StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


nocturnal Gamers

nocturnal Gamers
Short name nG
Players 25 (6 , 9 , 10 )
Rank #50 All-Kill
Total earnings $9,251
Offline matches 25.38%

Active roster

nocturnal Gamers has 1 player who has played a rated game within the last two months.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 US Z TheGiantNome 838 801 901 813

Inactive roster

nocturnal Gamers has 24 players who have been temporarily removed from the ranking due to inactivity.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 CA Z Jig 1700 1708 1501 1890
2 CA T Sottorks 1580 1595 1460 1684
3 CA P Vlare 1059 1052 1045 1080
4 CA P SpiZe 1042 1028 1064 1036
5 CA Z CrBox 1018 1020 1089 944
6 CA Z Rogue 1015 973 1037 1034
7 CA Z Xion 1013 969 1044 1026
8 DE T Term 1007 935 1097 988
9 CA T ConfusedGoat 990 990 990 990
10 CA Z ZenedoR 989 955 948 1066
11 US Z Geeden 985 929 1012 1015
12 CA T WillyStrike 953 953 953 953
13 CA T Warshop 945 948 945 941
14 CA T ShuriKn 942 976 999 852
15 CA T zepish 931 984 841 966
16 CA Z DieZacro 920 933 1001 826
17 CA P MikeRoss 917 808 910 1032
18 CA T InSTinK 910 864 932 934
19 CA Z Tiger 825 853 769 854
20 CA T FiNiTioN 799 774 862 761
21 CA P PraetorFenix 780 765 894 680
22 CA Z Zode 774 779 846 696
23 CA P Spynol 767 877 801 623
24 CA P HazikaN 701 680 704 719

Past members

Name Joined Left
CA Z Cereal Sept. 1, 2022
CA R SacDeFromage Nov. 30, 2018
CA Z Jig May 6, 2017
CA P MikeRoss March 17, 2017
CA P DeathEnD
CA P desRow
US Z Ophidian