StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Results for March 18, 2011

Black Dragon League Group Stage Week 11 hide (7)
1567 DIMAGA UA Z 0–2 T UA Strelok 1390 WoL online
compLexity Showmatch: The V Week 9 hide (1)
1139 CrunCher US P 4–1 T US LzGaMeR 991 WoL online
CraftCup EU #35 hide (7)
1567 DIMAGA UA Z 3–0 T RS Beastyqt 1185 WoL online
1567 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T DE GoOdy 1425 WoL online
946 Serashin DE P 0–2 T RS Beastyqt 1155 WoL online
924 Underdark UA P 1–2 T RS Beastyqt 1155 WoL online
935 Serashin DE P 2–0 Z FR ZlaTaN 962 WoL online
1494 DIMAGA UA Z 1–2 P SE Seiplo 1017 WoL online
1236 GoOdy DE T 2–1 P PL SLiDeR 1046 WoL online
GSL World Championship 2011 Preliminaries Europe hide (4)
1364 Socke DE P 0–2 P UA White-Ra 1206 WoL online
1567 DIMAGA UA Z 2–0 T FI Naama 1454 WoL online
1188 MaNa PL P 1–2 P UA White-Ra 1206 WoL online
1567 DIMAGA UA Z 2–1 T SE SjoW 1475 WoL online
GSL World Championship 2011 Preliminaries Asia Ro8 hide (3)
1315 Sen TW Z 2–0 P NZ Kowi 942 WoL online
999 Revenant SG Z 1–2 T TH RedArchon 1229 WoL online
1023 OxygeN SG T 0–2 Z CN XiGua 1100 WoL online
GSL World Championship 2011 Preliminaries Asia Ro4 hide (2)
1063 xiaOt CN P 2–0 T TH RedArchon 1183 WoL online
1254 Sen TW Z 2–1 Z CN XiGua 1082 WoL online
GSL World Championship 2011 Preliminaries Asia Final hide (1)
993 xiaOt CN P 1–2 Z TW Sen 1315 WoL online Invitational 2 Winners' Bracket Ro64 hide (26)
1241 mOoNan KR T 2–0 P US RockEr WoL online
1114 PhiliBiRD US T 0–2 T PA CocoA 951 WoL online
936 Ryze CA Z 2–1 P US Gatored 949 WoL online
1269 Bubbles US P 0–2 Z CA SLusH 1159 WoL online
988 Pokebunny US T 0–2 T UA Kas 1499 WoL online
982 Syck DE Z 0–2 P CA Antimage 868 WoL online
1075 Attero CA P 2–0 T DE GoOdy 1236 WoL online
908 desRow CA P 0–2 T US NGry 1035 WoL online
979 Axslav US P 1–2 P PL MaNa 1188 WoL online
Warden CA T 2–0 P CA Hasuu 979 WoL online
1020 StrifeCro US Z 0–2 T UA Strelok 1390 WoL online
1028 ThisIsJimmy US T 1–2 P US Minigun 1180 WoL online
1201 drewbie CA T 2–0 P US rsvp 996 WoL online
1489 IdrA US Z 2–0 Z US Mass 979 WoL online
999 zerker CA Z 0–2 P DE HasuObs 1317 WoL online
1279 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 P US Flashback 977 WoL online
933 Destiny US Z 2–1 P CA GouGe WoL online
1256 ClouD IT T 2–1 P US CrunCher 1139 WoL online
1233 Stalife CA T 0–2 P DE Socke 1419 WoL online
1026 Kyhol CA T 0–2 T US avilo 1053 WoL online
1274 OpTiKzErO CA P 2–1 Z CA FireZerg 976 WoL online
915 Rookie US T 0–2 T US NamhciR 1106 WoL online
1011 Capoch AR P 2–0 P US Future 946 WoL online
942 legosu CA P 2–0 Z US MasterAsia 1010 WoL online
973 DeeMo US T 0–2 Z MX wzp 1023 WoL online
BALLERTRON CA T 1–2 P CA Time 951 WoL online Invitational 2 Winners' Bracket Ro32 hide (16)
1307 mOoNan KR T 2–1 T PA CocoA 951 WoL online
918 Ryze CA Z 0–2 Z CA SLusH 1127 WoL online
1496 Kas UA T 2–0 P CA Antimage 851 WoL online
1075 Attero CA P 2–1 T US NGry 1035 WoL online
1367 MaNa PL P 2–0 T CA Warden WoL online
1353 Strelok UA T 0–2 P US Minigun 1180 WoL online
1201 drewbie CA T 2–1 P CA legosu 942 WoL online
1489 IdrA US Z 2–0 Z MX wzp 1023 WoL online
1308 HasuObs DE P 2–1 P US iNkA 1182 WoL online
