StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Matt Summary Rating history Match history Adjustments

32.41% (129/398)
25.41% (47/185)
31.91% (30/94)
43.48% (50/115)
27.27% (12/44)
16.00% (4/25)
23.08% (3/13)
83.33% (5/6)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Matt is 129–269 (32.41%) in games and 52–132 (28.26%) in matches.

PiGosaur Cup #24 hide
03/24/2025 Matt FR Z 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #23 hide
03/17/2025 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
Monday Night Weeklies #9 hide
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03/17/2025 Matt FR Z 1–2 T HU Nihed LotV online
Monday Night Weeklies #8 hide
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03/10/2025 Matt FR Z 1–2 P SE Bumbz LotV online
WardiTV Mondays #26 hide
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CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #83 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #21 hide
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Monday Night Weeklies #7 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #20 hide
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CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #81 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #19 hide
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HupCup #6 hide
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Monday Night Weeklies #4 hide
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Monday Night Weeklies #3 hide
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WardiTV Mondays #20 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #16 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #15 hide
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PiGosaur Cup #13 hide
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WardiTV Mondays #16 hide
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HupCup #1 hide
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CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #74 hide
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CranKy Ducklings Tenacious Turtle Tussle #22 hide
11/06/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU Shameless LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #5 hide
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WardiTV PTR Tournament #1 hide
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10/29/2024 Matt FR Z 2–1 Z RU GgMaChine LotV online
Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #9 hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #8 hide
10/21/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
WardiTV Mondays #7 hide
10/21/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P KR Creator LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #2 hide
10/14/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z US Soita LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #4 Main Event hide
09/30/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P PE Daryl LotV online
HomeStory Cup XXVI hide
09/28/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 P KR ReBellioN LotV online
09/28/2024 Matt FR Z 2–1 P IT LetaleX LotV online
09/28/2024 Matt FR Z 2–0 P DE Hanson LotV online
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Ursasaurus Cup #3 Main Event hide
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #4 hide
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WardiTV Festival Qualifier #4 hide
09/19/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z TW Rex LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #2 Main Event hide
09/16/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU UedSoldier LotV online
09/16/2024 Matt FR Z 2–1 T VITALITYkalid LotV online
Ursasaurus Cup #1 Main Event hide
09/09/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P KR LunaSea LotV online
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Kaelaris Steadfast Rotti Cup #1 hide
09/02/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #242 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #242 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #241 hide
08/19/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 P KR Trap LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #241 hide
08/19/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 P FR arrogfire LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #240 hide
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CranKy Ducklings Sparkling Tuna Cup #60 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #238 hide
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07/29/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 T KR ByuN LotV online
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PiG's Viewer Tournament #1 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #229 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #228 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #227 hide
05/13/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P SE Bumbz LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #226 hide
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davetesta Events Sawcon Deez Templar #4 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #225 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #225 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #220 hide
03/25/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z DK Spazymazy LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #220 hide
03/25/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 T FR GuGus LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #219 hide
03/18/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P DE Blutmilan LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #217 hide
03/04/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
03/04/2024 Matt FR Z 2–0 P US SewerBadger LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #216 hide
02/26/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z US ZesTea LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #216 hide
02/26/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z IT Reynor LotV online
02/26/2024 Matt FR Z 2–0 P DE Wingent LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #215 hide
02/19/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 T AU PiG LotV online
02/19/2024 Matt FR Z 2–1 P DE PaRoOby LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #215 hide
02/19/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
02/19/2024 Matt FR Z 2–1 T HU psz LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #214 hide
02/12/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P US Heaven LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #212 hide
01/29/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P UA Gref LotV online
davetesta Events Cup O' Glory #1 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #210 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #210 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #209 hide
01/08/2024 Matt FR Z 0–2 P AU PiG LotV online
01/08/2024 Matt FR Z 2–0 T CA AgentStang LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #208 hide
01/01/2024 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
01/01/2024 Matt FR Z 2–0 Z US Benificent LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #206 hide
12/18/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T CA Jason LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #206 hide
12/18/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P FR arrogfire LotV online
12/18/2023 Matt FR Z 2–1 P FR Hirich LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #205 hide
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12/11/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 P CA Edwinstriker LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #205 hide
12/11/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P IT Azura LotV online
IEM Katowice 2024 hide
12/09/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #204 hide
12/04/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z US Yoyo LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #204 hide
12/04/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z FR Davbond LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #203 hide
11/27/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z US ZesTea LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #203 hide
11/27/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T FR Clem LotV online
11/27/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 T CA Poryphorion LotV online
Patches' 6k Open #2 hide
11/25/2023 Matt FR Z 1–0 Z US VoidTerror LotV online
11/25/2023 Matt FR Z 2–1 Z US ZesTea LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #202 hide
11/20/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #202 hide
11/20/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU NaJi LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #201 hide
11/13/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z RU GgMaChine LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November hide
11/07/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #200 hide
11/06/2023 Matt FR T 1–2 T BR KamiKaze LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #197 hide
10/16/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 T US Future LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #197 hide
10/16/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 P PL Indy LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Europe hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #196 hide
10/09/2023 Matt FR T 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
10/09/2023 Matt FR T 2–0 T CA Bojinkins LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #196 hide
10/09/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #195 hide
10/02/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 T TW NaXin LotV online
BTB Tournament #2 hide
10/01/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #194 hide
09/25/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
09/25/2023 Matt FR T 2–1 T PE IMStarker LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #193 hide
09/18/2023 Matt FR T 0–2 P RU MindelVK LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series European League Qualifier #1 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #192 hide
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09/11/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 P PL Krystianer LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #191 hide
09/04/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #190 hide
08/28/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z CA Steadfast LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #190 hide
08/28/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 T UA Kas LotV online
08/28/2023 Matt FR Z 2–1 P FR Vince LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #189 hide
08/21/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z US iDrone LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #189 hide
08/21/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T RU Creed LotV online
08/21/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 P CZ Filexus LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open August hide
08/20/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
Migs Cup #8 hide
08/18/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z FR BsK LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #188 hide
08/14/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z DE Winckel LotV online
SpeCial's Open #1 hide
08/12/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z PL BadBorz LotV online
Patches' 6k Open #1 hide
08/09/2023 Matt FR Z 0–1 Z US kazmir LotV online
08/09/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z US VoidTerror LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #187 hide
08/07/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P TW Nice LotV online
08/07/2023 Matt FR Z 2–1 Z PL BadBorz LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #187 hide
08/07/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
08/07/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 T FR Gaettwo LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #186 hide
07/31/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 P US AwesomeSauce LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #186 hide
07/31/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU Strange LotV online
07/31/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 Z FR Syrril LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #185 hide
07/24/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P AU You LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #185 hide
07/24/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE LotV online
07/24/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 T FR Zibbang LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Summer Party Qualifier #3 hide
07/20/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z SE Fjant LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Summer Party Qualifier #2 hide
07/20/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P TW Nice LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July hide
07/19/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z CN Silky LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #184 hide
07/17/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
07/17/2023 Matt FR Z 2–0 P US TheSwiss LotV online
ESL Open Cup Asia #184 hide
07/17/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P KR Classic LotV online
AfreecaTV Champions Cup #2 hide
07/16/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #183 hide
07/10/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z DK Anticore LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #182 hide
07/03/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P FR Deca LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #176 hide
05/22/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU PPower LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #165 hide
03/06/2023 Matt FR Z 1–2 Z BY Nikich LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #164 hide
02/27/2023 Matt FR Z 0–2 P RU Ashbringer LotV online