StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Sept. 6, 2012

ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Ro64 hide (6)
997 Bard AU P 1–2 T AU riiChard 798 WoL online
1148 Azz AU P 2–0 T AU Elliott WoL online
1201 Poker AU Z 2–0 Z AU Jambi 977 WoL online
977 inFeZa AU P 0–2 P AU Frustration 974 WoL online
863 ChadMann AU Z 0–2 P AU MegaFonzie 1052 WoL online
855 Syntox AU Z 2–0 P AU Battletoast WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Ro32 hide (14)
1537 PiG AU Z 2–0 T AU riiChard 814 WoL online
910 NotoriouS AU P 0–2 T AU HuT 1041 WoL online
845 dippa AU T 2–0 Z AU minimat 867 WoL online
1318 EdgE AU Z 2–0 Z AU Eros 952 WoL online
1185 Petraeus NZ Z 2–0 T AU Spook 711 WoL online
1065 Fenner UK Z 1–2 Z AU Syntox 813 WoL online
1171 Myuu AU Z 2–0 Z AU Aiya 947 WoL online
1349 Poker AU Z 2–0 P AU Xormentor 907 WoL online
982 Active AU T 0–2 P AU Frustration 1028 WoL online
Jugular AU Z 0–2 P AU Schnitzel 953 WoL online
1148 Azz AU P 2–1 T AU Sidoney 987 WoL online
834 SundeR AU Z 2–0 P AU AstrO 963 WoL online
Otter AU Z 0–2 P AU Legionnaire 871 WoL online
1371 Sunshine AU Z 2–0 T AU Miley 851 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Ro16 hide (8)
845 dippa AU T 0–2 Z AU EdgE 1131 WoL online
916 Schnitzel AU P 0–2 P AU Azz 1094 WoL online
1153 Petraeus NZ Z 2–1 Z AU Syntox 813 WoL online
1201 Poker AU Z 2–0 Z AU SundeR 897 WoL online
951 Legionnaire AU P 2–0 P AU Frustration 974 WoL online
1273 Sunshine AU Z 2–0 P AU MegaFonzie 1052 WoL online
1537 PiG AU Z 2–1 T AU HuT 890 WoL online
872 neKo AU Z 0–2 Z AU Myuu 1171 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Ro8 hide (4)
1677 PiG AU Z 2–1 Z AU EdgE 1318 WoL online
983 Azz AU P 0–2 Z NZ Petraeus 1113 WoL online
1171 Myuu AU Z 1–2 Z AU Poker 1201 WoL online
871 Legionnaire AU P 0–2 Z AU Sunshine 1273 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Ro4 hide (1)
1201 Poker AU Z 0–2 Z AU Sunshine 1166 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 WB Final hide (1)
1153 Petraeus NZ Z 1–2 Z AU Sunshine 1166 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 1 hide (1)
1061 Spider AU P 1–2 Z AU Jambi 1005 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 2 hide (7)
987 Sidoney AU T 0–2 P AU inFeZa 1016 WoL online
1065 Fenner UK Z 2–0 Z AU ChadMann 831 WoL online
849 minimat AU Z 0–2 Z AU Jambi 977 WoL online
958 Fourby AU P 2–0 P AU Battletoast WoL online
921 Aiya AU Z 0–2 P AU BiGbiRd 885 WoL online
981 Active AU T 2–0 T AU Elliott WoL online
964 AstrO AU P 2–1 P AU Champi 941 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 3 hide (7)
711 Spook AU T 0–2 Z UK Fenner 1031 WoL online
798 riiChard AU T 2–0 P AU NotoriouS 910 WoL online
977 Jambi AU Z 2–0 Z AU Eros 952 WoL online
911 Miley AU T 0–2 P AU Fourby 889 WoL online
1055 Bard AU P 2–0 P AU BiGbiRd 973 WoL online
928 Xormentor AU P 2–0 P AU AstrO 964 WoL online
Otter AU Z 1–2 T AU Active 933 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 4 hide (8)
834 SundeR AU Z 2–1 P AU inFeZa 962 WoL online
872 neKo AU Z 2–1 Z UK Fenner 1065 WoL online
1055 MegaFonzie AU P 1–2 T AU riiChard 798 WoL online
1010 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z AU Jambi 1005 WoL online
858 dippa AU T 2–0 T AU Active 981 WoL online
1041 HuT AU T 2–1 P AU Fourby 889 WoL online
855 Syntox AU Z 0–2 P AU Bard 1058 WoL online
916 Schnitzel AU P 2–1 P AU Xormentor 928 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 5 hide (4)
897 SundeR AU Z 1–2 Z AU neKo 872 WoL online
798 riiChard AU T 0–2 P AU Frustration 1028 WoL online
858 dippa AU T 0–2 T AU HuT 1019 WoL online
1055 Bard AU P 2–0 P AU Schnitzel 916 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 6 hide (4)
1318 EdgE AU Z 2–0 Z AU neKo 872 WoL online
1094 Azz AU P 1–2 P AU Frustration 974 WoL online
1080 Myuu AU Z 2–1 T AU HuT 890 WoL online
