StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to ARze's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

50.27% (93/185)
1040 ± 160
53.73% (36/67)
1046 ± 226
46.88% (15/32)
1020 ± 226
48.84% (42/86)
1054 ± 226
1040 ± 160
1046 ± 226
1020 ± 226
1054 ± 226
All 1109 ± 152 on Feb. 19, 2014
vP 1115 ± 215 on Feb. 19, 2014
vT 1090 ± 221 on Feb. 19, 2014
vZ 1122 ± 221 on Feb. 19, 2014
Race Protoss
Country Australia
Full name Yang Wong
First match May 19, 2013
Last match June 28, 2014
Total earnings $46
Matches played 87 (19.54% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 5260

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
06/28/2014 1029 ARze AU P 0–1 Z AU Arrival 764 HotS offline
06/28/2014 1029 ARze AU P 2–0 Z AU ToxicTiger 988 HotS offline
06/28/2014 1049 ARze AU P 0–2 T AU StoicWilly 1005 HotS offline
04/27/2014 1069 ARze AU P 1–2 Z AU Kez 798 HotS online
04/27/2014 1069 ARze AU P 2–1 Z AU Zenabi 800 HotS online
04/27/2014 1069 ARze AU P 0–2 Z AU Wally 1007 HotS online
03/29/2014 1122 ARze AU P 0–2 Z AU Petrify 1171 HotS online
03/29/2014 1090 ARze AU P 2–0 T AU Seanybops HotS online
03/29/2014 1122 ARze AU P 0–2 Z UK Fenner 1242 HotS online
03/29/2014 1122 ARze AU P 2–0 Z NZ FLuX 871 HotS online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
Silicon Sports Aug. 7, 2013 no