StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for June 9, 2012

2012 GamersLegacy Championship Summer Ro8 hide (4)
1125 JeaL IT P 2–0 Z IT FenixHero 986 WoL offline
985 StarEagle IT T 2–0 T IT Kastle WoL offline
966 oRioN IT P 0–2 P IT Arte WoL offline
984 Evaner IT Z 2–0 T IT MovieMaker WoL offline
2012 GamersLegacy Championship Summer Ro4 hide (2)
1126 StarEagle IT T 2–0 P IT Arte WoL offline
965 Evaner IT Z 1–2 P IT JeaL 1125 WoL offline
Honor Cup 8 Ro4 hide (2)
1474 TheStC KR T 2–0 P KR Shark 1196 WoL online
1215 Crane KR P 2–1 P KR Arthur 1078 WoL online
Honor Cup 8 Final hide (1)
1474 TheStC KR T 3–2 P KR Crane 1345 WoL online
IPL Season 5 China Regional Ro8 hide (4)
1454 MacSed CN P 1–3 Z CN XiGua 1452 WoL online
1276 Loner CN T 3–1 Z CN YHY 1059 WoL online
IPL Season 5 China Regional Ro4 hide (2)
1197 F91 CN Z 3–2 P CN Jim 1388 WoL online
1283 XiGua CN Z 3–2 T CN Loner 1276 WoL online
IPL TAC 3 Winners' Bracket Round 2 SlayerS vs Team Empire hide (6)
1440 CranK KR P 1–0 P GR TheMista 1103 WoL online
1417 CranK KR P 1–0 T RU Happy 1460 WoL online
1504 CranK KR P 1–0 Z KR viOLet 1731 WoL online
1417 CranK KR P 0–1 T UA Kas 1628 WoL online
1666 Puzzle KR P 1–0 T UA Kas 1628 WoL online
1532 Puzzle KR P 1–0 P KR VINES 1382 WoL online
Kung Fu Cup Weekly Season 1: Wings of Liberty hide (18)
943 Top CN P 1–4 Z KR KingKong 1244 WoL online
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Pool A hide (15)
1772 viOLet KR Z 1–2 T KR Ryung 1679 WoL offline
1574 Leenock KR Z 2–1 P KR inori 1373 WoL offline
1690 viOLet KR Z 2–1 Z KR Leenock 1660 WoL offline
1416 Ryung KR T 1–2 P KR inori 1318 WoL offline
1731 viOLet KR Z 0–2 P KR inori 1373 WoL offline
1767 Leenock KR Z 2–0 T KR Ryung 1679 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Pool B hide (15)
1521 Grubby NL P 1–2 Z KR Symbol 1525 WoL offline
1933 MarineKing KR T 2–1 T KR Dream 1338 WoL offline
1489 Dream KR T 0–2 P NL Grubby 1476 WoL offline
1693 Symbol KR Z 0–2 T KR MarineKing 1879 WoL offline
1476 Grubby NL P 1–2 T KR MarineKing 2030 WoL offline
1693 Symbol KR Z 1–2 T KR Dream 1508 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Pool C hide (15)
1793 Polt KR T 1–2 P KR Alicia 1568 WoL offline
1854 Stephano FR Z 2–0 T KR GanZi 1598 WoL offline
1539 Alicia KR P 0–2 Z FR Stephano 1924 WoL offline
1609 GanZi KR T 0–2 T KR Polt 1765 WoL offline
1854 Stephano FR Z 2–1 T KR Polt 1714 WoL offline
1568 Alicia KR P 2–0 T KR GanZi 1654 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Pool D hide (15)
1748 MC KR P 2–0 T KR Heart 1622 WoL offline
1868 DRG KR Z 1–2 P DE Socke 1449 WoL offline
1540 Heart KR T 0–2 Z KR DRG 1901 WoL offline
1347 Socke DE P 1–2 P KR MC 1709 WoL offline
1622 Heart KR T 1–2 P DE Socke 1453 WoL offline
1824 MC KR P 0–2 Z KR DRG 1868 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open WB Round 3 hide (16)
1327 qxc US T 2–1 T US STX 1105 WoL offline
1086 ViBE US Z 0–2 Z KR CrazymoviNG 1284 WoL offline
1436 HwangSin KR P 2–0 Z US Sasquatch 907 WoL offline
1112 Glon US Z 1–2 Z US Heavens 1087 WoL offline
895 Fuzzy CA Z 1–2 Z US Fitzyhere 942 WoL offline
1534 JYP KR P 2–1 P US Eifer WoL offline
974 Siphonn US P 0–2 P US Axslav 1025 WoL offline
