StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Unidos por el Vicio

Unidos por el Vicio was founded on July 1, 2016.

Unidos por el Vicio
Short name UV
Founded July 1, 2016
Players 28 (14 , 3 , 11 )
Rank #41 All-Kill
Total earnings $1,720
Offline matches 4.14%

Active roster

Unidos por el Vicio has 2 players who have played a rated game within the last two months.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 BO Z RyoGin 1259 1320 1277 1180
2 CR T elwither 941 934 920 970

Inactive roster

Unidos por el Vicio has 26 players who have been temporarily removed from the ranking due to inactivity.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 US Z CalebAracous 1438 1393 1486 1436
2 CU Z InMoLaTioNs 1346 1396 1255 1387
3 CL Z Loki 1127 1142 1100 1139
4 MX P Valhalla 1051 968 1174 1012
5 MX P Avenger 1040 1039 1058 1024
6 EC P Marrows 1036 1040 1036 1032
7 PE Z Razza 1016 1116 1113 819
8 US Z Sasori 1002 1039 987 981
9 PE P Everness 997 1040 1015 935
10 CL Z kvothe 994 983 1040 959
11 CL P Saggy 984 988 984 980
12 CL T Radstok 980 980 980 980
13 PE P Lionel 972 972 972 972
14 PE P Løgan 971 971 971 971
15 EC P KevinECU 968 968 968 968
16 PE P Shalko 967 970 967 963
17 MX P LBlanc 953 924 958 978
18 MX Z santyboongy 937 944 929 937
19 PE Z Snizy 934 934 934 934
20 MX T WhiteIdra 931 996 907 890
21 PE P ArroW 918 922 908 924
22 MX P blackdead 911 911 911 911
23 EC Z gutyEC 897 939 935 818
24 MX Z PicudoCDMX 890 885 931 854
25 CL P Tailon 860 861 867 852
26 PE P NikoBaby 857 837 861 872

Past members

Name Joined Left
CA P Lightning Sept. 1, 2022 Jan. 31, 2023
PE P XionS June 21, 2021 May 2, 2022
US T Eurystheus Jan. 16, 2022 April 16, 2022
PE T tavo Aug. 5, 2021 March 25, 2022
US P Rhizer Jan. 7, 2022 March 21, 2022
US Z Raiden Jan. 31, 2022 Feb. 28, 2022
PE Z BLord Aug. 20, 2020 Jan. 31, 2022
PE T kaozfate Oct. 1, 2021 Nov. 30, 2021
CL P sUb Aug. 16, 2021 Oct. 1, 2021
CU Z InMoLaTioNs Oct. 25, 2020 Dec. 31, 2020