StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Feb. 22, 2021

ESL Open Cup Asia #59 Ro32 hide (12)
1367 trigger CA P 2–0 P KR fork 1027 LotV online
1974 Percival KR T 2–0 P HU AZTEX 584 LotV online
1254 FarmY KR P 2–1 P KR Billowy 1897 LotV online
2580 Creator KR P 2–0 Z RU lowMerfys LotV online
1122 StarDuck AU P 0–2 T KR Jinioh 1200 LotV online
1718 GogojOey HK Z 2–0 P KR StephenCurry 1137 LotV online
2242 Ryung KR T 2–0 T TW NaXin 1346 LotV online
1464 YoGer TW Z 1–2 Z AU Oreo 1298 LotV online
697 Hiro SG T 0–2 P HR goblin 2276 LotV online
1683 Rex TW Z 2–0 T KR HonMonO 1311 LotV online
983 SincE FR Z 0–2 P PL ArT 2120 LotV online
1906 NightMare KR P 2–0 T CA MogarFNSMASH 1074 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Asia #59 Ro16 hide (8)
2803 Zest KR P 2–0 P CA trigger 1367 LotV online
1974 Percival KR T 2–1 P KR FarmY 1288 LotV online
2502 Creator KR P 2–0 T KR Jinioh 1200 LotV online
1718 GogojOey HK Z 0–2 P KR Patience 2069 LotV online
2267 Nice TW P 0–2 T KR Ryung 1948 LotV online
1333 Oreo AU Z 0–1 P HR goblin 2343 LotV online
1833 Rex TW Z 1–2 P PL ArT 2120 LotV online
1801 NightMare KR P 2–1 P KR PartinG 2601 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Asia #59 Ro8 hide (4)
2984 Zest KR P 2–0 T KR Percival 1974 LotV online
2449 Creator KR P 2–0 P KR Patience 2446 LotV online
1948 Ryung KR T 2–0 P HR goblin 2276 LotV online
2116 ArT PL P 0–2 P KR NightMare 1801 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Asia #59 Ro4 hide (2)
2803 Zest KR P 3–0 P KR Creator 2449 LotV online
1948 Ryung KR T 0–3 P KR NightMare 1906 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Asia #59 Final hide (1)
2803 Zest KR P 3–0 P KR NightMare 1801 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro128 hide (1)
SugarGene US Z 1–2 Z ES WolfitO LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro64 hide (32)
2995 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 Z ES WolfitO LotV online
1183 control RU T 2–0 T CA Eggnog 962 LotV online
1673 Ryan US P 2–0 Z FI Mirzo 844 LotV online
578 AZTEX HU P 0–2 P RU Ashbringer 1336 LotV online
2152 Kas UA T 2–0 Z FI Pive 925 LotV online
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1390 Trifax PL Z 2–0 P PL drJellyfish 872 LotV online
966 Nuada RU P 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2659 LotV online
2473 Bly UA Z 2–0 Z FR Syrril LotV online
1043 NoMoney DE T 2–0 Z FR Napolcochon 818 LotV online
1637 Nicoract RU T 2–0 P SE Diglett 1031 LotV online
930 Michnek UA P 0–2 P DE Spatz 2172 LotV online
1735 Rodzyn PL P 2–0 Z DE DonMarcus 995 LotV online
904 Barcode MX R 0–2 T IT BabyMarine 1141 LotV online
989 saVer DE T 2–0 P DE Kuschelbunny 881 LotV online
1016 Aztrack DK Z 0–2 T PL Spirit 2811 LotV online
2322 Gerald PL P 2–0 Z RU stukov LotV online
953 Bush LT P 0–2 P IT Azura 959 LotV online
1550 HolyHit DE P 2–0 Z FR AaRaSs 950 LotV online
988 Ling SK Z 0–2 T DE BattleB 1464 LotV online
2396 Krystianer PL P 2–0 Z RU MrLEz 902 LotV online
1019 Spacesurgeon BE T 0–2 T DE vmgNarra 1237 LotV online
603 maelstrom FR Z 0–2 P DE tingeltangel 826 LotV online
spiritulteo RO Z 0–2 P FR DnS 2358 LotV online
2487 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–0 Z NL Blackwidow 1096 LotV online
901 VeNTuRe DE P 2–0 T DE GFG 456 LotV online
923 CuKu RO T 2–1 T RU MODEUS 1373 LotV online