1468 Lucky KR Z 2–0 P CA TubbyTheFat 983 WoL offline
1230 Choya KR P 2–0 Z US Sic 978 WoL offline
1202 Illusion US T 2–1 Z US Hawk 1125 WoL offline
1137 Minigun US P 0–2 T KR Clide 1235 WoL offline
1164 Mystik US Z 0–2 P SE SaSe 1213 WoL offline
1004 giX US Z 1–2 T US TriMaster 978 WoL offline
1237 dde CA T 1–2 Z US Suppy 1121 WoL offline
959 LzGaMeR US Z 0–2 Z KR Golden 1426 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open WB Round 4 hide (15)
1351 Rain KR T 2–0 P US Caliber 947 WoL offline
1642 aLive KR T 2–1 Z US Heavens 1071 WoL offline
1211 Illusion US T 0–2 T SE ThorZaIN 1590 WoL offline
1406 Sheth US Z 1–2 T KR Clide 1146 WoL offline
1605 Oz KR P 2–0 Z KR CrazymoviNG 1289 WoL offline
1290 qxc US T 0–2 P UK BlinG 1569 WoL offline
1563 Sleep KR Z 2–1 P KR HwangSin 1436 WoL offline
1158 Ostojiy CA Z 1–2 P SE SaSe 1213 WoL offline
1478 HuK CA P 2–0 T US TriMaster 796 WoL offline
1036 Spades US T 0–2 Z US Fitzyhere 989 WoL offline
1172 IdrA US Z 1–2 P US Axslav 1055 WoL offline
1330 SeleCT KR T 2–1 Z US Suppy 1121 WoL offline
1439 Swagger KR P 1–2 Z KR Golden 1284 WoL offline
1764 PuMa KR T 2–0 P KR Choya 1346 WoL offline
1339 Ret NL Z 2–1 Z KR Lucky 1453 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open WB Round 5 hide (8)
1590 ThorZaIN SE T 2–0 T KR Clide 1210 WoL offline
1425 BlinG UK P 1–2 P KR Oz 1540 WoL offline
1563 Sleep KR Z 1–2 P SE SaSe 1213 WoL offline
1732 aLive KR T 2–0 P CA HuK 1478 WoL offline
1177 Rain KR T 2–0 Z US Fitzyhere 989 WoL offline
1534 JYP KR P 2–0 P US Axslav 1025 WoL offline
1330 SeleCT KR T 0–2 Z KR Golden 1422 WoL offline
1639 PuMa KR T 2–0 Z NL Ret 1435 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open WB Round 1 hide (13)
1269 ByuL KR Z 2–1 T US KawaiiRice 1164 WoL offline
928 Maker MX T 1–2 T US qxc 1327 WoL offline
1305 Beastyqt RS T 1–2 P SE SaSe 1765 WoL offline
714 desRow CA P 2–0 T US LuckyFool 808 WoL offline
1097 Bubbles US P 2–1 Z CA Gerbil 958 WoL offline
1167 New KR P 0–2 T US binski 1123 WoL offline
1054 RuFF US T 0–2 Z US Fitzyhere 989 WoL offline
1534 JYP KR P 2–0 P CA Jemag 962 WoL offline
960 HayprO SE Z 2–0 P US Perfect 964 WoL offline
960 Agh US P 2–0 P CA Hasuu 752 WoL offline
841 iNcontroL US P 1–2 Z US Suppy 1288 WoL offline
1048 Jinro SE T 1–2 P US RaNgeD 990 WoL offline
1429 Lucky KR Z 2–0 T US Tbeezy WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open WB Round 2 hide (30)
1033 Everize PL T 0–2 Z US Hawk 1125 WoL offline
1248 Attero CA P 0–2 P US Minigun 1051 WoL offline
1146 Clide KR T 2–1 Z KR ByuL 1269 WoL offline
1105 STX US T 2–0 T UK DeMusliM 1415 WoL offline
876 Machine US Z 1–2 Z US ViBE 1086 WoL offline
1142 Gatored US P 1–2 Z KR CrazymoviNG 1289 WoL offline
1347 SaSe SE P 2–0 P CA desRow 948 WoL offline
1473 HwangSin KR P 2–0 P CA DdoRo 1214 WoL offline
1231 theognis US T 0–2 Z US Mystik 1252 WoL offline
1172 giX US Z 2–1 P US Bubbles 1097 WoL offline
1425 Zenio KR Z 0–2 Z US Fitzyhere 942 WoL offline
960 Agh US P 1–2 P US Axslav 1025 WoL offline
1208 dde CA T 2–1 T US ThisIsJimmy 688 WoL offline
1364 TAiLS KR P 0–2 Z US Suppy 1288 WoL offline
1230 Choya KR P 2–0 Z KR NAKSEO 1504 WoL offline
1029 RaNgeD US P 0–2 Z KR Lucky 1468 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open LB Round 2 hide (31)
