StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Nuit Blanche

Nuit Blanche was founded on Nov. 1, 1996.

Nuit Blanche
Short name nB
Founded Nov. 1, 1996
Players 7 (1 , 5 , 1 )
Rank #44 All-Kill
Total earnings $72
Offline matches 27.06%
External Homepage LP

Active roster

Nuit Blanche has 1 player who has played a rated game within the last two months.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 FR T NSky 950 952 1009 888

Inactive roster

Nuit Blanche has 6 players who have been temporarily removed from the ranking due to inactivity.

# Name Rating vP vT vZ
1 FR Z ZBelin 1268 1150 1433 1222
2 FR T Imre 1001 1033 987 982
3 BE T Nesnow 999 1020 967 1011
4 FR T silveR 935 982 978 846
5 FR T Dext 881 860 841 940
6 FR P tomve 831 885 786 824

Past members

Name Joined Left
FR P Lind March 1, 2019
FR P Imotep Feb. 24, 2019
FR Z hinO Feb. 1, 2018 Sept. 30, 2018
FR Z BsK March 19, 2018
FR Z Satsuki March 15, 2018
FR T Algost Feb. 1, 2018
FR Z hinO Nov. 24, 2017
FR Z TravisTanner Aug. 24, 2017
PL T Tocon July 18, 2017
PL Z Damrud March 3, 2015 June 15, 2017
RU P SpellSinger Feb. 2, 2017
PL Z Gremory Nov. 26, 2016
FR P ShaDoWn Oct. 4, 2016
PL P ArT Sept. 22, 2016
RU P SKillous Oct. 2, 2015 July 26, 2016
PL T Basior June 1, 2016
FR P PtitDrogo Oct. 2, 2013 June 29, 2015
CH P FunK Jan. 30, 2015
NO Z Snitchables Sept. 3, 2013 June 6, 2014
FR P Lilbow July 10, 2013 Jan. 22, 2014
FR T Laukyo May 28, 2013 July 10, 2013
FR T Abbadon Oct. 12, 2016
UK Z Aicy
FI T Akke
BE P Ares
FR T AureS
FR Z Dylayn
CH Z Elroye
PL T funkay Oct. 2, 2013
FR T Gartok
PL P Indy Dec. 17, 2013
UK Z JonnyREcco Jan. 23, 2016
FR Z Killuan
SE P Loki
SE Z Lunar
AT P MeisterEder
FR T MekTypro
SE T MonstR
FR T MouLou
FR Z SoulSpirit Oct. 12, 2016
FR P Spencer
FR T Sun
DE T teNu May 28, 2013
FR P Tomahawk