StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Oct. 7, 2024 to Feb. 17, 2025
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Prizepool $7,600
Players 146
Games 1189
Matches 523
PvT 143–132 (52.00%)
PvZ 189–140 (57.45%)
TvZ 77–84 (47.83%)
Mirrors 256 PvP, 76 TvT, 61 ZvZ
PiGosaur Cup #19 Finals hide (1)
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PiGosaur Cup #19 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #19 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #19 Ro32 hide (14)
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PiGosaur Cup #19 Ro64 hide (3)
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PiGosaur Cup #18 Finals hide (1)
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PiGosaur Cup #18 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #18 Ro8 hide (4)
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PiGosaur Cup #18 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #18 Ro32 hide (14)
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PiGosaur Cup #17 Finals hide (1)
02/03/2025 herO KR P 3–1 P PL Gerald LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #17 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #17 Ro8 hide (4)
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PiGosaur Cup #17 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #17 Ro32 hide (10)
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PiGosaur Cup #16 Finals hide (1)
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PiGosaur Cup #16 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #16 Ro8 hide (4)
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PiGosaur Cup #16 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #16 Ro32 hide (10)
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PiGosaur Cup #15 Finals hide (1)
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PiGosaur Cup #15 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #15 Ro8 hide (4)
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PiGosaur Cup #15 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #15 Ro32 hide (9)
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PiGosaur Cup #14 Finals hide (1)
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PiGosaur Cup #14 Ro4 hide (2)
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PiGosaur Cup #14 Ro8 hide (4)
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PiGosaur Cup #14 Ro16 hide (8)
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PiGosaur Cup #14 Ro32 hide (12)
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PiGosaur Cup #13 Finals hide (1)
12/30/2024 MaxPax DK P 3–1 P KR herO LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #13 Ro4 hide (2)
12/30/2024 herO KR P 2–1 P US Astrea LotV online
12/30/2024 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T KR Cure LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #13 Ro8 hide (4)
12/30/2024 Dark KR Z 1–2 P US Astrea LotV online
12/30/2024 herO KR P 2–0 P KR Zoun LotV online
12/30/2024 SHIN KR Z 1–2 T KR Cure LotV online
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PiGosaur Cup #13 Ro16 hide (8)
12/30/2024 Astrea US P 2–0 T KR Percival LotV online
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12/30/2024 MaxPax DK P 2–0 P PE Mute LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #13 Ro32 hide (8)
12/30/2024 Percival KR T 2–0 T Volarious LotV online
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12/30/2024 Nicoract RU T 2–0 Z AU zergtanis LotV online
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12/30/2024 Mute PE P 2–0 P US acheron LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #12 Finals hide (1)
12/23/2024 SHIN KR Z 3–0 P CA trigger LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #12 Ro4 hide (2)
12/23/2024 herO KR P 0–2 P CA trigger LotV online
12/23/2024 MaxPax DK P 0–2 Z KR SHIN LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #12 Ro8 hide (4)
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12/23/2024 SHIN KR Z 2–0 P NL boanaan LotV online
12/23/2024 MaxPax DK P 2–0 T RU Nicoract LotV online
PiGosaur Cup #12 Ro16 hide (7)
12/23/2024 trigger CA P 2–0 P AU PiG LotV online
12/23/2024 Dark KR Z 2–0 P RO Truepassion LotV online
12/23/2024 herO KR P 2–0 Z US Soita LotV online
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12/23/2024 Gerald PL P 1–2 T RU Nicoract LotV online
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PiGosaur Cup #12 Ro32 hide (3)
12/23/2024 Soita US Z 2–1 P US EmEf LotV online

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