1230 Brat_OK RU T 2–1 Z US Destiny 895 WoL online
951 Time CA P 0–2 T IT ClouD 1256 WoL online
1419 Socke DE P 2–0 T US avilo 922 WoL online
1174 iNSoLeNCE DE P 1–2 P CA OpTiKzErO 1173 WoL online
1099 NamhciR US T 2–1 P AR Capoch 1027 WoL online
1110 DarKFoRcE DE Z 2–0 Z PE CatZ 988 WoL online
1078 Gretorp US T 2–0 R US DanTe 974 WoL online Invitational 2 Winners' Bracket Ro16 hide (8)
1251 mOoNan KR T 2–1 Z CA SLusH 1191 WoL online
1496 Kas UA T 1–2 P CA Attero 1075 WoL online
1256 ClouD IT T 1–2 P DE Socke 1419 WoL online
1074 Gretorp US T 1–2 Z DE DarKFoRcE 1199 WoL online
1233 OpTiKzErO CA P 1–2 T US NamhciR 1099 WoL online
1383 HasuObs DE P 1–2 T RU Brat_OK 1279 WoL online
1188 MaNa PL P 1–2 P US Minigun 1096 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 1 hide (10)
RockEr US P 0–2 T US PhiliBiRD 1099 WoL online
958 Gatored US P 0–2 P US Bubbles 1331 WoL online
1236 GoOdy DE T 2–0 P CA desRow 908 WoL online
979 Axslav US P 2–0 P CA Hasuu 967 WoL online
1020 StrifeCro US Z 2–0 T US ThisIsJimmy 1036 WoL online
990 rsvp US P 2–1 Z US MasterAsia 1010 WoL online
999 zerker CA Z 0–2 P US NonY 1180 WoL online
1049 Flashback US P 2–0 P CA GouGe WoL online
BALLERTRON CA T 0–2 P US CrunCher 1139 WoL online
994 Rookie US T 1–2 P US Future 849 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 2 hide (11)
974 DanTe US R 1–2 P US Bubbles 1315 WoL online
1027 Capoch AR P 2–1 T US Pokebunny 1060 WoL online
1094 iNSoLeNCE DE P 2–1 T DE GoOdy 1236 WoL online
922 avilo US T 1–2 P US Axslav 1301 WoL online
1001 Time CA P 1–2 Z US StrifeCro 1100 WoL online
933 Destiny US Z 0–2 P US rsvp 990 WoL online
1023 wzp MX Z 2–0 P US NonY 1180 WoL online
942 legosu CA P 2–0 P US Flashback 1049 WoL online
Warden CA T 1–2 T CA Stalife 1089 WoL online
1074 NGry US T 2–0 Z CA FireZerg 999 WoL online
911 Antimage CA P 2–1 P US Future 946 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 3 hide (7)
1011 Capoch AR P 1–2 P DE iNSoLeNCE 1174 WoL online
1055 Axslav US P 1–2 Z US StrifeCro 1100 WoL online
990 rsvp US P 1–2 Z US Mass 979 WoL online
1023 wzp MX Z 1–2 P CA legosu 942 WoL online
1139 CrunCher US P 2–0 T CA Stalife 1233 WoL online
1035 NGry US T 1–2 P CA Antimage 851 WoL online
898 Ryze CA Z 1–2 T PA CocoA 1002 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 4 hide (5)
1256 ClouD IT T 1–2 P DE iNSoLeNCE 1094 WoL online
1274 OpTiKzErO CA P 1–2 Z US StrifeCro 1100 WoL online
1159 SLusH CA Z 0–2 P CA legosu 942 WoL online
1496 Kas UA T 0–2 P US CrunCher 1139 WoL online
1420 drewbie CA T 2–0 T PA CocoA 951 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 5 hide (3)
1331 Bubbles US P 2–1 P DE iNSoLeNCE 1174 WoL online
1002 StrifeCro US Z 2–0 Z US Mass 979 WoL online Invitational 2 Losers' Bracket Round 6 hide (4)
1307 mOoNan KR T 0–2 T CA drewbie 1420 WoL online
1230 Brat_OK RU T 2–0 Z US StrifeCro 1020 WoL online
1067 DarKFoRcE DE Z 2–0 P US Bubbles 1269 WoL online
1366 IdrA US Z 2–1 P US CrunCher 1081 WoL online
Showmatch Creativity vs Insanity hide (1)
1456 TLO DE Z 3–0 Z PE CatZ 988 WoL online Invite #2 (TLPD) hide
979 Axslav US P 2–0 P CA Hasuu 967 WoL online

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