StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates March 23, 2024 to Dec. 7, 2024
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Offline
Prizepool $2,910.02
Players 30
Games 308
Matches 131
PvT 23–57 (28.75%)
PvZ 54–33 (62.07%)
TvZ 34–8 (80.95%)
Mirrors 38 PvP, 39 TvT, 22 ZvZ
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Playoffs Finals hide (1)
12/07/2024 Future US T 4–1 T US jheffe LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 3–1 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 3–0 P US Rob LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
12/07/2024 Creature US P 0–3 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 3–0 Z US starkiller LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 3–0 Z US ZesTea LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 3–0 P US Holden LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Group Stage Round 5 hide (8)
12/07/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 P US WoFlagKai LotV offline
12/07/2024 CalebAracous US Z 1–2 P US Holden LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
12/07/2024 Creature US P 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 2–1 P US chelseafan LotV offline
12/07/2024 Dolan US T 0–2 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 2–0 Z US StagaDish LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Group Stage Round 4 hide (8)
12/07/2024 chelseafan US P 2–0 Z US StagaDish LotV offline
12/07/2024 WoFlagKai US P 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 2–0 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 CalebAracous US Z 0–2 P US Creature LotV offline
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 2–0 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 starkiller US Z 1–2 P US Holden LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 2–0 T US Dolan LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Group Stage Round 3 hide (8)
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 2–0 P US WoFlagKai LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 2–0 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 Zen US P 2–0 P US chelseafan LotV offline
12/07/2024 Creature US P 2–0 P US Holden LotV offline
12/07/2024 GloopGlorp US Z 0–2 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
12/07/2024 ZesTea US Z 2–0 Z US StagaDish LotV offline
12/07/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 Z US CalebAracous LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Group Stage Round 2 hide (8)
12/07/2024 StagaDish US Z 0–2 P US WoFlagKai LotV offline
12/07/2024 chelseafan US P 1–2 Z US ZesTea LotV offline
12/07/2024 Pardesaa US P 0–2 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 Holden US P 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
12/07/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 0–2 Z US CalebAracous LotV offline
12/07/2024 Dolan US T 2–1 T US jheffe LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 2–0 P US Creature LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Grand Finals Group Stage Round 1 hide (8)
12/07/2024 CalebAracous US Z 2–0 P US WoFlagKai LotV offline
12/07/2024 Holden US P 1–2 P US Zen LotV offline
12/07/2024 jheffe US T 2–0 Z US ZesTea LotV offline
12/07/2024 Creature US P 2–0 T US Gyalgatine LotV offline
12/07/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
12/07/2024 Rob US P 2–0 Z US StagaDish LotV offline
12/07/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 P US chelseafan LotV offline
12/07/2024 Future US T 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Playoffs Finals hide (1)
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 4–3 P US Rob LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–3 P US Rob LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 3–1 Z US starkiller LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
07/13/2024 Rob US P 2–0 Z US TwoMeows LotV offline
07/13/2024 starkiller US Z 2–1 P US Creature LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 P US chelseafan LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 6 hide (7)
07/13/2024 Pardesaa US P 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
07/13/2024 njwboom US P 2–1 P Hanmin LotV offline
07/13/2024 Occrats Z 0–2 Z US ShmubDub LotV offline
07/13/2024 chelseafan US P 0–2 Z US TwoMeows LotV offline
07/13/2024 Rob US P 2–0 P US Creature LotV offline
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 5 hide (7)
07/13/2024 chelseafan US P 2–0 P US njwboom LotV offline
07/13/2024 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
07/13/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US TwoMeows LotV offline
07/13/2024 Occrats Z 0–2 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
