StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for May 14, 2022

Alpha X AlphaSDC Cup #3 Group Stage Group A hide (5)
2249 Future US T 2–0 P CN Asuna 1758 LotV online
1905 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z IN Demi 1654 LotV online
2249 Future US T 2–0 P FR arrogfire 1798 LotV online
2066 Asuna CN P 2–0 Z IN Demi 1654 LotV online
2043 arrogfire FR P 2–0 P CN Asuna 1905 LotV online
Chat StarLeague #6 Ro8 hide (4)
986 Slayer US P 2–0 P BR DTWB 899 LotV online
1385 Ziomek PL P 0–2 P RU Enhimba 895 LotV online
949 GuitarKing LT P 0–2 Z BR Sleepy 1005 LotV online
856 MisterL DE P 1–2 P UA gunner 942 LotV online
Chat StarLeague #6 Ro4 hide (2)
986 Slayer US P 3–1 P RU Enhimba 895 LotV online
948 gunner UA P 3–2 Z BR Sleepy 1005 LotV online
Chat StarLeague #6 Third place match hide (1)
887 Enhimba RU P 3–1 Z BR Sleepy 1005 LotV online
Chat StarLeague #6 Final hide (1)
986 Slayer US P 3–2 P UA gunner 942 LotV online
CSO Cup #43 Ro8 hide (4)
1750 MindelVK RU P 1–2 T RO CuKu 1564 LotV online
994 LazyTaldarim P 0–2 T SK Hopt 1792 LotV online
1849 Botvinnik ES T 2–1 P DE luke 922 LotV online
1580 NightPhoenix UA P 2–1 P UA Rostok 1154 LotV online
CSO Cup #43 Ro4 hide (2)
1512 CuKu RO T 2–0 T SK Hopt 1770 LotV online
1849 Botvinnik ES T 2–1 P UA NightPhoenix 1613 LotV online
CSO Cup #43 Final hide (1)
1512 CuKu RO T 3–0 T ES Botvinnik 1720 LotV online
ESL ANZ Champs 2022 Season 1 Main Group Stage Group A hide (5)
956 Vivid AU Z 2–0 P AU WINNERPI 971 LotV online
935 Rowdyboffin AU Z 0–2 Z AU Chappy 1199 LotV online
919 Vivid AU Z 0–2 Z AU Chappy 1199 LotV online
971 WINNERPI AU P 2–0 Z AU Rowdyboffin 965 LotV online
956 Vivid AU Z 2–0 P AU WINNERPI 971 LotV online
ESL ANZ Champs 2022 Season 1 Main Group Stage Group B hide (3)
978 AsherBro AU T 0–2 T AU Jaedolph 1011 LotV online
971 aconcises AU T 2–0 T AU Jaedolph 1011 LotV online
1011 Jaedolph AU T 2–0 T AU AsherBro 978 LotV online
ESL ANZ Champs 2022 Season 1 Champs Group Stage Group A hide (5)
1736 piglet AU T 2–0 P AU StarDuck 1500 LotV online
2030 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Oreo 1537 LotV online
1736 piglet AU T 2–1 P AU Probe 2000 LotV online
1411 StarDuck AU P 0–2 Z AU Oreo 1537 LotV online
2030 Probe AU P 2–0 Z AU Oreo 1537 LotV online
ESL ANZ Champs 2022 Season 1 Champs Group Stage Group B hide (5)
1680 Pezz AU P 2–0 T AU Azure 1611 LotV online
2164 Seither AU T 2–0 Z AU Peppy 1439 LotV online
1873 Seither AU T 0–2 P AU Pezz 1680 LotV online
1439 Peppy AU Z 2–1 T AU Azure 1552 LotV online
2164 Seither AU T 2–1 Z AU Peppy 1439 LotV online
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Group Stage Group A hide (5)
2899 Elazer PL Z 2–0 P PL Fanatig 975 LotV offline
2778 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z PL Trifax 1687 LotV offline
2745 Elazer PL Z 2–0 T PL Spirit 2778 LotV offline
975 Fanatig PL P 1–2 Z PL Trifax 1716 LotV offline
2778 Spirit PL T 2–0 Z PL Trifax 1687 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Group Stage Group B hide (5)
