StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Aug. 31, 2018 to Sept. 26, 2018
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $1,300
Players 51
Games 168
Matches 67
PvT 17–9 (65.38%)
PvZ 18–39 (31.58%)
TvZ 18–7 (72.00%)
Mirrors 25 PvP, 9 TvT, 22 ZvZ
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Mega #1 Final hide (1)
09/26/2018 Reynor IT Z 2–3 Z PL Elazer LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Mega #1 Ro4 hide (2)
09/26/2018 PtitDrogo FR P 1–2 Z PL Elazer LotV online
09/26/2018 Reynor IT Z 2–1 P FR DnS LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Mega #1 Ro8 hide (4)
09/26/2018 Elazer PL Z 2–1 Z UA Bly LotV online
09/26/2018 uThermal NL T 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo LotV online
09/26/2018 DnS FR P 2–1 P PL MaNa LotV online
09/26/2018 Reynor IT Z 2–0 P Rail LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Mega #1 Ro16 hide (8)
09/26/2018 Bly UA Z 2–1 P HR goblin LotV online
09/26/2018 Elazer PL Z 2–0 Z KR PenguiN LotV online
09/26/2018 PtitDrogo FR P 2–0 P PL ArT LotV online
09/26/2018 uThermal NL T 2–0 T US Vindicta LotV online
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09/26/2018 DnS FR P 2–0 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
09/26/2018 Zanster SE Z 0–2 P Rail LotV online
09/26/2018 Reynor IT Z 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Mega #1 Ro32 hide (6)
09/26/2018 Gerald PL P 1–2 T US Vindicta LotV online
09/26/2018 goblin HR P 2–0 P DK Exited LotV online
09/26/2018 PenguiN KR Z 2–0 P RU Nerazim LotV online
09/26/2018 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P HR Blask LotV online
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09/26/2018 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 P KR domickc LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Korea #2 hide (4)
09/20/2018 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z UA Bly LotV online
09/20/2018 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z UA Bly LotV online
09/20/2018 Solar KR Z 2–0 P KR Creator LotV online
09/20/2018 Creator KR P 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #3 Final hide (1)
09/13/2018 Rail P 2–3 T PL Spirit LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #3 Ro4 hide (2)
09/13/2018 Denver FR Z 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
09/13/2018 Bee RU Z 0–2 P Rail LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #3 Ro8 hide (3)
09/13/2018 Spirit PL T 2–1 T UA Kas LotV online
09/13/2018 Denver FR Z 2–0 P RS Beastyqt LotV online
09/13/2018 Rail P 2–0 T RU Brat_OK LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #3 Ro16 hide (8)
09/13/2018 Kas UA T 2–1 Z IT Ryosis LotV online
09/13/2018 Spirit PL T 2–0 T FI Luolis LotV online
09/13/2018 Beastyqt RS P 2–0 P KR domickc LotV online
09/13/2018 Denver FR Z 2–0 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
09/13/2018 Brat_OK RU T 2–1 P KR January LotV online
09/13/2018 Rail P 2–0 P RU DmC LotV online
09/13/2018 Bee RU Z 2–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
09/13/2018 Bly UA Z 2–1 Z DE mAth LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #3 Ro32 hide (1)
09/13/2018 mAth DE Z 2–0 R ileaguegaming LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #2 Final hide (1)
09/12/2018 HateMe AT Z 3–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #2 Ro4 hide (2)
09/12/2018 Bly UA Z 1–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
09/12/2018 Nerchio PL Z 1–2 Z AT HateMe LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #2 Ro8 hide (4)
09/12/2018 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z RU Bee LotV online
09/12/2018 Bly UA Z 2–0 P KR January LotV online
09/12/2018 HateMe AT Z 2–0 P Rail LotV online
09/12/2018 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 P TW Nice LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #2 Ro16 hide (7)
09/12/2018 Gerald PL P 1–2 P KR January LotV online
09/12/2018 Bee RU Z 2–0 Z FR Barbarossa LotV online
09/12/2018 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z SE LurkeR LotV online
09/12/2018 Bly UA Z 2–0 T CA GreatColtini LotV online
09/12/2018 Rail P 2–0 Z NL Ekkiejj LotV online
09/12/2018 HateMe AT Z 2–0 P BY WayTeh LotV online
09/12/2018 Nice TW P 2–0 P KR domickc LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Korea #1 Final hide (1)
09/02/2018 Zest KR P 3–1 P KR Trap LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Korea #1 Ro4 hide (2)
09/02/2018 Trap KR P 3–0 T KR FanTaSy LotV online
09/02/2018 Zest KR P 3–0 P HR goblin LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Korea #1 Ro8 hide (1)
09/02/2018 goblin HR P 2–0 P NL HomoDeus LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #1 Final hide (1)
08/31/2018 Nerchio PL Z 3–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #1 Ro4 hide (2)
08/31/2018 Gerald PL P 2–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
08/31/2018 Nerchio PL Z 2–0 P Rail LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #1 Ro8 hide (3)
08/31/2018 Bly UA Z 1–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
08/31/2018 Rail P 2–0 R LaserSeQ LotV online
08/31/2018 Nerchio PL Z 2–1 P CN Lancer LotV online
BaseTradeTV TING Open Season 5 Preseason Europe #1 Ro16 hide (3)
08/31/2018 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
08/31/2018 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z FR Barbarossa LotV online
08/31/2018 Lancer CN P 2–1 T RU MODEUS LotV online

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