StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to Redemption's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

32.56% (42/129)
627 ± 160
44.44% (16/36)
709 ± 226
27.78% (5/18)
649 ± 226
28.00% (21/75)
522 ± 226
627 ± 160
709 ± 226
649 ± 226
522 ± 226
All 987 ± 140 (#795) on Sept. 19, 2012
vP 988 ± 226 (#788) on Oct. 2, 2013
vT 987 ± 213 (#799) on Sept. 19, 2012
vZ 1027 ± 226 (#496) on Oct. 2, 2013
Race Terran
Country Australia
Full name Edmond Lam
AKA ilyjk
First match Sept. 3, 2012
Last match May 26, 2018
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 6117

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
05/26/2018 535 Redemption AU T 0–2 Z AU Peppy 1103 LotV online
12/16/2017 762 Redemption AU T 0–2 T AU HuT 1572 LotV offline
12/16/2017 917 Redemption AU T 0–2 P AU Schnitzel 530 LotV offline
12/16/2017 917 Redemption AU T 1–2 P AU Luneth 637 LotV offline
12/16/2017 643 Redemption AU T 0–2 Z AU NXZ 1159 LotV offline
12/16/2017 917 Redemption AU T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1000 LotV offline
09/29/2015 650 Redemption AU T 0–1 Z AU Chase 830 HotS online
09/06/2015 767 Redemption AU T 0–2 T AU HuT 1278 HotS offline
09/06/2015 774 Redemption AU T 0–2 Z AU Alopex 1355 HotS offline
09/06/2015 774 Redemption AU T 0–2 Z AU Pox 1287 HotS offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Ecko Esports March 9, 2014 July 1, 2016 no
Frenetic Array Dec. 9, 2013 no