2647 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z PL Aristori 1607 LotV offline
1874 PAPI PL P 2–0 P PL Rodzyn 1720 LotV offline
2388 Gerald PL P 2–0 P PL PAPI 1874 LotV offline
1607 Aristori PL Z 0–2 P PL Rodzyn 1890 LotV offline
1874 PAPI PL P 2–0 P PL Rodzyn 1720 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Group Stage Group C hide (5)
2223 MaNa PL P 2–0 T PL Angry 882 LotV offline
1386 Miszu PL T 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2469 LotV offline
2424 MaNa PL P 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2411 LotV offline
1161 Angry PL T 1–2 T PL Miszu 1543 LotV offline
2469 Krystianer PL P 2–0 T PL Miszu 1386 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Group Stage Group D hide (5)
2217 Rail P 2–0 Z PL Snoxtar 1610 LotV offline
1933 Nerchio PL Z 1–2 P PL ArT 2253 LotV offline
2060 Rail P 2–1 P PL ArT 2174 LotV offline
1636 Snoxtar PL Z 0–2 Z PL Nerchio 2157 LotV offline
2253 ArT PL P 2–0 Z PL Nerchio 1933 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs WB Ro8 hide (4)
2899 Elazer PL Z 2–0 P PL PAPI 1883 LotV offline
2424 MaNa PL P 2–0 P PL ArT 2174 LotV offline
2557 Spirit PL T 2–0 P PL Gerald 2420 LotV offline
2411 Krystianer PL P 2–1 P Rail 2060 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs WB Ro4 hide (2)
2899 Elazer PL Z 2–0 P PL MaNa 2480 LotV offline
2557 Spirit PL T 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2469 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs WB Final hide (1)
2745 Elazer PL Z 2–1 T PL Spirit 2778 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs LB Round 1 hide (2)
1874 PAPI PL P 0–1 P PL ArT 2174 LotV offline
2388 Gerald PL P 1–0 P Rail 2060 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs LB Round 2 hide (2)
2411 Krystianer PL P 1–0 P PL ArT 2174 LotV offline
2424 MaNa PL P 0–1 P PL Gerald 2388 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs LB Round 3 hide (1)
2411 Krystianer PL P 2–0 P PL Gerald 2388 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs LB Round 4 hide (1)
2557 Spirit PL T 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2469 LotV offline
ESPOT SC2 Circuit 2022 Summer Main Event Playoffs Final hide (1)
2745 Elazer PL Z 2–1 T PL Spirit 2778 LotV offline
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell WB Ro16 hide (4)
Jsrao US R 2–0 R US UndeadPants LotV online
888 VelvetCrowe DE R 2–0 R AU Mostima LotV online
988 GGiovanna IT R 2–0 R DE Giantdwarf LotV online
902 YourBroChris NO R 2–0 R PH Agoodslime 972 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell WB Ro8 hide (4)
1474 Ziomek PL R 2–0 R US Jsrao LotV online
1031 Luolis FI R 2–0 R DE VelvetCrowe 888 LotV online
997 Slayer US R 2–0 R IT GGiovanna 988 LotV online
1200 KimJungEun KR R 2–0 R NO YourBroChris 902 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell WB Ro4 hide (2)
1474 Ziomek PL R 0–2 R FI Luolis 1031 LotV online
997 Slayer US R 2–1 R KR KimJungEun 1200 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell WB Final hide (1)
1031 Luolis FI R 0–2 R US Slayer 997 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell LB Round 1 hide (4)
