StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Feb. 7, 2022

ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro128 hide (43)
1023 VeNTuRe DE P 2–0 P UA PrinzOnFire 1027 LotV online
1161 SharKRippeR DE T 2–0 R RU DmytroYarosh LotV online
LoliAttakuet RU R 2–0 P PL Ziomek 1548 LotV online
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715 Michnek UA P 2–1 Z RU fzmr 841 LotV online
1216 vmgNarra DE T 2–0 P FR Hirich 917 LotV online
897 Nuguri RU Z 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1799 LotV online
1569 Nicoract RU T 2–0 Z PL ReySkywalker 1017 LotV online
958 YourBroChris NO P 0–2 Z PL Aristori 1511 LotV online
1203 Djorjx NL T 2–0 P IL SWPro 968 LotV online
1597 Snoxtar PL Z 2–0 T LV ReDy 939 LotV online
950 Fjant SE Z 2–0 P FR Deca 1036 LotV online
975 Khamul RU T 2–1 Z FI PhleBuster 796 LotV online
1950 Jumy DE P 2–0 Z PL Nerchio 1986 LotV online
960 MadMan DE P 0–2 P UA Dobro 1042 LotV online
1151 UedSoldier RU P 2–1 P RU NaJi 893 LotV online
863 Rikamyt ES T 0–2 T RU ProSty 884 LotV online
1202 YanXII BR T 2–0 T CA Poryphorion 873 LotV online
Ferry ES Z 0–2 P IT Azura 1092 LotV online
1017 Nikich BY Z 2–0 Z FI Pive 723 LotV online
1391 PsiOniC FR P 2–1 Z RU RARKA 895 LotV online
989 Bush LT P 2–1 Z DE BlackLegacy 986 LotV online
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460 imius RU Z 0–2 Z DE PaRoOby 808 LotV online
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1041 BadBorz PL Z 2–1 T PE SimplyHunter 991 LotV online
1026 Divinesia FI T 1–2 P DE Blutmilan 773 LotV online
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1991 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T HU Koyee LotV online
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1119 PPower RU P 2–0 T FR Amntdm 895 LotV online
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1023 Pete FI Z 2–0 Z FR Gimlouis 771 LotV online
1817 arrogfire FR P 2–0 Z US EchoSoldier 970 LotV online
1006 Damrud PL Z 0–2 P RU MindelVK 1600 LotV online
454 AZTEX HU P 2–0 P PL MatiKlok 906 LotV online
Overmind KG P 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1582 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro64 hide (31)
3118 Clem FR T 2–0 P DE VeNTuRe 1055 LotV online
1161 SharKRippeR DE T 2–1 R RU LoliAttakuet LotV online
631 Vavin PL P 0–2 T RU MilkiCow 2092 LotV online
2474 Harstem NL P 2–0 P UA Michnek 729 LotV online
1257 vmgNarra DE T 0–2 Z RU YoungYakov 1855 LotV online
1569 Nicoract RU T 1–2 Z PL Aristori 1452 LotV online
1203 Djorjx NL T 1–2 P PL MaNa 2276 LotV online
1114 Fjant SE Z 2–0 T RU Khamul 975 LotV online
1933 Jumy DE P 2–0 P UA Dobro 1042 LotV online
1151 UedSoldier RU P 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2350 LotV online
2100 ShaDoWn FR P 2–0 T RU ProSty 857 LotV online
1130 YanXII BR T 0–2 P MY Ranger 1425 LotV online
996 LiarisFreese RU R 1–2 P IT Azura 1077 LotV online
1122 Nikich BY Z 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 3129 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P FR PsiOniC 1713 LotV online
948 Bush LT P 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1582 LotV online
1695 Brat_OK RU T 1–2 Z FR AaRaSs 1203 LotV online
848 PaRoOby DE Z 0–2 P CA DisK 2220 LotV online
2412 DnS FR P 2–0 P RU Exostriker 1350 LotV online
1544 Mixu FI Z 2–0 P DE Spatz 2012 LotV online
922 BadBorz PL Z 0–2 P DE Blutmilan 850 LotV online
1132 Sonic DE T 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo 2350 LotV online
