StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Jan. 28, 2023 to Nov. 7, 2023
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $9,100
Players 111
Games 661
Matches 281
PvT 67–113 (37.22%)
PvZ 61–63 (49.19%)
TvZ 73–40 (64.60%)
Mirrors 98 PvP, 96 TvT, 50 ZvZ
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November Finals hide (1)
11/07/2023 Clem FR T 1–3 T KR GuMiho LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November Ro4 hide (2)
11/07/2023 MaxPax DK P 1–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
11/07/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 T CN Oliveira LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November Ro8 hide (4)
11/07/2023 ByuN KR T 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
11/07/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z KR SHIN LotV online
11/07/2023 Cure KR T 1–2 T CN Oliveira LotV online
11/07/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 Z KR DRG LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November Ro16 hide (8)
11/07/2023 GuMiho KR T 2–1 P KR Creator LotV online
11/07/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 P CN Lancer LotV online
11/07/2023 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
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11/07/2023 DRG KR Z 2–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
11/07/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 P FR ShaDoWn LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open November Ro32 hide (14)
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11/07/2023 GuMiho KR T 2–0 Z FR Matt LotV online
11/07/2023 Creator KR P 2–0 Z TW Rex LotV online
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open October Finals hide (1)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open October Ro4 hide (2)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open October Ro8 hide (4)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open October Ro16 hide (8)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open October Ro32 hide (7)
10/31/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P UA Gref LotV online
10/31/2023 Nice TW P 1–2 P DE Jumy LotV online
10/31/2023 Astrea US P 2–0 P RU Ashbringer LotV online
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10/31/2023 MaNa PL P 2–0 Z TW Rex LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open September Finals hide (1)
09/24/2023 ByuN KR T 3–0 T KR GuMiho LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open September Ro4 hide (2)
09/24/2023 GuMiho KR T 2–1 T CN Oliveira LotV online
09/24/2023 ByuN KR T 2–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open September Ro8 hide (4)
09/24/2023 Clem FR T 0–2 T CN Oliveira LotV online
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09/24/2023 Solar KR Z 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
09/24/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 P RU SKillous LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open September Ro16 hide (8)
09/24/2023 Oliveira CN T 2–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
09/24/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 P PL MaNa LotV online
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open September Ro32 hide (9)
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09/24/2023 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z FI Mixu LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open August Finals hide (1)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open August Ro4 hide (2)
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WardiTV 2023 Series Open August Ro8 hide (4)
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08/20/2023 herO KR P 2–1 Z DE Lambo LotV online
08/20/2023 Clem FR T 0–2 Z KR Dark LotV online
08/20/2023 Cure KR T 2–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open August Ro16 hide (8)
08/20/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–1 P PL MaNa LotV online
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08/20/2023 GuMiho KR T 0–2 Z DE Lambo LotV online
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08/20/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 Z FI Mixu LotV online
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08/20/2023 Cure KR T 2–0 P PL ArT LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open August Ro32 hide (7)
08/20/2023 MaNa PL P 2–1 T RU Nicoract LotV online
08/20/2023 Lambo DE Z 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
08/20/2023 DnS FR P 2–0 T DE BattleB LotV online
08/20/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–0 Z SE Fjant LotV online
08/20/2023 HonMonO KR T 0–2 Z FI Mixu LotV online
08/20/2023 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z FR Matt LotV online
08/20/2023 SKillous RU P 2–0 P US Nothingman LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Finals hide (1)
07/19/2023 ByuN KR T 3–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Ro4 hide (2)
07/19/2023 SHIN KR Z 0–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
07/19/2023 ByuN KR T 2–1 T FR Clem LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Ro8 hide (4)
07/19/2023 Solar KR Z 2–0 P KR Classic LotV online
07/19/2023 Nice TW P 0–2 Z KR SHIN LotV online
07/19/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 P DK MaxPax LotV online
07/19/2023 ByuN KR T 2–1 T PL Spirit LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Ro16 hide (8)
07/19/2023 GuMiho KR T 1–2 P KR Classic LotV online
07/19/2023 Solar KR Z 2–0 P PL Gerald LotV online
07/19/2023 SHIN KR Z 2–1 P KR Creator LotV online
07/19/2023 Fjant SE Z 1–2 P TW Nice LotV online
07/19/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T KR Ryung LotV online
07/19/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 P US Astrea LotV online
07/19/2023 SKillous RU P 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
07/19/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 Z RU Wayne LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Ro32 hide (15)
07/19/2023 Classic KR P 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov LotV online