902 YourBroChris NO R 1–0 R US UndeadPants LotV online
988 GGiovanna IT R 1–0 R AU Mostima LotV online
888 VelvetCrowe DE R 1–0 R DE Giantdwarf LotV online
Jsrao US R 0–1 R PH Agoodslime 972 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell LB Round 2 hide (2)
902 YourBroChris NO R 1–0 R IT GGiovanna 988 LotV online
888 VelvetCrowe DE R 1–0 R PH Agoodslime 972 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell LB Round 3 hide (2)
1474 Ziomek PL R 1–0 R NO YourBroChris 902 LotV online
1200 KimJungEun KR R 1–0 R DE VelvetCrowe 888 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell LB Round 4 hide (1)
1474 Ziomek PL R 2–0 R KR KimJungEun 1200 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell LB Round 5 hide (1)
1031 Luolis FI R 0–2 R PL Ziomek 1474 LotV online
RandomHyperONE Don't Ask Don't Tell Final hide (1)
997 Slayer US R 2–2 R PL Ziomek 1474 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Summer Regular Season Round 3 Team GP vs Team Liquid hide (4)
2520 Ryung KR T 2–0 T BR Kelazhur 2163 LotV online
2327 Prince KR P 0–2 T FR Clem 3152 LotV online
2284 Cham MX Z 1–1 P PL MaNa 2480 LotV online
2520 Ryung KR T 1–0 T FR Clem 2917 LotV online
SCBoy World Team League 2022 Summer Regular Season Round 3 Dragon Phoenix Gaming vs Freecs hide (3)
3021 Rogue KR Z 1–1 P KR Trap 2857 LotV online
3116 Zest KR P 1–1 Z KR Armani 2467 LotV online
3103 Cure KR T 2–0 Z KR soO 2904 LotV online
Sunrise Cup #85 Ro32 hide (15)
883 Smile CN Z 2–0 T CN Deaming LotV online
1459 Bistork HK P 0–2 P CN YoungZest 1010 LotV online
晓仙仙 CN P 0–2 P CN yryf 1105 LotV online
1333 Hyperion CN Z 1–2 P CN 抱头 941 LotV online
衣笠雪绘 CN P 2–1 T CN 河科大李培楠 LotV online
994 Lanx CN Z 2–0 Z CN WindDrank 974 LotV online
974 Madlife CN Z 1–2 T CN Blemishine LotV online
936 Latte CN Z 2–0 T CN Weekend LotV online
1153 Migi CN P 0–2 P CN JoliwaLoves 1053 LotV online
1940 Jieshi CN P 2–1 P CN ReWhite 1599 LotV online
957 砂糖 CN P 0–2 P CN 欲沐东湖 1030 LotV online
1001 RFZealot CN P 0–2 P CN HHH 1131 LotV online
1315 Takanashi CN Z 0–2 P CN SCV 1157 LotV online
934 Fenix CN Z 2–0 T CN Oriana 1079 LotV online
Lightning CN T 2–1 P CN 老夫撩少骚年狂 974 LotV online
Sunrise Cup #85 Ro16 hide (8)
673 YouNai CN Z 2–1 Z CN Smile 815 LotV online
1010 YoungZest CN P 2–1 P CN yryf 1105 LotV online
944 抱头 CN P 2–0 P CN 衣笠雪绘 LotV online
1003 Lanx CN Z 2–1 T CN Blemishine LotV online
1053 JoliwaLoves CN P 1–2 P CN Jieshi 1940 LotV online
1030 欲沐东湖 CN P 0–2 P CN HHH 1131 LotV online
1157 SCV CN P 2–0 Z CN Fenix 899 LotV online
936 Latte CN Z 2–0 T CN Lightning LotV online
Sunrise Cup #85 Ro8 hide (4)
888 YouNai CN Z 2–0 P CN YoungZest 1010 LotV online
941 抱头 CN P 2–0 Z CN Lanx 1012 LotV online
984 Latte CN Z 0–2 P CN Jieshi 1856 LotV online
1131 HHH CN P 2–0 P CN SCV 1185 LotV online
Sunrise Cup #85 Ro4 hide (2)
888 YouNai CN Z 0–2 P CN 抱头 941 LotV online
1940 Jieshi CN P 0–2 P CN HHH 1131 LotV online
Sunrise Cup #85 Final hide (1)
944 抱头 CN P 1–3 P CN HHH 1131 LotV online

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