StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions



Streamerzone was founded on Oct. 1, 2024.

Short name SZ
Founded Oct. 1, 2024
Players 5 (3 , 2 )
Top 5 rating 2231
Rank #10 All-Kill
#1 Rating
Total earnings $107,183
Offline matches 3.74%

Active roster

Streamerzone has 5 players who have played a rated game within the last two months.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 KR P NightMare 2857 2732 3063 2776
2 PL P Gerald 2430 2493 2329 2467
3 DE P ForJumy 2345 2356 2303 2375
4 IT T BabyMarine 1848 1853 1792 1900
5 KR T QuanTa 1676 1638 1721 1670