StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Hasu Players

Hasu Players was founded on March 30, 2018.

Hasu Players
Short name Hasu
Founded March 30, 2018
Players 21 (7 , 6 , 7 )
Rank #34 All-Kill
Total earnings $2,605
Offline matches 0.44%
External LP

Active roster

Hasu Players has 2 players who have played a rated game within the last two months.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 RU P Tiger 1421 1281 1480 1502
2 UA P Gref 1230 1377 1061 1251

Inactive roster

Hasu Players has 19 players who have been temporarily removed from the ranking due to inactivity.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 RU R Kinpach 1290 1350 1248 1271
2 UA T ExE 1197 1216 1159 1216
3 RU T karaks 1142 1077 1124 1226
4 RU T Elestrago 1111 1071 1155 1108
5 LT Z Pizarro 1041 1006 1002 1114
6 RU P removeprotos 1026 1027 1068 984
7 RU Z StevySlava 1020 1016 1023 1020
8 RU T CadoEverto 1000 983 1013 1002
9 KZ T ProXy 993 971 993 1015
10 RU Z Quaker 987 994 987 980
11 RU T BigBrother 987 987 987 987
12 UA Z BravO 984 984 997 971
13 RU P Darkest 967 923 989 989
14 RU P TopSpecnaz 908 928 880 915
15 UA Z BatGrok 891 900 891 881
16 RU P Knazovv 864 767 973 853
17 KZ P Upakowka 848 926 823 797
18 KZ Z GLADIATOR 844 828 850 853
19 RU Z Kazim 737 650 790 769

Past members

Name Joined Left
RU P MindelVK June 1, 2022
RU T Nicoract April 27, 2019 Oct. 13, 2021
RU T Arctur May 7, 2019 May 17, 2020
UA Z Minatoeh May 20, 2019 Jan. 14, 2020
RU P GeNieS May 23, 2019 Nov. 19, 2019
UA T JEROS Nov. 8, 2019
RU P GrimReaper May 23, 2019 Oct. 11, 2019