1097 Bubbles US P 2–0 Z US Wowcraft16 WoL offline
967 Ver US T 2–0 T US SniXSniPe 1022 WoL offline
1192 daisuki US Z 2–0 T US SPeCiaLiST WoL offline
1055 YaTa US P 2–0 Z US Neox WoL offline
1214 DdoRo CA P 2–1 P US SethN 943 WoL offline
1139 theognis US T 2–0 T US CabLe 956 WoL offline
1034 Gatored US P 2–0 P US Lookingnew WoL offline
995 sanddbox US Z 2–1 P US Future 800 WoL offline
825 Everize PL T 2–0 T KR Panther 1023 WoL offline
1103 Attero CA P 2–0 Z CA Faent WoL offline
979 Anfield US P 2–0 P CA Hasuu 752 WoL offline
986 hellokitty US P 1–2 P KR TAiLS 1405 WoL offline
835 ThisIsJimmy US T 2–0 P US Chemist WoL offline
969 Boyo US P 2–0 T US Focus 1017 WoL offline
854 Agh US P 2–0 T US General WoL offline
1058 Pyre US T 2–1 T US Boonrebu WoL offline
1288 State US P 2–0 Z US Mekhami 980 WoL offline
860 Gretorp US T 2–0 T US Maximus 974 WoL offline
1425 Zenio KR Z 2–0 Z US SirRobin 952 WoL offline
1139 jEcho CA Z 2–0 Z US xerO_o WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open LB Round 3 hide (16)
950 Ver US T 2–1 Z US daisuki 1192 WoL offline
982 sanddbox US Z 2–0 T UK DeMusliM 1395 WoL offline
955 Everize PL T 2–0 P US ecco WoL offline
956 Perfect US P 2–0 P US Anfield 979 WoL offline
1247 State US P 2–0 T US Pyre 1103 WoL offline
MLG Pro Circuit 2012 Spring Championship Open LB Round 4 hide (16)
1118 binski US T 2–1 T US Xenocider WoL offline
967 Fuzzy CA Z 1–2 T US Ver 950 WoL offline
974 Siphonn US P 1–2 P US YaTa 1110 WoL offline
1263 KawaiiRice US T 2–0 P US Eifer WoL offline
989 sanddbox US Z 2–0 Z US LzGaMeR 959 WoL offline
1094 TubbyTheFat CA P 1–2 T PL Everize 955 WoL offline
1132 ByuL KR Z 2–0 Z US Sic 988 WoL offline
923 Sasquatch US Z 2–1 Z SE HayprO 903 WoL offline
1164 Mystik US Z 0–2 P US State 1288 WoL offline
Proleague 2011-2012 Hybrid Season 2 Round 1 Week 3 CJ Entus vs. STX SouL hide (2)
1200 Hydra KR Z 0–1 P KR Trap 1220 WoL offline
1220 sKyHigh KR T 0–1 T KR Classic 1180 WoL offline
Proleague 2011-2012 Hybrid Season 2 Round 1 Week 3 Samsung KHAN vs. Team 8 hide (3)
1180 RorO KR Z 1–0 Z KR Rogue 1200 WoL offline
1180 RorO KR Z 1–0 P KR Terminator 1180 WoL offline
1180 Shine KR Z 1–0 P KR Movie 1200 WoL offline
Regular Cup #9 hide (6)
1460 Happy RU T 2–0 P RU Neytpoh 981 WoL online
1232 Turuk RU T 2–0 P RU Totovich WoL online
Totovich RU P 2–0 P Rail 1198 WoL online
957 SoLD BY P 1–2 T RU Turuk 1232 WoL online
1134 Neytpoh RU P 2–0 Z UA Bly 1530 WoL online
1513 Happy RU T 2–0 T RU Unix 953 WoL online
SC2 Survivor League Playoffs hide (17)
1358 roof DE Z 1–0 Z RU Abver 1244 WoL online
1262 sYz PT Z 1–1 Z RU Abver 1244 WoL online
1298 sYz PT Z 1–0 T RU Creed 833 WoL online
1262 sYz PT Z 1–0 Z RU LiveZerg 1506 WoL online
1506 LiveZerg RU Z 1–0 Z PL Tefel 1234 WoL online
TeSL 2011-2012 Second Half Week 17 Xpec Ironmen vs. Gama Bears hide (4)
1098 Hui TW P 1–0 Z TW Sen 1750 WoL offline
977 Nilon TW T 0–1 Z TW Slam 904 WoL offline
956 JoJo TW Z 0–1 P TW Apro 849 WoL offline
1098 Hui TW P 0–1 Z TW Sen 1750 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Round 1 hide (29)
1053 Pyre US T 0–2 Z US daisuki 1192 WoL offline
1016 Nina US P 1–2 T US avilo 840 WoL offline
881 Gimix US T 2–1 P US SethN 947 WoL offline
