StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions

43.73% (136/311)
43.48% (80/184)
47.27% (26/55)
39.68% (25/63)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, Maro is 136–175 (43.73%) in games and 50–75 (40.00%) in matches.

Infolet League #1 hide
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H40S Open Cup #8 hide
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Infolet League #1 hide
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Infolet Monthly Cup #2 hide
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Infolet Cup #4 hide
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Vulcan Cup 2023 Championship hide
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Turniej Urodzinowy SirGraczusa #1 hide
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Vulcan Cup 2023 Championship hide
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Vulcan Cup 2023 Summer EU hide
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Chat StarLeague #16 hide
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Vulcan Cup 2023 Winter EU hide
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Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
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CSO Cup #52 hide
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Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall Season Finals hide
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CSO Cup #51 hide
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Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
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Passioncraft Open Season 15 hide
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CSO Cup #50 hide
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Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
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Vulcan Cup 2022 Fall Europe hide
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Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
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Sniper's StarCraft League Team hide
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Chat StarLeague #10 hide
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MY FIXED 1v1 Cup #4 hide
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Chat StarLeague #8 hide
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CSO Cup #46 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #129 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #128 hide
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Infolet Cup #2 hide
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ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Netwars Cup #2 hide
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MY FIXED 1v1 Cup #2 hide
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ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #113 hide
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Snoxtar Events 4 Stars Cup #11 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #104 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #102 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #98 hide
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Alpha X King of Battles 2 hide
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10/16/2021 Maro PL T 2–0 P PL Ziomek LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Europe #91 hide
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The Rotti & Wardi Cup hide
08/30/2021 Maro PL T 0–2 P PL Ziomek LotV online
Passioncraft Open Season 14 hide
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