StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


NeosHagGy Summary Rating history Match history Earnings Adjustments

30.82% (225/730)
27.57% (75/272)
38.58% (76/197)
26.67% (68/255)

The above is code that can be used in posts on

Under these filters, NeosHagGy is 225–505 (30.82%) in games and 98–246 (28.49%) in matches.

Ursasaurus Cup #3 Main Event hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #220 hide
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Copa Hyperion #50 hide
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Copa Hyperion #48 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #135 hide
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TSL #9 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #127 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #132 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #126 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #131 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #123 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #130 hide
05/13/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P MX Pacomike LotV online
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ESL Pro Tour 2022/23 DH SC2 Masters 2022 Valencia Regionals Latin America hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #121 hide
05/02/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P US Hupsaiya LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #129 hide
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Enki Open Alpha X #1 hide
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Copa Hyperion #41 hide
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Copa Hyperion #38 hide
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Team Gosu Brawl hide
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Sentimiento Latino #123 hide
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Copa Hyperion #36 hide
01/28/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P BR MasTeR LotV online
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Sentimiento Latino #122 hide
01/21/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 1–2 P PE XionS LotV online
Copa Hyperion #35 hide
01/14/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 1–2 Z MX JimRising LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #105 hide
01/10/2022 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z AU PiG LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #104 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #103 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #102 hide
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ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Last Chance hide
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Copa Hyperion #34 hide
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Copa Hyperion #33 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #99 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #98 hide
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Copa Hyperion #32 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #120 hide
11/12/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z BR TheZergLord LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #95 hide
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The NA Apprentice 2021 Season 5 hide
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FilthyRake's WoL Brawl hide
11/06/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z UA Bly WoL online
Copa Hyperion #31 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #73 hide
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TSL #8 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #93 hide
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Copa Hyperion #30 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #118 hide
10/15/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 1–2 P BR FATE LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #70 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #69 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #90 hide
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ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Winter Latin America hide
09/22/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z BO RyoGin LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #89 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #116 hide
09/17/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z PE Ryu LotV online
09/17/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 2–0 T MX Alanreyflo LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #88 hide
09/13/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 T KR GuMiho LotV online
Copa Hyperion #28 hide
09/10/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P PE XionS LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #87 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #86 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #85 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #66 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #114 hide
08/20/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 P PE XionS LotV online
SC2Online Battle of the Americas #65 hide
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Copa Hyperion #26 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #113 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #82 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #63 hide
07/31/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 T PE tavo LotV online
Copa Hyperion #25 hide
07/30/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 T MX Sinner LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2021/22 DH SC2 Masters 2021 Fall Latin America hide
07/23/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 T MX RoRro LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #80 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #62 hide
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Copa Hyperion #24 hide
07/16/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z PE Ryu LotV online
07/16/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 2–1 P PE NikoBaby LotV online
Sentimiento Latino #112 hide
07/09/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z PE Ryu LotV online
ESL Open Cup Americas #78 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #77 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #59 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #76 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #58 hide
06/19/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 1–2 P US Slayer LotV online
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Copa Hyperion #22 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #110 hide
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eXoN Cup Open #41 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #74 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #56 hide
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Copa Hyperion #21 hide
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eXoN Cup Open #40 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #109 hide
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eXoN Cup Open #39 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #108 hide
04/30/2021 NeosHagGy PE Z 0–2 Z MX JimRising LotV online
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ESL Open Cup Americas #68 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #107 hide
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ESL Open Cup Europe #66 hide
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eXoN Cup Open #33 hide
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eXoN Cup Open #32 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #64 hide
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Bond Open Cup #2 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #62 hide
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Sentimiento Latino #104 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #60 hide
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SC2Online Battle of the Americas #46 hide
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Copa Hyperion #14 hide
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ESL Open Cup Americas #52 hide
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