819 Davelitoss SE Z 0–2 Z BR Erik 2144 LotV online
1528 Jumy DE P 2–0 T DE Kifosix 983 LotV online
968 SincE FR Z 0–2 Z FI Mixu 1440 LotV online
1269 SickNess BY P 2–0 P US KimJongSkill 1033 LotV online
aelliot UA P 0–2 P RU SKillous 2408 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro32 hide (16)
2816 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 T RU control 1183 LotV online
1507 Ryan US P 2–0 P RU Ashbringer 1336 LotV online
2007 Kas UA T 2–0 P RO MoonBeam 1168 LotV online
1390 Trifax PL Z 0–2 P DK MaxPax 2748 LotV online
2522 Bly UA Z 2–0 T DE NoMoney 1043 LotV online
1637 Nicoract RU T 0–2 P DE Spatz 2053 LotV online
1648 Rodzyn PL P 1–2 T IT BabyMarine 1125 LotV online
935 saVer DE T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2441 LotV online
2134 Gerald PL P 2–0 P IT Azura 959 LotV online
1731 HolyHit DE P 0–2 T DE BattleB 1534 LotV online
2269 Krystianer PL P 2–0 T DE vmgNarra 1148 LotV online
863 tingeltangel DE P 0–2 P FR DnS 2123 LotV online
2386 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–1 P DE VeNTuRe 926 LotV online
1004 CuKu RO T 0–2 Z BR Erik 1994 LotV online
1399 Jumy DE P 1–2 Z FI Mixu 1388 LotV online
1269 SickNess BY P 0–2 P RU SKillous 2408 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro16 hide (8)
2892 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P US Ryan 1560 LotV online
2007 Kas UA T 1–2 P DK MaxPax 2602 LotV online
2428 Bly UA Z 0–2 P DE Spatz 1987 LotV online
1148 BabyMarine IT T 0–2 T PL Spirit 2441 LotV online
2308 Gerald PL P 0–2 T DE BattleB 1534 LotV online
2319 Krystianer PL P 0–2 P FR DnS 2123 LotV online
2487 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–0 Z BR Erik 2071 LotV online
1388 Mixu FI Z 0–2 P RU SKillous 2710 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro8 hide (4)
2892 HeRoMaRinE DE T 2–0 P DK MaxPax 2602 LotV online
2053 Spatz DE P 0–2 T PL Spirit 2694 LotV online
1534 BattleB DE T 0–2 P FR DnS 2189 LotV online
2386 GunGFuBanDa DE P 2–1 P RU SKillous 2408 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Ro4 hide (2)
2816 HeRoMaRinE DE T 3–2 T PL Spirit 2441 LotV online
2123 DnS FR P 3–2 P DE GunGFuBanDa 2386 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Europe #59 Final hide (1)
2892 HeRoMaRinE DE T 3–1 P FR DnS 2189 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Ro64 hide (27)
913 SlayersMvP CU T 2–0 P US palespartan 950 LotV online
1901 Jason CA T 2–0 Z US Ragnarokette 731 LotV online
844 Smarty RO T 1–2 P KR fork 1204 LotV online
2116 DisK CA P 2–0 T US Proud 975 LotV online
1061 brms US T 1–2 T MX WhiteIdra 892 LotV online
1041 LordNate US P 2–1 P PL Kiesiew 790 LotV online
Syrril FR Z 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi 2088 LotV online
2312 Nina US P 2–0 P US EViLxSToNeR LotV online
2080 ForGG KR T 2–0 Z US BaiLLiE 957 LotV online
912 Dro US P 0–2 T US Tunechi LotV online
907 LilPetit CA T 0–2 T DE BattleB 1490 LotV online
715 eXiled CA P 1–2 P US Ruiyichi 1453 LotV online
882 faesbuca BO P 2–0 T BR AreZ 758 LotV online
1130 Neuro US Z 2–0 T DE NoMoney 1043 LotV online
1560 Rhizer US P 2–0 Z US Alexandros 764 LotV online
836 FlamyBlade AU P 0–2 P US Ryan 1507 LotV online
1905 Nitix BG Z 2–0 T CL shakon 967 LotV online
1093 Everness PE P 2–0 P PE Agressif 718 LotV online