07/13/2024 Hanmin P 2–0 Z US ShmubDub LotV offline
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 P US Rob LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–1 P US Creature LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 4 hide (7)
07/13/2024 chelseafan US P 2–0 Z US ShmubDub LotV offline
07/13/2024 TwoMeows US Z 2–0 P Hanmin LotV offline
07/13/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
07/13/2024 Occrats Z 0–2 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
07/13/2024 Creature US P 2–0 P US njwboom LotV offline
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–1 P US Rob LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 3 hide (7)
07/13/2024 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
07/13/2024 Creature US P 2–0 P US chelseafan LotV offline
07/13/2024 TwoMeows US Z 1–2 P US njwboom LotV offline
07/13/2024 ShmubDub US Z 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
07/13/2024 Rob US P 2–1 Z US starkiller LotV offline
07/13/2024 Hanmin P 2–0 Z Occrats LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–1 T US Epic LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 2 hide (7)
07/13/2024 njwboom US P 2–1 Z US ShmubDub LotV offline
07/13/2024 GloopGlorp US Z 2–1 P Hanmin LotV offline
07/13/2024 chelseafan US P 2–0 Z Occrats LotV offline
07/13/2024 Pardesaa US P 0–2 Z US TwoMeows LotV offline
07/13/2024 Rob US P 2–1 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 P US Creature LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Summer Group Stage Round 1 hide (7)
07/13/2024 Pardesaa US P 2–0 P Hanmin LotV offline
07/13/2024 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 Z Occrats LotV offline
07/13/2024 Creature US P 2–0 Z US ShmubDub LotV offline
07/13/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 P US njwboom LotV offline
07/13/2024 Rob US P 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
07/13/2024 Epic US T 2–0 P US chelseafan LotV offline
07/13/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 Z US TwoMeows LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Playoffs Finals hide (1)
03/23/2024 Epic US T 2–4 T US Future LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Playoffs Ro4 hide (2)
03/23/2024 Future US T 3–0 T US Dolan LotV offline
03/23/2024 Epic US T 3–1 P US PiLiPiLi LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
03/23/2024 Future US T 2–0 Z US JonSnow LotV offline
03/23/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 P US Holden LotV offline
03/23/2024 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 Z US starkiller LotV offline
03/23/2024 Epic US T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Group Stage Round 4 hide (7)
03/23/2024 PiLiPiLi US P 2–1 P US Holden LotV offline
03/23/2024 GloopGlorp US Z 0–2 Z US Woosixion LotV offline
03/23/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
03/23/2024 Rookwood US Z 2–0 P US stegosaurus LotV offline
03/23/2024 JonSnow US Z 0–2 Z US starkiller LotV offline
03/23/2024 alxpenguin US T 0–2 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
03/23/2024 Future US T 1–2 T US Epic LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Group Stage Round 3 hide (7)
03/23/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
03/23/2024 stegosaurus US P 2–0 P US Requiem LotV offline
03/23/2024 JonSnow US Z 2–0 Z US Woosixion LotV offline
03/23/2024 Dolan US T 0–2 T US Epic LotV offline
03/23/2024 Holden US P 2–0 Z US Rookwood LotV offline
03/23/2024 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
03/23/2024 Future US T 2–0 P US PiLiPiLi LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Group Stage Round 2 hide (7)
03/23/2024 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 T US DisReSpeCT LotV offline
03/23/2024 Requiem US P 0–2 P US Holden LotV offline
03/23/2024 Dolan US T 2–1 Z US starkiller LotV offline
03/23/2024 stegosaurus US P 0–2 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
03/23/2024 Epic US T 2–0 Z US Rookwood LotV offline
03/23/2024 Future US T 2–0 Z US JonSnow LotV offline
03/23/2024 alxpenguin US T 0–2 Z US Woosixion LotV offline
Cheeseadelphia Nerd Street Champs Spring Group Stage Round 1 hide (7)
03/23/2024 Epic US T 2–0 P US Requiem LotV offline
03/23/2024 starkiller US Z 2–0 T US alxpenguin LotV offline
03/23/2024 PiLiPiLi US P 2–0 Z US Woosixion LotV offline
03/23/2024 JonSnow US Z 2–0 P US stegosaurus LotV offline
03/23/2024 Dolan US T 2–0 P US Pardesaa LotV offline
03/23/2024 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 Z US GloopGlorp LotV offline
03/23/2024 Future US T 2–0 P US Holden LotV offline

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