StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates July 17, 2010 to March 31, 2014
Game version Wings of Liberty
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $1,200
Players 53
Games 134
Matches 50
PvT 14–11 (56.00%)
PvZ 24–27 (47.06%)
TvZ 8–15 (34.78%)
Mirrors 14 PvP, 10 TvT, 11 ZvZ
Fnatic EIZO Showmatch hide (6)
03/31/2014 Miniraser SE Z 3–4 P FR Lilbow HotS online
03/02/2014 hellokitty US P 2–4 Z US Guitarcheese HotS online
01/27/2014 Harstem NL P 4–0 T UA Strelok HotS online
12/23/2013 Ignite DK P 0–4 Z CA Kane HotS online
11/24/2013 Naama FI T 2–4 T SE MorroW HotS online
10/28/2013 Zanster SE Z 4–1 T DE HeRoMaRinE HotS online
Fnatic Showmatch hide (4)
01/10/2014 Harstem NL P 5–0 Z NZ Petraeus HotS online
01/09/2014 Kas UA T 2–5 Z SE Miniraser HotS online
01/07/2014 Kas UA T 5–0 P NL Harstem HotS online
10/09/2013 Harstem NL P 3–0 Z TW FLY HotS online
Fnatic RaidCall Battle Royale - EG vs. Fnatic hide (8)
09/09/2012 Naama FI T 1–0 T UK DeMusliM WoL online
09/09/2012 Naama FI T 0–1 T KR PuMa WoL online
09/09/2012 PuMa KR T 0–1 Z KR Luvsic WoL online
09/09/2012 Luvsic KR Z 0–1 P KR JYP WoL online
09/09/2012 JYP KR P 0–1 Z KR Moon WoL online
09/09/2012 Moon KR Z 1–0 T SE ThorZaIN WoL online
09/09/2012 Moon KR Z 0–1 Z US IdrA WoL online
09/09/2012 IdrA US Z 0–1 T KR Rain WoL online
Fnatic Raidcall Open 2 hide (9)
07/06/2012 Daisy KR P 2–0 P DE Tarrantius WoL online
07/06/2012 sYz PT Z 2–0 Z RO DeathAngel WoL online
07/06/2012 sYz PT Z 1–2 P RU Siw WoL online
07/06/2012 sYz PT Z 2–0 P DE Tarrantius WoL online
07/06/2012 Siw RU P 3–2 P KR Daisy WoL online
07/05/2012 Daisy KR P 2–1 Z SE Cytoplasm WoL online
07/05/2012 Tarrantius DE P 2–0 T US TriMaster WoL online
07/05/2012 sYz PT Z 1–0 P DE Wilko WoL online
07/05/2012 DeathAngel RO Z 1–0 Z UA White WoL online
Fnatic Raidcall Open 1 hide (15)
04/25/2012 Cytoplasm SE Z 2–0 P RU Siw WoL online
04/25/2012 White UA Z 2–0 Z RU Abver WoL online
04/25/2012 Abver RU Z 2–0 P RU Siw WoL online
04/25/2012 Cytoplasm SE Z 3–2 Z UA White WoL online
04/24/2012 White UA Z 2–0 P KR ReaL WoL online
04/24/2012 Turuk RU T 2–0 T PE Fenix WoL online
04/24/2012 White UA Z 2–0 T RU Turuk WoL online
04/24/2012 Abver RU Z 2–0 T FI Magik WoL online
04/24/2012 Pomi RU P 2–0 Z UA Vasilisk WoL online
04/24/2012 Abver RU Z 2–0 P RU Pomi WoL online
04/24/2012 Welmu FI P 2–0 P KR xSilence WoL online
04/24/2012 Cytoplasm SE Z 2–1 P FI Welmu WoL online
04/24/2012 Ptereks RU P 1–2 P RU KingCobra WoL online
04/24/2012 Siw RU P 2–0 Z DE Akki WoL online
04/24/2012 Siw RU P 2–0 P RU KingCobra WoL online
Fnatic Showmatch vs mouz #2 hide (3)
09/16/2010 KawaiiRice US T 1–2 P DE HasuObs WoL online
09/16/2010 LucifroN ES T 1–2 P PL MaNa WoL online
09/16/2010 TT1 CA P 0–2 T SE MorroW WoL online
Fnatic Showmatch vs mouz #1 hide (5)
07/17/2010 Fenix PE T 0–2 P UA White-Ra WoL online
07/17/2010 funkay PL T 2–0 Z DE Kolll WoL online
07/17/2010 Moutas GR Z 0–2 T UA Strelok WoL online
07/17/2010 KawaiiRice US T 0–2 P PL MaNa WoL online
07/17/2010 TT1 CA P 0–2 T SE MorroW WoL online

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