StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for Oct. 22, 2012

EG MCS Series VIII Group Stage Week 7 Team Empire vs. Team Dignitas hide (5)
1358 Beastyqt RS T 0–2 Z UK JonnyREcco 1398 WoL online
1672 Kas UA T 1–2 P UK BlinG 1487 WoL online
1430 Kas UA T 1–2 Z UK JonnyREcco 1398 WoL online
1343 Brat_OK RU T 2–1 P CN DreAm 1213 WoL online
1469 Happy RU T 2–0 P SE Bischu 1449 WoL online
GSL 2012 Season 5 Up & Down Group A hide (15)
1583 aLive KR T 1–0 Z KR BBoongBBoong 1504 WoL offline
1664 MMA KR T 0–1 T KR Hack 1638 WoL offline
1631 JYP KR P 0–1 Z KR HyuN 1905 WoL offline
1504 BBoongBBoong KR Z 1–0 T KR Hack 1581 WoL offline
1583 aLive KR T 1–0 Z KR HyuN 1914 WoL offline
1367 JYP KR P 1–0 T KR MMA 1730 WoL offline
1390 BBoongBBoong KR Z 0–1 Z KR HyuN 1877 WoL offline
1636 aLive KR T 0–1 T KR MMA 1664 WoL offline
1367 JYP KR P 0–1 T KR Hack 1483 WoL offline
1631 JYP KR P 0–1 Z KR BBoongBBoong 1394 WoL offline
1731 MMA KR T 0–1 Z KR HyuN 1914 WoL offline
1636 aLive KR T 0–1 T KR Hack 1638 WoL offline
1581 Hack KR T 0–1 Z KR HyuN 1914 WoL offline
1504 BBoongBBoong KR Z 0–1 T KR MMA 1731 WoL offline
1367 JYP KR P 1–0 T KR aLive 1616 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 MvP Invitational Playoffs Ro16 hide (8)
1616 aLive KR T 1–4 P KR Oz 1461 WoL online
1558 NaNiwa SE P 4–2 T SE ThorZaIN 1466 WoL online
1364 hyvaa KR Z 4–1 P KR Rain 1931 WoL online
1427 Soulkey KR Z 4–1 Z KR Jaedong 1438 WoL online
1398 EffOrt KR Z 3–4 T KR Flash 1559 WoL online
1625 TY KR T 1–4 Z KR soO 1333 WoL online
NASL Season 4 Division 5 Week 3 hide (4)
1433 NightEnD RO P 0–2 Z TW Sen 1731 WoL online
NASL Season 4 Division 5 Week 5 hide (3)
2089 Stephano FR Z 2–0 P RO NightEnD 1433 WoL online
NASL Season 4 Division 5 Week 6 hide (4)
1731 Sen TW Z 2–0 P CA TT1 1139 WoL online
1005 qxc US T 0–2 Z FR Stephano 1986 WoL online
1383 DeMusliM UK T 2–1 T KR MMA 1664 WoL online League Week 10 hide (2)
1087 Socke DE P 4–6 P RU TitaN 1707 WoL online
TaKeTV Stim to the Win Ro16 hide (8)
1976 Nerchio PL Z 3–2 T RU Happy 1477 WoL online
1323 GoOdy DE T 2–3 T ES LucifroN 1623 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Early rounds hide (25)
962 LaughingMan AU P 1–0 T AU Redemption 987 WoL online
VenosauR SG P 0–1 T NZ gagA 973 WoL online
954 Alice PH P 0–1 Z AU Eros 918 WoL online
986 FaradN NZ P 1–0 Z AU Mufasa 968 WoL online
PengWin CH Z 1–0 Z AU Sunshine 1267 WoL online
River SG P 0–1 T PH Dane 871 WoL online
1018 GnuGnu AU P 1–0 Z AU Junho WoL online
Crumize AU P 0–1 P AU Fairyking 888 WoL online
1068 Manly SG P 1–0 T AU Gerlan WoL online
Petrify AU Z 1–0 R AU Elessar WoL online
958 Fourby AU P 0–1 P AU Probe 936 WoL online
977 Wrath SG Z 0–1 T AU Spook 656 WoL online
Fenner UK Z 1–0 P AU Schnitzel 926 WoL online
BIGhalpino AU T 0–1 Z NZ AgUy 963 WoL online
821 Waning PH P 1–0 Z AU Divinity 971 WoL online
1267 Sunshine AU Z 1–0 Z AU tioN 967 WoL online
Pox AU Z 1–0 Z AU DrGooSe 903 WoL online
787 Syntox AU Z 1–0 Z AU Zenabi 931 WoL online
HuT AU T 1–0 T AU Titan WoL online
1024 SteelHeart PH Z 0–1 P AU GoRush 1013 WoL online
968 Kez AU Z 1–0 T CN Captain 970 WoL online
997 Pixel AU T 0–1 P AU Rize 974 WoL online
963 Beethoven VN P 1–0 P AU Scabe 996 WoL online
danO AU T 1–0 T AU Chris 987 WoL online
Cauldronic AU Z 1–0 P NZ TheGoonSquad WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Ro32 hide (16)
1379 KingKong KR Z 1–0 P VN Beethoven 874 WoL online
974 Rize AU P 1–0 P AU LaughingMan 981 WoL online
1000 gagA NZ T 1–0 Z AU Eros 918 WoL online
PengWin CH Z 0–1 T PH Dane 924 WoL online
1018 GnuGnu AU P 0–1 Z AU Mvp 1146 WoL online
888 Fairyking AU P 0–1 P SG Manly 1095 WoL online
1578 MaFia AU Z 1–0 Z AU Cauldronic WoL online
Fenner UK Z 1–0 Z NZ AgUy 963 WoL online
danO AU T 0–1 P PH Waning 971 WoL online
1355 Sunshine AU Z 1–0 P AU GoRush 1013 WoL online
Kez AU Z 0–1 Z AU Chobosniper WoL online
1028 Pox AU Z 1–0 Z AU Syntox 787 WoL online
HuT AU T 0–1 P AU Frustration WoL online
1082 Azz AU P 1–0 P NZ FaradN 986 WoL online
957 Petrify AU Z 0–1 P AU Probe 912 WoL online
794 Spook AU T 1–0 P AU LeGiT WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Ro16 hide (8)
1379 KingKong KR Z 1–0 P AU Rize 974 WoL online
973 gagA NZ T 1–0 P AU Azz 1171 WoL online
924 Dane PH T 0–1 Z AU Mvp 1045 WoL online
1095 Manly SG P 0–1 P AU Probe 936 WoL online
1609 MaFia AU Z 1–0 T AU Spook 656 WoL online
1039 Fenner UK Z 0–1 P PH Waning 821 WoL online
1267 Sunshine AU Z 1–0 Z AU Chobosniper 1039 WoL online
963 Pox AU Z 0–1 P AU Frustration 1177 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Ro8 hide (4)
1439 KingKong KR Z 2–0 T NZ gagA 1000 WoL online
1146 Mvp AU Z 2–0 P AU Probe 912 WoL online
1643 MaFia AU Z 2–0 P PH Waning 821 WoL online
1355 Sunshine AU Z 2–0 P AU Frustration 1177 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Ro4 hide (2)
1514 KingKong KR Z 2–0 Z AU Mvp 1067 WoL online
1578 MaFia AU Z 2–0 Z AU Sunshine 1267 WoL online
Winter Night Weekly #36 Final hide (1)
1514 KingKong KR Z 2–0 Z AU MaFia 1578 WoL online

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