951 Legionnaire AU P 0–2 P AU Bard 1055 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 9 hide (1)
1010 Frustration AU P 2–0 Z AU Myuu 1322 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 LB Round 10 hide (1)
1113 Petraeus NZ Z 2–1 P AU Frustration 1010 WoL online
ACL 2012 League Four Online Qualifiers #1 Final hide (1)
1166 Sunshine AU Z 2–0 Z NZ Petraeus 1153 WoL online
Asia Starcraft League Group Stage 1 Group 19 hide (1)
951 Sader CN P 2–0 P CN Top 1008 WoL online
Asia Starcraft League Group Stage 1 Group 20 hide (1)
950 JoJo TW Z 2–0 T CN NucleaR 1083 WoL online
ESEA Season 5 Group Stage Week 4 hide (51)
1014 Bellini CO Z 2–1 Z US everytime 997 WoL online
946 TwentyoneJ US T 2–1 T US Doriboi 973 WoL online
957 Pezz AU P 1–2 P US Axslav 1129 WoL online
974 Moosegills US Z 1–2 T CA KoMA 1047 WoL online
958 RemarK US P 2–1 T US Pyre 1064 WoL online
958 RemarK US P 1–2 T CA KoMA 1015 WoL online
983 DeathEnD CA P 2–0 P CA Bones 955 WoL online
992 aBstract US P 2–1 Z US FoolOfaTooK 960 WoL online
999 aBstract US P 2–0 T CA Korlith 1034 WoL online
1295 IdrA US Z 2–1 Z US MaSsan 1032 WoL online
1321 Suppy US Z 2–0 T CA Drunkenboi 856 WoL online
864 Traveller SE Z 2–1 Z CL CucH 1051 WoL online
973 ZoR CA P 1–2 T CL SoldieR 895 WoL online
978 WinD CA Z 2–0 T CL FrancisKO 985 WoL online
864 Traveller SE Z 2–0 Z CL CucH 1051 WoL online
1069 RockEr US P 2–0 Z US Candide 826 WoL online
Holly BR P 0–2 T CA dde 1447 WoL online
1071 Tunico BR Z 0–2 T KR IceCream 1134 WoL online
1187 ViBE US Z 2–0 Z CA Fuzzy 903 WoL online
1536 SpeCial MX T 2–1 P US Kyo 920 WoL online
934 Fitzyhere US Z 1–2 Z US Sasquatch 828 WoL online
1012 Astrea US P 2–1 P US Eifer 1079 WoL online
976 Protect US P 0–2 T US Gimix 867 WoL online
988 BeaSt US T 0–2 P US Anfield 1130 WoL online
1051 Semper CA T 2–0 T US Dream WoL online
965 dustsno US Z 2–0 T US LuckyFool 700 WoL online
1060 Magic UK Z 2–0 Z US Alkresh 1190 WoL online
1352 hendralisk CA Z 2–0 Z US dice 903 WoL online
933 Ryan US Z 2–0 Z US Webz 928 WoL online
897 AGIANTSMURF US P 2–1 T US EliGe 1016 WoL online
864 SinFeo US T 1–2 P US Bonkarooni 917 WoL online
1024 ZeuS US T 2–0 T US Wrath 990 WoL online
1014 PartOfTheSun US P 2–0 Z US sanddbox 1156 WoL online
949 NightInSeoul US Z 0–2 T CA Korlith 1007 WoL online
828 LzGaMeR US Z 0–2 P CA OneTrickPony 916 WoL online
883 iNcontroL US P 2–0 T US Haneul 929 WoL online
980 MavericK US Z 0–2 P MX bOrreee WoL online
1133 KawaiiRice US T 2–0 Z US Wompbeatz 963 WoL online
1017 Caliber US Z 2–0 P US Forbs 902 WoL online
1210 SLusH CA Z 2–0 T US SniXSniPe 1036 WoL online
892 Hummingbird US R 0–2 P US Boyo 1001 WoL online
1103 Thecoolman US Z 1–2 T US NadaViKinG 963 WoL online
908 Tileä NZ T 2–0 Z CA sooch 940 WoL online
TK US P 0–2 Z US Alkresh 1063 WoL online
GSL 2012 Season 4 Code S Ro32 Group D hide (5)
1542 Rain KR P 2–0 T KR ByuN 1744 WoL offline
1744 ByuN KR T 2–1 P KR Genius 1517 WoL offline
1542 Rain KR P 1–2 T KR Happy 1574 WoL offline
1574 Happy KR T 2–1 P KR Genius 1517 WoL offline
1744 ByuN KR T 0–2 P KR Rain 1542 WoL offline
Incr. Panic Team League Season 4 Division 1B Week 4 NCM Clan vs. Empire hide (5)
1018 Ladabaz SK P 0–1 T RU Brat_OK 1362 WoL online
936 Roll RU P 0–1 T RU Brat_OK 1362 WoL online
910 Revolver RU Z 1–0 T RU Brat_OK 1359 WoL online
910 Revolver RU Z 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1343 WoL online
910 Revolver RU Z 0–1 T RS Beastyqt 1343 WoL online League Week 3 hide (4)
1378 MorroW SE Z 5–5 T ES LucifroN 1452 WoL online
TaKeTV Stim to the Win Group 1 hide (5)
1888 Stephano FR Z 2–1 T UA Strelok 1410 WoL online
1888 Stephano FR Z 2–1 T UA Strelok 1410 WoL online
1346 Strelok UA T 2–0 T DE DBS 1106 WoL online
1742 ForGG KR T 2–0 T DE DBS 1106 WoL online
1512 ForGG KR T 2–0 Z FR Stephano 1888 WoL online

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