StarCraft 2 Progaming Statistics and Predictions


Dates Oct. 13, 2023 to Oct. 15, 2023
Game version Legacy of the Void
On-/Offline Online
Players 63
Games 238
Matches 89
PvT 48–48 (50.00%)
PvZ 30–20 (60.00%)
TvZ 19–24 (44.19%)
Mirrors 26 PvP, 11 TvT, 12 ZvZ
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Closed LB Round 2 hide (4)
10/15/2023 Vindicta US T 0–3 P US MCanning LotV online
10/15/2023 Ukko US Z 3–1 T CA Jason LotV online
10/15/2023 Maplez CA P 2–3 T US FoxeR LotV online
10/15/2023 Erik BR Z 3–2 Z US Reaper LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Closed LB Round 1 hide (4)
10/15/2023 MCanning US P 2–1 Z PE Ryu LotV online
10/15/2023 Jason CA T 2–0 P US Rob LotV online
10/15/2023 RockEr US P 1–2 T US FoxeR LotV online
10/15/2023 Reaper US Z 2–1 P US Rhizer LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Closed UB Ro8 hide (4)
10/15/2023 Ukko US Z 0–3 P CA DisK LotV online
10/15/2023 Vindicta US T 2–3 T US Dolan LotV online
10/15/2023 Nina US P 3–0 Z BR Erik LotV online
10/15/2023 eGGz CO Z 3–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Closed UB Ro16 hide (8)
10/15/2023 RockEr US P 0–2 P CA DisK LotV online
10/15/2023 Ukko US Z 2–1 T US FoxeR LotV online
10/15/2023 Reaper US Z 0–2 T US Dolan LotV online
10/15/2023 Vindicta US T 2–0 P US Rhizer LotV online
10/15/2023 MCanning US P 0–2 Z BR Erik LotV online
10/15/2023 Nina US P 2–0 Z PE Ryu LotV online
10/15/2023 Jason CA T 1–2 P CA Maplez LotV online
10/15/2023 eGGz CO Z 2–0 P US Rob LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #2 Ro8 hide (4)
10/14/2023 Epic US T 2–3 P US MCanning LotV online
10/14/2023 Rhizer US P 2–3 P US Rob LotV online
10/14/2023 Pacomike MX P 1–3 P US RockEr LotV online
10/14/2023 Ryu PE Z 3–0 T US WhosSly LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #2 Ro16 hide (8)
10/14/2023 tavo PE T 0–2 P US MCanning LotV online
10/14/2023 Epic US T 2–0 Z CA Steadfast LotV online
10/14/2023 UpATree CA T 0–2 P US Rob LotV online
10/14/2023 Rhizer US P 2–0 T PE Fuego LotV online
10/14/2023 Bioice CA Z 0–2 P US RockEr LotV online
10/14/2023 Pacomike MX P 2–0 T US Cuddlebear LotV online
10/14/2023 WhosSly US T 2–1 Z CR EON LotV online
10/14/2023 Ryu PE Z 2–1 Z US WarreN LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #2 Ro32 hide (15)
10/14/2023 Epic US T 2–0 Z BR Dorminhoco LotV online
10/14/2023 DisReSpeCT US T 1–2 P MX Pacomike LotV online
10/14/2023 Hunta US Z 0–2 P US MCanning LotV online
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10/14/2023 UpATree CA T 2–0 P US RayReign LotV online
10/14/2023 Aniketosmav US P 0–2 T PE Fuego LotV online
10/14/2023 Rhizer US P 2–1 T CA THERIDDLER LotV online
10/14/2023 XingMing CN P 1–2 P US RockEr LotV online
10/14/2023 SpiffyBee CA T 0–2 Z CA Bioice LotV online
10/14/2023 Cuddlebear US T 2–1 P US Ruiyichi LotV online
10/14/2023 EON CR Z 2–1 P PE Agressif LotV online
10/14/2023 WhosSly US T 2–1 P BR MasTeR LotV online
10/14/2023 WarreN US Z 2–0 T US Patches LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #2 Ro64 hide (9)
10/14/2023 XingMing CN P 2–0 T CA alexsey LotV online
10/14/2023 Pacomike MX P 2–1 T US Kozan LotV online
10/14/2023 Hunta US Z 2–0 Z US Ezreal LotV online
10/14/2023 Alkirice CL T 2–0 P US aminmotors LotV online
10/14/2023 Dorminhoco BR Z 2–0 T US Senna LotV online
10/14/2023 Rob US P 2–1 T CA MogarFNSMASH LotV online
10/14/2023 XenoDactyl US P 0–2 T CA THERIDDLER LotV online
10/14/2023 Harimang US Z 0–2 Z CR EON LotV online
10/14/2023 Eurystheus US T 0–2 T BR KamiKaze LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #1 Ro8 hide (4)
10/13/2023 Reaper US Z 3–2 P US MCanning LotV online
10/13/2023 Jason CA T 3–2 P CN XingMing LotV online
10/13/2023 FoxeR US T 3–0 P US Rhizer LotV online
10/13/2023 Maplez CA P 3–0 T US Epic LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #1 Ro16 hide (8)
10/13/2023 Cuddlebear US T 1–2 P US MCanning LotV online
10/13/2023 DisReSpeCT US T 0–2 Z US Reaper LotV online
10/13/2023 UpATree CA T 1–2 P CN XingMing LotV online
10/13/2023 Jason CA T 2–0 P BR MasTeR LotV online
10/13/2023 INexorable BR T 1–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
10/13/2023 FoxeR US T 2–1 Z US Meowerdoom LotV online
10/13/2023 Dorminhoco BR Z 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
10/13/2023 Maplez CA P 2–0 P US RayReign LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #1 Ro32 hide (14)
10/13/2023 Voltz US P 1–2 P US MCanning LotV online
10/13/2023 Cuddlebear US T 2–0 T US Vman LotV online
10/13/2023 DisReSpeCT US T 2–0 P MX Pacomike LotV online
10/13/2023 XingMing CN P 2–1 P US RockEr LotV online
10/13/2023 UpATree CA T 2–0 T US Senna LotV online
10/13/2023 MasTeR BR P 2–0 Z CA Bioice LotV online
10/13/2023 Jason CA T 2–0 Z CR EON LotV online
10/13/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 0–2 P US Rhizer LotV online
10/13/2023 INexorable BR T 2–0 Z US Harimang LotV online
10/13/2023 SewerBadger US P 0–2 Z US Meowerdoom LotV online
10/13/2023 FoxeR US T 2–1 P US TheoRy LotV online
10/13/2023 XenoDactyl US P 0–2 T US Epic LotV online
10/13/2023 Agressif PE P 0–2 Z BR Dorminhoco LotV online
10/13/2023 Maplez CA P 2–0 P US Rob LotV online
ESL Pro Tour 2023/24 SC2 Masters 2023 Winter Regionals Americas Qualifier Open #1 Ro64 hide (7)
10/13/2023 Vitorino BR Z 0–2 P US Voltz LotV online
10/13/2023 Pacomike MX P 2–1 Z CA Albino LotV online
10/13/2023 XingMing CN P 2–0 T CA alexsey LotV online
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10/13/2023 ScrubbleS US Z 2–0 T US Koda LotV online
10/13/2023 Kyboi US Z 0–2 P US TheoRy LotV online
10/13/2023 KamiKaze BR T 1–2 P US Rob LotV online

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