07/19/2023 GuMiho KR T 2–0 T RO CuKu LotV online
07/19/2023 RobinGoodFellow Z 0–2 P PL Gerald LotV online
07/19/2023 Solar KR Z 2–0 Z TW Rex LotV online
07/19/2023 Creator KR P 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
07/19/2023 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P NL RotterdaM LotV online
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07/19/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z FI Mixu LotV online
07/19/2023 Astrea US P 2–1 P NL Harstem LotV online
07/19/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 Z CN Silky LotV online
07/19/2023 Spirit PL T 2–0 P FR arrogfire LotV online
07/19/2023 SKillous RU P 2–0 T IT BabyMarine LotV online
07/19/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–1 P PL MaNa LotV online
07/19/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open July Ro64 hide (13)
07/19/2023 CuKu RO T 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon LotV online
07/19/2023 Gerald PL P 2–0 P DE saVer LotV online
07/19/2023 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 Z NL doomrat LotV online
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07/19/2023 Nice TW P 2–0 P DE Wingent LotV online
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07/19/2023 Future US T 2–0 Z FI Mirzo LotV online
07/19/2023 Harstem NL P 2–0 T US WhosSly LotV online
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07/19/2023 Silky CN Z 2–1 Z FR Matt LotV online
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07/19/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P SE Academy LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open June Finals hide (1)
06/06/2023 herO KR P 3–1 P DK MaxPax LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open June Ro4 hide (2)
06/06/2023 Wayne RU Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax LotV online
06/06/2023 herO KR P 2–1 Z KR Solar LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open June Ro8 hide (4)
06/06/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T PL Spirit LotV online
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06/06/2023 Solar KR Z 2–1 P DE ShoWTimE LotV online
06/06/2023 herO KR P 2–1 P KR Creator LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open June Ro16 hide (8)
06/06/2023 Spirit PL T 2–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
06/06/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–0 Z TW Rex LotV online
06/06/2023 SHIN KR Z 1–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
06/06/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 P CN Lancer LotV online
06/06/2023 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 T BR Kelazhur LotV online
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06/06/2023 Creator KR P 2–1 T KR GuMiho LotV online
06/06/2023 herO KR P 2–0 T KR Percival LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open June Ro32 hide (12)
06/06/2023 MaNa PL P 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
06/06/2023 SKillous RU P 2–0 Z FI Mixu LotV online
06/06/2023 Spirit PL T 2–0 T SK Hopt LotV online
06/06/2023 ShaDoWn FR P 0–2 Z TW Rex LotV online
06/06/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–0 T CN 夏姬八打 LotV online
06/06/2023 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P UA Gref LotV online
06/06/2023 Kelazhur BR T 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
06/06/2023 ShoWTimE DE P 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss LotV online
06/06/2023 Solar KR Z 2–1 P NL HiGhDrA LotV online
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06/06/2023 Creator KR P 2–0 P RU Astra LotV online
06/06/2023 Percival KR T 2–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open May Finals hide (1)
05/30/2023 Solar KR Z 3–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open May Ro4 hide (2)
05/30/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–0 P DK MaxPax LotV online
05/30/2023 SHIN KR Z 1–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open May Ro8 hide (4)
05/30/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–1 T FR Clem LotV online
05/30/2023 Wayne RU Z 2–1 P RU SKillous LotV online
05/30/2023 ByuN KR T 1–2 Z KR Solar LotV online
05/30/2023 herO KR T 1–2 P KR SHIN LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open May Ro16 hide (8)
05/30/2023 herO KR P 2–0 P CN Jieshi LotV online
05/30/2023 Clem FR T 2–1 P PL MaNa LotV online
05/30/2023 MaxPax DK P 2–1 T KR Percival LotV online
05/30/2023 GuMiho KR T 1–2 P RU SKillous LotV online
05/30/2023 Dark KR Z 1–2 Z RU Wayne LotV online
05/30/2023 Solar KR Z 2–0 P NL Harstem LotV online
05/30/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 P KR NightMare LotV online
05/30/2023 Spirit PL T 1–2 Z KR SHIN LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open May Ro32 hide (9)
05/30/2023 MaNa PL P 2–1 Z FI Mixu LotV online
05/30/2023 Clem FR T 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss LotV online
05/30/2023 Nice TW P 0–2 T KR Percival LotV online
05/30/2023 SKillous RU P 2–0 P RU Ashbringer LotV online
05/30/2023 GuMiho KR T 2–0 P MY TheMoeHawk LotV online
05/30/2023 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z UA DIMAGA LotV online
05/30/2023 NightMare KR P 2–1 T KR HonMonO LotV online
05/30/2023 SHIN KR Z 2–0 T SK Hopt LotV online
05/30/2023 Spirit PL T 2–0 P SE FightingFrog LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open April Finals hide (1)
04/25/2023 ByuN KR T 2–3 T PL Spirit LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open April Ro4 hide (2)
04/25/2023 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z KR Solar LotV online
04/25/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 T FR Clem LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open April Ro8 hide (4)
04/25/2023 Solar KR Z 2–0 P RU SKillous LotV online
04/25/2023 Wayne RU Z 0–2 T PL Spirit LotV online
04/25/2023 Clem FR T 2–1 Z KR SHIN LotV online
04/25/2023 ByuN KR T 2–0 Z DE Lambo LotV online
WardiTV 2023 Series Open April Ro16 hide (8)
04/25/2023 SKillous RU P 2–1 P NL Harstem LotV online
04/25/2023 Solar KR Z 2–1 P PL MaNa LotV online

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