2374 Gerald PL P 2–0 P HU mOsTeN 1132 LotV online
981 Octopus RU P 0–2 Z FR Shino 1746 LotV online
1784 DIMAGA UA Z 2–1 Z PL Trifax 1345 LotV online
1017 PPower RU P 0–2 P UA Hellraiser 2504 LotV online
2460 trigger CA P 2–1 Z UA SunSet 1296 LotV online
904 Pete FI Z 0–2 T UA Kas 2173 LotV online
1926 arrogfire FR P 2–1 P RU MindelVK 1788 LotV online
515 AZTEX HU P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3042 LotV online
2028 BattleB DE T 2–0 T DE Slayer 1015 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro32 hide (16)
2919 Clem FR T 2–0 T DE SharKRippeR 1202 LotV online
2028 BattleB DE T 1–2 T RU MilkiCow 2016 LotV online
2519 Harstem NL P 2–0 Z RU YoungYakov 1840 LotV online
1511 Aristori PL Z 0–2 P PL MaNa 2560 LotV online
1601 Snoxtar PL Z 2–1 Z SE Fjant 968 LotV online
1933 Jumy DE P 0–2 P PL Krystianer 2350 LotV online
2123 ShaDoWn FR P 2–0 P MY Ranger 1316 LotV online
1021 Azura IT P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2909 LotV online
2782 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T IT BabyMarine 1582 LotV online
1184 AaRaSs FR Z 0–2 P CA DisK 2220 LotV online
2415 DnS FR P 2–0 Z FI Mixu 1544 LotV online
842 Blutmilan DE P 0–2 P FR PtitDrogo 2425 LotV online
2593 Gerald PL P 2–1 Z FR Shino 1746 LotV online
1857 DIMAGA UA Z 0–2 P UA Hellraiser 2442 LotV online
2243 trigger CA P 0–2 T UA Kas 1993 LotV online
1747 arrogfire FR P 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3042 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro16 hide (7)
2919 Clem FR T 2–1 T RU MilkiCow 2016 LotV online
2474 Harstem NL P 1–2 P PL MaNa 2425 LotV online
2123 ShaDoWn FR P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2909 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–1 P CA DisK 2063 LotV online
2412 DnS FR P 2–0 P FR PtitDrogo 2425 LotV online
2374 Gerald PL P 1–2 P UA Hellraiser 2504 LotV online
2179 Kas UA T 0–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2915 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro8 hide (4)
3118 Clem FR T 2–0 P PL MaNa 2276 LotV online
2350 Krystianer PL P 0–2 P DE ShoWTimE 2909 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–1 P FR DnS 2412 LotV online
2354 Hellraiser UA P 1–2 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3042 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Ro4 hide (2)
3118 Clem FR T 3–0 P DE ShoWTimE 3007 LotV online
2782 MaxPax DK P 1–3 T DE HeRoMaRinE 3042 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #109 Final hide (1)
2919 Clem FR T 3–1 T DE HeRoMaRinE 2915 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro128 hide (8)
1006 Damrud PL Z 2–0 P US SpokenTruth 998 LotV online
1024 Everness PE P 2–0 R US BabySwiss 927 LotV online
argiveajax US T 2–0 T US OGsewerat 1017 LotV online
973 Warlord US R 0–2 T MX Alanreyflo 941 LotV online
AsherBro AU T 2–0 R US QuackAttack 944 LotV online
TheTacoLord US R 0–2 Z US Harimang 1013 LotV online
CptMellow CA Z 0–2 P US SantaClaws 903 LotV online
Mincho US Z 0–2 Z US TheWayMan 1040 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro64 hide (28)
1089 Eurystheus US T 2–0 T CU SlayersMvP 915 LotV online
1685 Rob US P 2–0 P US TheSwiss 903 LotV online
2861 herO KR P 2–0 Z PL Aureil 988 LotV online
1132 UedSoldier RU P 2–1 T MX WhiteIdra 869 LotV online
1026 Pudgey UK P 0–2 T CL Crown 1012 LotV online
1050 Everness PE P 0–2 P UA Hellraiser 2504 LotV online
2835 Astrea US P 2–0 T US argiveajax LotV online
748 Agressif PE P 1–2 P DE Illustrated 897 LotV online
