StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Due to aconcises's lack of recent games, they have been marked as inactive and removed from the current rating list. Once they play a rated game they will be reinstated.

37.91% (138/364)
829 ± 160
37.97% (30/79)
819 ± 226
43.66% (31/71)
905 ± 226
33.50% (69/206)
764 ± 226
829 ± 160
819 ± 226
905 ± 226
764 ± 226
All 1029 ± 160 (#471) on July 3, 2019
vP 964 ± 196 (#1154) on May 2, 2012
vT 1109 ± 202 (#322) on Oct. 12, 2016
vZ 1059 ± 226 on March 28, 2018
Race Terran
Country Australia
AKA Afhrait
First match April 15, 2012
Last match Nov. 13, 2022
Total earnings $260
Matches played 160 (25.62% offline)
MC number 2
Aligulac ID 12856

Most recent results

Date Rating Player A Score Player B Rating
11/13/2022 821 aconcises AU T 0–2 Z NZ MightyKiwi 1376 LotV online
11/13/2022 812 aconcises AU T 2–0 P AU AusProtoss 745 LotV online
11/13/2022 940 aconcises AU T 2–1 T AU AsherBro 829 LotV online
11/13/2022 821 aconcises AU T 0–2 Z AU Alopex 1321 LotV online
11/12/2022 812 aconcises AU T 0–2 P AU Sepheron 1037 LotV online
11/12/2022 940 aconcises AU T 0–2 T AU RunaMoK 1325 LotV online
11/12/2022 812 aconcises AU T 2–0 P AU saundo 976 LotV online
10/02/2022 963 aconcises AU T 1–2 T AU Faz 877 LotV online
10/02/2022 842 aconcises AU T 0–2 Z AU Peppy 1448 LotV online
09/16/2022 851 aconcises AU T 0–2 Z AU Oreo 1708 LotV online

Team history

Team Joined Left Current
1F Pro Gaming May 13, 2017 March 1, 2018 no