1252 Mystik US Z 2–0 T US Boonrebu WoL offline
1041 SniXSniPe US T 1–2 Z US Sheth 1406 WoL offline
800 Future US P 1–2 Z US Top 1013 WoL offline
1466 qxc US T 1–2 Z US giX 1004 WoL offline
796 TriMaster US T 1–2 P US Perfect 1102 WoL offline
923 Sasquatch US Z 2–1 Z US Machine 876 WoL offline
1048 RuFF US T 2–0 P US Shew 951 WoL offline
1034 Gatored US P 0–2 P US hellokitty 986 WoL offline
1010 Heavens US Z 1–2 P US Insur 1225 WoL offline
793 iNcontroL US P 0–2 P US Caliber 976 WoL offline
974 Siphonn US P 1–2 P US Minigun 1051 WoL offline
1036 Spades US T 0–2 Z US IdrA 1233 WoL offline
SPeCiaLiST US T 0–2 P US State 1247 WoL offline
995 Boyo US P 0–2 Z US ViBE 1181 WoL offline
1288 Suppy US Z 2–1 P US Axslav 1055 WoL offline
980 Sonata US Z 1–2 P US BoX 965 WoL offline
1096 Glon US Z 0–2 P US RaNgeD 1029 WoL offline
1085 binski US T 2–0 Z US LzGaMeR 750 WoL offline
1204 theognis US T 2–0 P US Agh 854 WoL offline
884 Sonic US T 1–2 T US Pokebunny 932 WoL offline
1110 YaTa US P 1–2 P US NonY 951 WoL offline
947 Anfield US P 1–2 T US Illusion 1309 WoL offline
988 Goswser US Z 2–0 T US STX 1129 WoL offline
895 Tbeezy US T 0–2 Z US Fitzyhere 989 WoL offline
Bubbles US P 1–2 T US KawaiiRice 1263 WoL offline
958 Ver US T 1–2 R US Power 1067 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Round 2 hide (16)
1192 daisuki US Z 2–1 T US avilo 715 WoL offline
997 Gimix US T 0–2 Z US Mystik 1252 WoL offline
1164 KawaiiRice US T 0–2 Z US Sheth 1406 WoL offline
1020 Top US Z 0–2 T US Illusion 1202 WoL offline
985 Goswser US Z 2–1 Z US giX 1197 WoL offline
964 Perfect US P 2–0 Z US Sasquatch 907 WoL offline
1048 RuFF US T 0–2 P US hellokitty 978 WoL offline
1225 Insur US P 2–0 Z US SirRobin 952 WoL offline
974 Caliber US P 0–2 Z US Fitzyhere 911 WoL offline
1172 Hawk US Z 2–0 P US Minigun 1151 WoL offline
Eifer US P 1–2 Z US IdrA 1172 WoL offline
1288 State US P 1–2 Z US ViBE 1181 WoL offline
1288 Suppy US Z 2–0 P US BoX 965 WoL offline
990 RaNgeD US P 2–0 T US binski 1123 WoL offline
1067 Power US R 0–2 T US theognis 1192 WoL offline
952 Pokebunny US T 0–2 P US NonY 1042 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Round 3 hide (8)
1183 daisuki US Z 0–2 Z US Mystik 1104 WoL offline
1406 Sheth US Z 0–2 T US Illusion 1202 WoL offline
1007 Goswser US Z 1–2 P US Perfect 964 WoL offline
986 hellokitty US P 0–2 P US Insur 1228 WoL offline
942 Fitzyhere US Z 1–2 Z US Hawk 1071 WoL offline
1298 IdrA US Z 1–2 Z US ViBE 1086 WoL offline
1288 Suppy US Z 1–2 P US RaNgeD 1029 WoL offline
1204 theognis US T 1–2 P US NonY 1042 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Round 4 hide (4)
1100 RaNgeD US P 2–1 P US NonY 951 WoL offline
1071 Hawk US Z 1–2 Z US ViBE 1086 WoL offline
1252 Mystik US Z 2–0 T US Illusion 1202 WoL offline
1228 Insur US P 2–0 P US Perfect 956 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Round 5 hide (2)
1164 Mystik US Z 1–2 P US Insur 1225 WoL offline
1181 ViBE US Z 2–0 P US RaNgeD 1029 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA WB Final hide (1)
1225 Insur US P 0–2 Z US ViBE 1181 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 1 hide (13)
969 Boyo US P 2–0 T US SPeCiaLiST WoL offline