759 Grandjyn BR Z 0–2 T US Vindicta 2180 LotV online
1645 Demi IN Z 2–0 Z CA WarlockX 1065 LotV online
942 UncLeToBy US P 0–2 R AU PiG 1468 LotV online
906 NeosHagGy PE Z 1–2 T BR YanXII 1342 LotV online
941 Alanreyflo MX T 0–2 T KR ByuN 2941 LotV online
813 SlipJip US P 1–2 P US Holden 1185 LotV online
2782 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T AU AsherBro LotV online
922 BadBorz PL Z 2–0 P US MachoTaco 875 LotV online
950 JonBom BE T 0–2 P DE Jumy 1897 LotV online
2401 Krystianer PL P 2–0 T PE Fenix 1123 LotV online
1536 Djorjx NL T 0–2 Z US Reaper 1357 LotV online
1068 Meowerdoom US Z 2–0 P CA Jenasin 1171 LotV online
985 Harimang US Z 0–2 P KR Creator 2875 LotV online
2374 Gerald PL P 2–0 P US SantaClaws 909 LotV online
1082 PeruvnSwarm US Z 0–2 Z US Neuro 1430 LotV online
633 Dro US P 1–2 P DE VelvetCrowe 931 LotV online
878 KnockKnock TW T 0–2 P KR Prince 2213 LotV online
1074 Jinioh KR T 2–1 Z CA Frosty 893 LotV online
1127 WhosSly US T 2–0 Z FR Syrril 689 LotV online
1040 TheWayMan US Z 0–2 Z KR Solar 2994 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro32 hide (15)
2919 Clem FR T 2–0 T US Eurystheus 1089 LotV online
1685 Rob US P 2–0 P US acheron 832 LotV online
2908 herO KR P 2–0 P RU UedSoldier 1151 LotV online
1012 Crown CL T 0–2 P UA Hellraiser 2354 LotV online
2835 Astrea US P 2–0 T CA UpATree 927 LotV online
922 Illustrated DE P 0–2 T US Vindicta 1916 LotV online
1697 Demi IN Z 2–0 R AU PiG 1560 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P US Holden 1185 LotV online
922 BadBorz PL Z 0–2 P DE Jumy 1950 LotV online
2433 Krystianer PL P 2–1 Z US Reaper 1731 LotV online
1068 Meowerdoom US Z 0–2 P KR Creator 2875 LotV online
2593 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z US Neuro 1082 LotV online
931 VelvetCrowe DE P 0–2 P KR Prince 2175 LotV online
854 universe KR T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3179 LotV online
1118 Jinioh KR T 2–0 T US WhosSly 1042 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro16 hide (8)
3118 Clem FR T 0–2 P US Rob 1614 LotV online
2908 herO KR P 2–0 P UA Hellraiser 2504 LotV online
2835 Astrea US P 2–0 T US Vindicta 1916 LotV online
1740 Demi IN Z 0–2 T KR ByuN 3010 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P DE Jumy 1933 LotV online
2350 Krystianer PL P 2–1 P KR Creator 2566 LotV online
2374 Gerald PL P 2–1 P KR Prince 2175 LotV online
1074 Jinioh KR T 0–2 Z KR Solar 3179 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro8 hide (4)
1685 Rob US P 0–2 P KR herO 2908 LotV online
2835 Astrea US P 1–2 T KR ByuN 2972 LotV online
2995 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P PL Krystianer 2350 LotV online
2593 Gerald PL P 0–2 Z KR Solar 2914 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Ro4 hide (2)
2946 herO KR P 3–2 T KR ByuN 2972 LotV online
3097 MaxPax DK P 3–0 Z KR Solar 2914 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #109 Final hide (1)
2908 herO KR P 3–2 P DK MaxPax 2995 LotV online
WardiTV Team Liquid Map Contest Tournament 8 Playoffs Ro12 hide (4)
2213 Prince KR P 0–3 T FR Clem 3118 LotV online
2914 Solar KR Z 3–1 P KR NightMare 2346 LotV online
2787 Elazer PL Z 3–2 Z RU Wayne 2622 LotV online
2559 GuMiho KR T 3–1 P RU SKillous 2600 LotV online
WardiTV Team Liquid Map Contest Tournament 8 Playoffs Ro8 hide (4)
2941 ByuN KR T 3–0 T FR Clem 2919 LotV online
2777 Spirit PL T 2–3 Z KR Solar 3179 LotV online

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