StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


# $$$ Player
1st $250 FR T Clem
2nd $150 IT Z Reynor
3rd–4th $100 KR T Cure
$100 PL T Spirit
5th–8th $50 show
RU P SKillous
NL R uThermal
PL P Gerald
DK P MaxPax
Date July 26, 2021
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $800
Players 137
Games 299
Matches 136
PvT 36–59 (37.89%)
PvZ 47–18 (72.31%)
TvZ 17–29 (36.96%)
Mirrors 42 PvP, 25 TvT, 13 ZvZ
ESL Open Cup Europe #81 Final hide (1)
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