908 Tbeezy US T 0–2 P US iNcontroL 945 WoL offline
854 Agh US P 2–0 T US Ver 957 WoL offline
1011 YaTa US P 1–2 T US Sonic 887 WoL offline
980 Sonata US Z 2–1 P US Axslav 1055 WoL offline
959 LzGaMeR US Z 2–1 Z US Glon 1112 WoL offline
1003 SniXSniPe US T 1–2 P US Bubbles WoL offline
979 Anfield US P 2–0 P US Future 925 WoL offline
1016 Nina US P 0–2 T US Pyre 1103 WoL offline
Boonrebu US T 2–0 P US SethN 947 WoL offline
1034 Gatored US P 2–0 P US Shew 883 WoL offline
923 Machine US Z 0–2 T US TriMaster 978 WoL offline
1327 qxc US T 2–1 T US STX 1105 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 2 hide (16)
1123 binski US T 1–2 P US Bubbles WoL offline
981 BoX US P 0–2 P US Anfield 979 WoL offline
932 Pokebunny US T 2–1 T US Pyre 1058 WoL offline
1067 Power US R 1–2 T US Boonrebu WoL offline
1051 Minigun US P 2–1 P US Gatored 1034 WoL offline
974 Caliber US P 2–0 Z US Heavens 1010 WoL offline
1247 State US P 2–1 T US qxc 1290 WoL offline
Eifer US P 2–1 T US TriMaster 796 WoL offline
859 Sasquatch US Z 2–0 T US Spades 1036 WoL offline
1172 giX US Z 0–2 P US Boyo 995 WoL offline
952 SirRobin US Z 0–2 P US iNcontroL 841 WoL offline
1048 RuFF US T 2–0 P US Siphonn 816 WoL offline
881 Gimix US T 1–2 P US Agh 854 WoL offline
892 avilo US T 2–1 T US Sonic 884 WoL offline
1028 Top US Z 2–1 Z US Sonata 980 WoL offline
1164 KawaiiRice US T 2–0 Z US LzGaMeR 750 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 3 hide (8)
907 Sasquatch US Z 2–1 P US Boyo 995 WoL offline
945 iNcontroL US P 0–2 T US RuFF 1048 WoL offline
854 Agh US P 1–2 T US avilo 840 WoL offline
1020 Top US Z 0–2 T US KawaiiRice 1164 WoL offline
Bubbles US P 0–2 P US Anfield 979 WoL offline
932 Pokebunny US T 2–0 T US Boonrebu WoL offline
1051 Minigun US P 0–2 P US Caliber 976 WoL offline
1248 State US P 2–1 P US Eifer WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 4 hide (8)
1384 Sheth US Z 0–2 P US State 1288 WoL offline
1164 daisuki US Z 2–1 P US Caliber 974 WoL offline
978 hellokitty US P 2–0 T US Pokebunny 952 WoL offline
1007 Goswser US Z 2–0 P US Anfield 936 WoL offline
1139 theognis US T 2–0 T US RuFF 957 WoL offline
989 Fitzyhere US Z 2–0 T US avilo 715 WoL offline
1233 IdrA US Z 2–0 T US KawaiiRice 1164 WoL offline
1151 Suppy US Z 2–0 Z US Sasquatch 923 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 5 hide (4)
1121 Suppy US Z 2–1 T US theognis 1231 WoL offline
942 Fitzyhere US Z 0–2 Z US IdrA 1298 WoL offline
1007 Goswser US Z 1–2 P US hellokitty 1039 WoL offline
1164 daisuki US Z 2–0 P US State 1288 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 6 hide (4)
874 NonY US P 0–2 Z US daisuki 1164 WoL offline
1172 Hawk US Z 0–2 P US hellokitty 1039 WoL offline
964 Perfect US P 0–2 Z US IdrA 1172 WoL offline
1202 Illusion US T 2–0 Z US Suppy 1121 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 7 hide (2)
1202 Illusion US T 0–2 Z US IdrA 1233 WoL offline
1039 hellokitty US P 0–2 Z US daisuki 1164 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 8 hide (1)
1104 Mystik US Z 1–2 Z US daisuki 1183 WoL offline
WCS 2012 North America Nationals USA LB Round 9 hide (1)
1298 IdrA US Z 1–2 Z US daisuki 1183 WoL offline

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