StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to InSTinK's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

27.27% (6/22)
910 ± 160
25.00% (2/8)
864 ± 226
28.57% (2/7)
932 ± 226
28.57% (2/7)
934 ± 226
910 ± 160
864 ± 226
932 ± 226
934 ± 226
All 1004 ± 117 (#637) on March 21, 2012
vP 981 ± 167 (#None) on March 21, 2012
vT 1026 ± 226 on March 20, 2013
vZ 1016 ± 193 (#646) on July 10, 2013
Race Terran
Country Canada
Full name Francis Dufresne
Team nocturnal Gamers
First match March 18, 2012
Last match March 1, 2014
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 5055

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
03/01/2014 993 InSTinK CA T 0–2 T CA ShuriKn 1052 HotS offline
03/01/2014 993 InSTinK CA T 0–2 T CA MaSa 1510 HotS offline
07/28/2013 1016 InSTinK CA Z 0–3 Z CA hendralisk 1558 HotS online
06/15/2013 981 InSTinK CA Z 0–2 P CA desRow 943 HotS offline
06/15/2013 1004 InSTinK CA Z 2–0 Z CA Sampro 883 HotS offline
06/15/2013 1004 InSTinK CA Z 0–2 Z CA Jig 1328 HotS offline
03/18/2012 InSTinK CA Z 2–1 T CA zepish WoL online
03/18/2012 InSTinK CA Z 0–2 P CA Attero 1048 WoL offline
03/18/2012 InSTinK CA Z 0–2 P CA KiWiKaKi 1222 WoL offline
03/18/2012 InSTinK CA Z 2–0 P CA CrissDeQc WoL offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
nocturnal Gamers yes
Boreal eSports no