1273 tavo PE T 2–1 T US Wonder 1183 LotV online
StarteCh CL P 0–2 Z BR Erik 2071 LotV online
1942 JimRising MX Z 2–0 Z FI PhleBuster LotV online
1367 trigger CA P 2–0 P CA Mars 918 LotV online
987 HHit CR P 0–2 P DE Spatz 2172 LotV online
1619 Golden KR Z 2–0 Z SE Davelitoss 819 LotV online
BadBorz PL Z 0–2 Z FI Mixu 1440 LotV online
1128 StarDuck AU P 2–0 P US Izanagi 900 LotV online
1459 Ashbringer RU P 2–0 T US EffOrt 953 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Ro32 hide (16)
2984 Zest KR P 2–0 T CU SlayersMvP 913 LotV online
1690 Jason CA T 2–0 P KR fork 1204 LotV online
2116 DisK CA P 2–0 T MX WhiteIdra 915 LotV online
1041 LordNate US P 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi 1903 LotV online
2216 Nina US P 2–0 T KR ForGG 2016 LotV online
Tunechi US T 0–2 T DE BattleB 1490 LotV online
1336 Ashbringer RU P 0–2 P US Ruiyichi 1453 LotV online
955 faesbuca BO P 2–0 Z US SugarGene LotV online
2351 Nice TW P 2–0 Z US Neuro 1042 LotV online
1347 Rhizer US P 1–2 P US Ryan 1507 LotV online
1825 Nitix BG Z 2–0 P PE Everness 1033 LotV online
1190 tavo PE T 0–2 Z BR Erik 1994 LotV online
1972 JimRising MX Z 2–0 T CA Eggnog 959 LotV online
1367 trigger CA P 0–2 P DE Spatz 2172 LotV online
1619 Golden KR Z 2–1 Z FI Mixu 1440 LotV online
988 StarDuck AU P 0–2 Z KR Armani 2603 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Ro16 hide (8)
2984 Zest KR P 2–0 T CA Jason 1690 LotV online
2004 DisK CA P 0–2 P US PiLiPiLi 1903 LotV online
2216 Nina US P 2–1 T DE BattleB 1534 LotV online
1453 Ruiyichi US P 2–0 P BO faesbuca 879 LotV online
2067 Nice TW P 2–0 P US Ryan 1507 LotV online
1747 Nitix BG Z 0–2 Z BR Erik 2144 LotV online
1619 Golden KR Z 0–2 Z KR Armani 2626 LotV online
1868 JimRising MX Z 1–2 P DE Spatz 1987 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Ro8 hide (4)
2803 Zest KR P 2–1 P US PiLiPiLi 1903 LotV online
2312 Nina US P 2–0 P US Ruiyichi 1453 LotV online
2351 Nice TW P 2–1 Z BR Erik 2071 LotV online
1987 Spatz DE P 0–2 Z KR Armani 2603 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Ro4 hide (2)
2803 Zest KR P 3–0 P US Nina 2312 LotV online
2351 Nice TW P 0–3 Z KR Armani 2603 LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #59 Final hide (1)
2920 Zest KR P 3–0 Z KR Armani 2603 LotV online
IEM Katowice 2021 Group Stage Group A hide (15)
2978 TY KR T 2–0 Z KR Solar 2962 LotV online
2817 ShoWTimE DE P 0–2 T FR Clem 3054 LotV online
2908 ByuN KR T 1–2 T KR Maru 2906 LotV online
2995 TY KR T 2–0 T KR Maru 2906 LotV online
2888 Clem FR T 2–0 T KR ByuN 2908 LotV online
2905 Solar KR Z 2–1 P DE ShoWTimE 2965 LotV online
2962 Solar KR Z 0–2 T KR Maru 3058 LotV online
2995 TY KR T 0–2 T FR Clem 2888 LotV online
2817 ShoWTimE DE P 0–2 T KR ByuN 2861 LotV online
2906 Maru KR T 2–0 T FR Clem 2888 LotV online
2771 TY KR T 2–1 P DE ShoWTimE 2817 LotV online
3039 ByuN KR T 0–2 Z KR Solar 2962 LotV online
2881 Maru KR T 2–0 P DE ShoWTimE 2817 LotV online
2995 TY KR T 2–0 T KR ByuN 2908 LotV online
3215 Clem FR T 1–2 Z KR Solar 2962 LotV online
Snoxtar Events 4 Stars Cup #7 Ro4 hide (2)
1656 Snoxtar PL Z 3–0 P PL HaPe 902 WoL online
1370 Aristori PL Z 1–3 T PL Miszu 1201 WoL online
Snoxtar Events 4 Stars Cup #7 Final hide (1)
1668 Snoxtar PL Z 1–4 T PL Miszu 1201 WoL online

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