
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720 coconutgamezz US P 0–2 Z UK MarsBar 590 LotV online
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1153 Angry PL T 2–1 T RO CuKu 1382 LotV online
1350 NightPhoenix UA P 2–0 R UA z1rka 884 LotV online
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Gergi FR Z 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1775 LotV online
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735 Michnek UA P 0–2 Z UA SunSet 1277 LotV online
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1817 Indy PL P 2–1 P DE luke 951 LotV online
1098 ReySkywalker PL Z 0–2 P FR arrogfire 1771 LotV online
1024 PPower RU P 2–0 R FR Gaettwo 752 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro64 hide (32)
3122 Clem FR T 2–0 P RU Exostriker 1422 LotV online
974 Paloma DE T 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1403 LotV online
2386 trigger CA P 2–0 Z RU Strannik 1142 LotV online
1476 Snoxtar PL Z 0–2 P RU Strange 2263 LotV online
2515 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T SE MonstR 1088 LotV online
1037 Bush LT P 0–2 P DE Spatz 2275 LotV online
1832 DIMAGA UA Z 2–1 P RU MindelVK 1592 LotV online
1170 control RU T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2415 LotV online
2871 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 P FR Cobblestone 888 LotV online
1153 SharKRippeR DE T 1–2 T RU Nicoract 1684 LotV online
2213 ArT PL P 2–1 Z PL Aristori 1515 LotV online
1120 YanXII BR T 0–2 P NL Harstem 2576 LotV online
2166 goblin HR P 2–0 P PL Vavin 629 LotV online
799 Napolcochon FR Z 0–2 T RU Brat_OK 1727 LotV online
943 Khamul RU T 2–1 P US Dro 783 LotV online
1018 VeNTuRe DE P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3012 LotV online
2944 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 Z SE NOOBER 960 LotV online
1120 Pudgey UK P 2–1 Z FI PhleBuster 783 LotV online
2002 Kas UA T 2–1 P UA aelliot 1257 LotV online
590 MarsBar UK Z 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2437 LotV online
2305 MaNa PL P 2–0 T LV ReDy 874 LotV online
825 Blutmilan DE P 0–2 P DE Jumy 1937 LotV online
1637 Ashbringer RU P 2–0 T PL Angry 904 LotV online
1593 JEROS UA T 0–2 P CN Lancer 2110 LotV online
2443 SKillous RU P 2–0 P UA NightPhoenix 1429 LotV online
1257 Lover CN T 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1867 LotV online
1969 PAPI PL P 2–1 Z SE Fjant 936 LotV online
973 PrinzOnFire UA P 0–2 P PL Gerald 2408 LotV online
2203 DisK CA P 2–0 Z UA SunSet 1277 LotV online
896 Serafit PL P 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 2101 LotV online
1817 Indy PL P 0–2 P FR arrogfire 1865 LotV online
968 PPower RU P 0–2 Z IT Reynor 3179 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro32 hide (16)
2925 Clem FR T 2–0 T IT BabyMarine 1403 LotV online
2231 trigger CA P 1–2 P RU Strange 2419 LotV online
2634 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P DE Spatz 2025 LotV online
1991 DIMAGA UA Z 1–2 T PL Spirit 2788 LotV online
2943 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 T RU Nicoract 1677 LotV online
2064 ArT PL P 1–2 P NL Harstem 2489 LotV online
2276 goblin HR P 1–2 T RU Brat_OK 1728 LotV online
943 Khamul RU T 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2783 LotV online
3055 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P UK Pudgey 1052 LotV online
2002 Kas UA T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2393 LotV online
2443 MaNa PL P 1–2 P DE Jumy 1937 LotV online
1480 Ashbringer RU P 1–2 P CN Lancer 2120 LotV online
2682 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1826 LotV online
1905 PAPI PL P 1–2 P PL Gerald 2408 LotV online
2212 DisK CA P 2–0 T RU MilkiCow 2101 LotV online
1771 arrogfire FR P 0–2 Z IT Reynor 3179 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro16 hide (8)
3122 Clem FR T 2–0 P RU Strange 2322 LotV online
2515 Wayne RU Z 0–2 T PL Spirit 2788 LotV online
2871 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 P NL Harstem 2489 LotV online
1728 Brat_OK RU T 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2783 LotV online
3055 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2393 LotV online
1937 Jumy DE P 1–2 P CN Lancer 2120 LotV online
2443 SKillous RU P 2–0 P PL Gerald 2408 LotV online
2203 DisK CA P 0–2 Z IT Reynor 3179 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro8 hide (4)
2925 Clem FR T 2–1 T PL Spirit 2415 LotV online
2871 ShoWTimE DE P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 3012 LotV online
3055 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P CN Lancer 2110 LotV online
2682 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z IT Reynor 3179 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Ro4 hide (2)
3122 Clem FR T 3–0 P DK MaxPax 2783 LotV online
3055 HeRoMaRinE DE T 1–3 P RU SKillous 2511 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #107 Final hide (1)
3122 Clem FR T 3–1 P RU SKillous 2511 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro128 hide (8)
721 alain MX Z 1–2 T DE Paloma 942 LotV online
