StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Jan. 7, 2013

*aAa* Pro Challenge Season 2 Qualifiers French hide (4)
1172 ToD FR P 2–1 P FR NeOAnGeL 1160 WoL online
Conn.Si Arena Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group A hide (5)
977 VladoicA RS T 2–0 P SI Kleta WoL online
Conn.Si Arena Season 1 Group Stage 1 Group C hide (5)
1125 Starbuck SI Z 2–1 Z SI EonuS 911 WoL online
GSL 2013 Season 1 Up & Down Group B hide (14)
1418 Happy KR T 0–1 Z KR Shine 1550 WoL offline
1771 TaeJa KR T 1–0 P KR Trap 1392 WoL offline
1804 Squirtle KR P 1–0 T KR Dream 1606 WoL offline
1879 TaeJa KR T 1–0 T KR Happy 1290 WoL offline
1793 Squirtle KR P 1–0 Z KR Shine 1362 WoL offline
1392 Trap KR P 0–1 T KR Dream 1606 WoL offline
1804 Squirtle KR P 1–0 T KR Happy 1546 WoL offline
1362 Shine KR Z 0–1 P KR Trap 1362 WoL offline
1879 TaeJa KR T 1–0 T KR Dream 1493 WoL offline
1546 Happy KR T 1–0 P KR Trap 1392 WoL offline
1550 Shine KR Z 1–0 T KR Dream 1617 WoL offline
1771 TaeJa KR T 1–0 P KR Squirtle 1804 WoL offline
1290 Happy KR T 1–0 T KR Dream 1493 WoL offline
1444 Trap KR P 0–1 P KR Squirtle 1697 WoL offline
Proleague 2012-2013 Season 1 Round 2 Week 1 Team 8 vs. CJ Entus hide (6)
1240 Terminator KR P 0–1 Z KR Hydra 1162 WoL offline
1206 Cure KR T 1–0 Z KR Hydra 1113 WoL offline
1206 Cure KR T 0–1 Z KR EffOrt 1406 WoL offline
1592 TY KR T 0–1 Z KR EffOrt 1406 WoL offline
1325 Argo KR P 1–0 Z KR EffOrt 1420 WoL offline
1328 Argo KR P 0–1 P KR herO 1425 WoL offline
Proleague 2012-2013 Season 1 Round 2 Week 1 Samsung KHAN vs. Woongjin Stars hide (7)
1478 Stork KR P 1–0 T KR Light 1242 WoL offline
1285 Stork KR P 0–1 P KR free 1353 WoL offline
1120 Shine KR Z 0–1 P KR free 1439 WoL offline
1533 JangBi KR P 1–0 P KR free 1353 WoL offline
1485 JangBi KR P 1–0 Z KR Soulkey 1658 WoL offline
1533 JangBi KR P 0–1 P KR sOs 1581 WoL offline
1547 RorO KR Z 0–1 P KR sOs 1551 WoL offline
Winter Night Weekly #43 Early rounds hide (39)
1055 RuineD AU T 1–0 Z AU Phoenix 1006 WoL online
whitePuma AU Z 1–0 Z AU PressureTest WoL online
806 Spook AU T 1–0 P MY MuSh WoL online
946 Redemption AU T 0–1 T AU danO 1074 WoL online
1443 MaFia AU Z 1–0 Z NZ Crimson 1029 WoL online
993 Karleb AU Z 0–1 P AU BiGbiRd 960 WoL online
1018 SteelHeart PH Z 1–0 T AU RuineD 1055 WoL online
953 Lemminks SG P 0–1 Z AU Syntox 893 WoL online
1295 Poker AU Z 1–0 Z Decay WoL online
1109 Jambi AU Z 0–1 Z AU Eros 873 WoL online
1027 Wally AU Z 0–1 P AU Protege 910 WoL online
1270 Light AU P 1–0 Z AU whitePuma WoL online
1248 Petraeus NZ Z 1–0 Z PH EnDerr 1140 WoL online
1185 Frustration AU P 1–0 T AU Spook 806 WoL online
1146 MegaFonzie AU P 1–0 P AU Probe 943 WoL online
957 TidaL AU P 0–1 P MY TragicHero 945 WoL online
951 DarK AU Z 1–0 P AU Schnitzel 868 WoL online
1443 MaFia AU Z 1–0 Z AU NXZ 1044 WoL online
1003 SteelHeart PH Z 1–0 P AU Apathetic 987 WoL online
952 Kez AU Z 1–0 Z AU Livibee 956 WoL online
964 delete AU P 0–1 Z TW Reere 942 WoL online
994 Satu AU Z 0–1 Z AU Syntox 821 WoL online
1295 Poker AU Z 1–0 Z AU Soundwave 818 WoL online
887 Eros AU Z 1–0 P AU Protege 910 WoL online
1299 Light AU P 1–0 P VN Sirentt 977 WoL online
920 Stormz AU Z 0–1 Z NZ Petraeus 1248 WoL online
876 Snow SG T 0–1 P AU MegaFonzie 1069 WoL online
890 TragicHero MY P 1–0 T NZ Sparrow WoL online
1171 Fenner UK Z 0–1 Z AU DarK 1030 WoL online
1053 danO AU T 1–0 P PH Waning 801 WoL online
902 Malice AU P 0–1 Z NZ Crimson 965 WoL online
1007 Alpha AU P 0–1 T SG Snow 876 WoL online
942 Reere TW Z 1–0 P AU tRoy WoL online
994 Satu AU Z 1–0 Z AU PulSe 874 WoL online
982 Pox AU Z 1–0 P AU Fairyking 838 WoL online
967 PengWin CH Z 0–1 Z CA NeverExpo 987 WoL online
1049 BiGbiRd AU P 1–0 T AU PaRAnorMaL WoL online
1114 Frustration AU P 1–0 P ZankiMaru WoL online
1013 Pox AU Z 1–0 Z CA NeverExpo 987 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #43 Ro16 hide (8)
930 SteelHeart PH Z 1–2 Z AU Kez 952 WoL online
892 Reere TW Z 0–2 Z AU Syntox 821 WoL online
1295 Poker AU Z 2–0 Z AU Eros 873 WoL online
1270 Light AU P 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1261 WoL online
1164 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z AU Pox 982 WoL online
1146 MegaFonzie AU P 1–2 P MY TragicHero 945 WoL online
990 DarK AU Z 0–2 T AU danO 1033 WoL online
1533 MaFia AU Z 2–0 P AU BiGbiRd 960 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #43 Ro8 hide (4)
1443 MaFia AU Z 2–0 Z AU Kez 952 WoL online
821 Syntox AU Z 0–2 Z AU Poker 1295 WoL online
1261 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 P AU Frustration 1164 WoL online
890 TragicHero MY P 0–2 T AU danO 1053 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #43 Ro4 hide (2)
1443 MaFia AU Z 1–2 Z AU Poker 1295 WoL online
1309 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 T AU danO 1033 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #43 Final hide (1)
1295 Poker AU Z 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1248 WoL online

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