StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to zepish's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

45.12% (37/82)
931 ± 160
50.00% (15/30)
984 ± 226
28.00% (7/25)
841 ± 226
52.00% (13/25)
966 ± 226
931 ± 160
984 ± 226
841 ± 226
966 ± 226
All 1051 ± 160 on May 29, 2013
vP 1029 ± 226 on May 29, 2013
vT 1061 ± 226 on May 29, 2013
vZ 1063 ± 226 on May 29, 2013
Race Terran
Country Canada
Full name Jean-Michel Giroux
Team nocturnal Gamers
First match March 18, 2012
Last match Sept. 3, 2016
Total earnings $79
Matches played 43 (86.05% offline)
MC number 3
Aligulac ID 5054

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
09/03/2016 972 zepish CA T 0–1 Z US PandaBearMe 1541 LotV online
08/13/2016 905 zepish CA T 0–1 P US printf 1002 LotV offline
08/13/2016 920 zepish CA T 1–0 Z Goldenchild LotV offline
08/13/2016 874 zepish CA T 0–2 T US Raze 1364 LotV offline
08/13/2016 905 zepish CA T 1–0 P CA BlaCkSnoW LotV offline
08/13/2016 874 zepish CA T 0–1 T CA Sottorks 1048 LotV offline
08/13/2016 905 zepish CA T 1–0 P CA EnderSword 599 LotV offline
08/13/2016 905 zepish CA T 1–0 P CA PraetorFenix 914 LotV offline
08/13/2016 905 zepish CA T 1–0 P Sooge 1022 LotV offline
08/13/2016 874 zepish CA T 0–1 T KR EJK 1316 LotV offline

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
nocturnal Gamers yes