TheWayMan US Z 2–0 T MX MEGATRON 1040 LotV online
982 iamkjh US T 0–2 P UK Bromaria 949 LotV online
Harimang US Z 2–0 Z BR Grandjyn 737 LotV online
1106 alexander PE T 2–0 R US BabySwiss 944 LotV online
931 SantaClaws US P 0–2 Z PL Damrud 1005 LotV online
986 WarlockX CA Z 2–0 R US QuackAttack LotV online
CaNiBal BR T 0–2 Z CA Fade 998 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro64 hide (30)
3024 Zest KR P 2–0 T DE Paloma 958 LotV online
1698 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z US Neuro 1086 LotV online
1744 Demi IN Z 2–0 T US Gyalgatine 800 LotV online
914 UncLeToBy US P 1–2 Z MX JimRising 1685 LotV online
2804 herO KR P 2–0 Z US TheWayMan LotV online
633 Dreamatose US P 0–2 T RU Nicoract 1677 LotV online
685 Syrril FR Z 1–2 T CU SlayersMvP 973 LotV online
966 Bromaria UK P 0–2 P KR Creator 2529 LotV online
2472 Nice TW P 2–0 Z US Harimang LotV online
1015 ProbeScout US P 2–1 P PE Agressif 725 LotV online
2275 Spatz DE P 2–0 P US Slayer 920 LotV online
1250 PracticeX US T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2393 LotV online
2201 trigger CA P 2–0 T SE MrMuscles 484 LotV online
1052 Pudgey UK P 1–2 T CA UpATree 928 LotV online
1167 alexander PE T 0–2 T KR ByuN 2913 LotV online
3105 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z PL Damrud 1005 LotV online
1646 HonMonO KR T 2–0 P US Dro 783 LotV online
1937 Jumy DE P 2–0 P US TheSwiss 914 LotV online
2510 Hellraiser UA P 2–0 P AU St0nedas 961 LotV online
959 Shiny CA Z 0–2 P KR NightMare 2397 LotV online
986 BadBorz PL Z 2–0 Z FR maelstrom 488 LotV online
1006 WarlockX CA Z 0–2 P TW Has 2455 LotV online
2802 Astrea US P 2–0 Z CA Fade 998 LotV online
1537 Mixu FI Z 2–0 Z FI PhleBuster 640 LotV online
1326 CatZ PE Z 1–2 P PL Gerald 2616 LotV online
2159 Vindicta US T 2–0 Z CA Bogus 1046 LotV online
965 GARTENZERG DE Z 0–2 P PL ArT 2213 LotV online
1133 Meowerdoom US Z 2–1 Z US Yoyo 1192 LotV online
780 yermi CR T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3195 LotV online
910 acheron US P 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2548 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro32 hide (16)
2942 Zest KR P 2–0 P US Rhizer 1547 LotV online
1642 Demi IN Z 1–2 Z MX JimRising 1735 LotV online
2883 herO KR P 2–0 T RU Nicoract 1677 LotV online
697 SlayersMvP CU T 0–2 P KR Creator 2637 LotV online
2181 Nice TW P 2–1 P US ProbeScout 1015 LotV online
2275 Spatz DE P 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2383 LotV online
2231 trigger CA P 2–0 P US PattyMac 1893 LotV online
1003 UpATree CA T 0–2 T KR ByuN 2913 LotV online
2783 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T KR HonMonO 1646 LotV online
1944 Jumy DE P 0–2 T KR GuMiho 2548 LotV online
2510 Hellraiser UA P 2–0 P KR NightMare 2447 LotV online
938 BadBorz PL Z 0–2 P TW Has 2455 LotV online
2802 Astrea US P 2–0 Z FI Mixu 1542 LotV online
1120 YanXII BR T 0–2 P PL Gerald 2311 LotV online
1906 Vindicta US T 1–2 P PL ArT 2099 LotV online
1133 Meowerdoom US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar 2986 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro16 hide (7)
3104 Zest KR P 2–0 Z MX JimRising 1685 LotV online
2810 herO KR P 2–1 P KR Creator 2529 LotV online
2181 Nice TW P 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2383 LotV online
2201 trigger CA P 1–2 T KR ByuN 2994 LotV online
2783 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T KR GuMiho 2548 LotV online
2510 Hellraiser UA P 0–2 P TW Has 2329 LotV online
2732 Astrea US P 2–1 P PL Gerald 2408 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro8 hide (4)
2942 Zest KR P 2–1 P KR herO 2810 LotV online
2393 Krystianer PL P 0–2 T KR ByuN 2994 LotV online
3012 MaxPax DK P 0–2 P TW Has 2329 LotV online
2802 Astrea US P 0–2 Z KR Solar 2972 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Ro4 hide (2)
3024 Zest KR P 3–1 T KR ByuN 2994 LotV online
2455 Has TW P 2–3 Z KR Solar 2972 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #107 Final hide (1)
3104 Zest KR P 3–1 Z KR Solar 2972 LotV online
GSL 2022 AfreecaTV GSL Super Tournament 1 Main Event Ro8 hide (4)
3024 Zest KR P 3–2 T KR Bunny 2818 LotV offline
3268 Maru KR T 3–2 P KR herO 2883 LotV offline
2986 ByuN KR T 0–3 Z KR Dark 3452 LotV offline
2529 Creator KR P 0–3 P KR Zoun 2524 LotV offline
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 9 Championship Bracket LB Round 3 hide (4)
2347 Bly UA Z 1–3 Z KR Solar 2986 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 9 Championship Bracket LB Round 4 hide (4)
2788 Spirit PL T 1–3 Z KR Solar 3195 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 9 Championship Bracket LB Round 5 hide (2)
2583 uThermal NL T 0–3 P DE ShoWTimE 2943 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 9 Championship Bracket LB Round 6 hide (2)
2326 Cham MX Z 0–3 P DE ShoWTimE 3070 LotV online
SC2Online OSC Championship Season 9 Championship Bracket LB Round 7 hide (2)
2383 Krystianer PL P 1–3 P DE ShoWTimE 2871 LotV online

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